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Hello, i'm looking for a theme for gnome (or emerald) sililar at this: … ineps0.png
as you can see this theme haven't separator for the icon on menu bar, i'm looking for somethigs of similar, can you help me?
Thanks you!
Thats definitely emerald. Not sure of the theme though
edit: I can't spell!
Last edited by heleos (2008-07-31 22:11:24)
Has nothing to do with Gnome (Metacity) or Emerald.
It's a patched version of Murrine GTK Engine, without the toolbar separators, and support for ARGB (transparency).
Ok, i have installed murrine-svn and emerlad have a similar windows decorate, but how i can remove toolbar separators??
Thanks You!
I'ld like to know where to find that patch, I like the waty that looks.
Mine looks like that I think? Unless I'm misunderstanding the request... I'm using 'T-ish-Ubuntulooks' theme
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