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I too have the same problem menus defunct and control center blank etc.
This happened after xorg and qt were upgraded.
I'm now using Fluxbox till a fix arrives.
Can anyone tell us how we can downgrade xorg if at all possible ?
Does removing/renaming /etc/profile.d/ help?
(restart/relog needed).
That file provides default enviroment variables which are some way or another hacked in the KDE and Gnome packages (see their /etc/profile.d/{,} files - these must be also fixed in the future releases // latest repository has a bug in it).
FlySpray task: #1427 (now closed)
:: / my web presence
Did another test....
Performed a pacman -Syu
Performed a clean/fresh install of 0.7 to a test machine......
Then of course pacman'd the xorg server, and kde....
No menus out of the box. Empty.............
Something wierd is afoot............ :?
Dave..................... :!: :?:
Does removing/renaming /etc/profile.d/ help?
(restart/relog needed).That file provides default enviroment variables which are some way or another hacked in the KDE and Gnome packages (see their /etc/profile.d/{,} files - these must be also fixed in the future releases // latest repository has a bug in it).
FlySpray task: #1427 (now closed)
Moving to elsewhere doesnt change anything.. :;-(
Well ... add me to the list .
Have the same problem ... no KDE menue entries, Controllcenter doesn't show modules etc... :? !
Downgrade to xorg 6.7.0 helps? How can i do this?
CU ActionNews
[URL=]My System[/URL] - one click ahead!
Doesn't help. On my clean system... It had no impact either way....
My experiences today on three up-to-date Arch Linux machines supports the view that, as has been noted earlier, xorg 6.8.0 is the culprit behind KDE's odd behavior. It's only with the xorg 6.8.0 upgrade that this problem arose; and after replacing xorg 6.8.0 with xfree86, KDE on all machines is stable and reliable. I haven't been able to check how downgrading xorg works, but it does seem to work for others.
Moving to elsewhere doesnt change anything.. :;-(
Not just moving... but also rebooting...
Does that help?
Oh.. one more thing:
Out of curiosity, what do the following commands show in Konsole:
:: / my web presence
I am having the same problem.
One note: the menu corruption is only for my users.
My root user's KDE menu is uneffected, anyone else?
Noob question: Could it be a permission problem?
I've been following the discussion, and the thought that XOrg is the culprit for all the troubles, but I have to tell you that I upgraded to the new version of XOrg last night and except some initial spinacher clenching when startx produced an error (Forgot to change Keyboard to kbd in xorg.conf) I've had no problems with the KDE menus.
Just thought I'd throw this into the mix...:)
Make some changes to your KDE-Menu and you´ll have the same problems.
I did a reboot, but it did not help. So I moved the file back:
[root@athlon ~]# echo $XDG_DATA_HOME
[root@athlon ~]# echo $XDG_CONFIG_HOME
[root@athlon ~]# echo $XDG_CACHE_HOME
[root@athlon ~]# echo $XDG_DATA_DIRS
[root@athlon ~]# echo $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS
Well i shoiuld notice, that with my system root is also affected.
I deinstalled Xorg 6.8.0 ( pacman -Rdf xorg ) and then installed the old xorg-X11R6.7.0 package from /var/cache/pacman/pkg
But this doesn't solve the problem.... hmm ... at least i haven't done a reboot yet. i should try this....
EDIT: OK reboot didn't change anything. ... KDE menues still missing :? .
CU ActionNews
[URL=]My System[/URL] - one click ahead!
Where is the place where the menuentries are saved? /etc/xdg is empty and /opt/kde/share seems to be uncomplete.
Put this in /etc/profile.d/
export XDG_DATA_HOME=$HOME/.local/share
export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=$HOME/.config
export XDG_CACHE_HOME=$HOME/.cache
if [ -z $XDG_DATA_DIRS ]; then
export XDG_DATA_DIRS=/usr/share
export XDG_DATA_DIRS=/usr/share:$XDG_DATA_DIRS
if [ -z $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS ]; then
export XDG_CONFIG_DIRS=/etc/xdg
Filled as bug #1447
:: / my web presence
Does this really work? I have just installed xfree86 and deleted ~/.kde and ~/.config which works for me.
Hmm.. should work.
Your environment variables showed a bug in that code which lead to the deletion of /opt/kde/share from one of those paths. Gnome didn't function properly (missing icons & so on) some time ago because /opt/gnome/share wasn't in that path also.
