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The other day, I reinstalled Arch on my laptop because I didn't like the way I had the partitions organized and wanted to learn how to set up an encrypted LVM. I was largely successful, however, made one little mistake that cost me several aggravated hours ... I installed my /etc dir on a separate partition. I read somewhere that the EXT3 FS holds up best when many files are being accessed simultaneously -- having been mounted with the data=journal option -- thus it made since to locate /etc on an EXT3 partition separate from my Reiser-formatted /(root) dir. After rebooting, my laptop gave me a not-so-nice message stating it couldn't find my inittab file. I figured the error was somehow related to /etc being located on a separate partition, and was reaffirmed after a little research; now, /etc resides within my not-as-but-still-very-exciting, Reiser-formatted, /(root) containing, cRaZiLy not but residing alongside an