Anyhow, the above file has a bug, a serious bug unfortunately.
And I am mostly reposabile for it... because I sugested that piece of code.
(It hasn't been questioned by the maintainer, that's another problem, but still... I caused it.)
Looking at the bright sight of the things... it has been solved in less than one day (more of a night for me).
Sorry again for all the trouble.
:: / my web presence
Sorry, but this fix does not change anything for me. I rebooted and deleted all .* files. Only installation of xfree86 helps. I am sure it is only a little thing in some configurationfile ;-)
Hmm.. now that confuses me...
Try this instead of the first line of /etc/profile.d/ I sugested you:
export XDG_DATA_HOME=$HOME/.local/share:$XDG_DATA_HOME
Same: relogin/restart afterwards.
If it works, then KDE is 2039jceejip2jveoqwje20vj81239ue respecting the standards.
:: / my web presence
Hmm.. then the XDG variables are OK as I said in the corrected version of I've reread your posts trying to figure out something... I'm starting to think that it really is a permissions problem as a user said before.
I'll download the package (it will take a while...) and check manually what's being changed in it. It usually shows up really fast.
(I've almost let myself out from my system after installing a custom package badly made, because of changed permissions on /etc, /opt and /usr)
:: / my web presence
Well... a quick overview of the folders in the pkg.tar.gz didn't reveal anything wrong... the search continues...
(probably tomorrow morning...)
:: / my web presence
Another before-going-to-bed thought:
Make sure these 2 lines exist in /etc/profile.d/
The 1st line doesn't exist for sure.
The second line is implemented (but in a hacked way, because the previous releases of xfree/xorg didn't have the XDG variables set)
Make sure the corrected /etc/profile.d/ exists where it belongs.
This might really solve the menu problems, because I've seen in the KDE Wiki that $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS really relates to them.
:: / my web presence
I recovered!
But lost my kmenus. Something toasted them.
Here is what I did to recover:
pacman -Rf xorg.
<retreived the older 6.7 xorg package from cd I had cooked>
pacman -A <full package name of the old xorg>
navigated to /usr/share/lib/libltdl
autoreconf --force
rebuilt my xorg.conf file
nuked .kde* .mcop* Desktop .local, <and everything else not related to my bash login profile>
Adjusted my new .xinitrc's
Now I just have to reconfig the settings of everything and rebuild my menu's, desktop items, etc.
But it's WORKING!!!
BTW: The looks NOTHING like the one the 6.8 package put in. :-)
... There isn't one!
But I'm back up and operating under the GUI again.............
Sounds like too much work for some menu entries... Google did provide the link to the KDE Wiki I've mentioned before, but I haven't tested because I don't have the problem.
xorg6.7 didn't have a and that's just plain bad.
KDE & Gnome have to fiddle around testing XDG variables and setting themselves something which might not work for the entire system. See the thread with the missing Gnome icons.
You might want to try the above 2 lines for /etc/profile.d/ (which fix the "fiddling around" I've mentioned before).
Then again... it might not work... but that was my last thought before going to bed and I'll leave it that way for now... because it's very late here.
:: / my web presence
You have no argument from me here!
But currently, I had no alternative.
When the real issue is found and resolved, be that a repackaged KDE, or a repackaged Xorg 6.8, or both...I'll jump back on 6.8..
But for now, although it was a lot of work.... I'm back up and running....
And while I DO NOT recommend these steps for all, some of us (like me) this is our base machine, and we need it running at full speed (figuratively).
It's soooo nice to have the command line to maneuver
And from the varied responses/symptoms I see posted here...
The actual "bug" if you would, or issue, may be issues (more than one). My instinct tells me there are several issues floating between packages causing issues with each other... and it's just going to take some time to ferret through everything.
Get some sleep... and I'll keep tabs on the group until it's resolved and a new package(s) is released.
Your help is appreciated.... Thank you for working with us to resolve....
This is why we having a testing repository... If KDE doesn't work, then why move xorg to current? Big packages like that need more testing. I'm not saying to be another Debian... It's nice to be on the bleeding edge... But if an update breaks major packages, it should stay in testing. Then the daredevils can use it, and average users can stick with what works. TEST TEST TEST!
If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 1 Corinthians 13:2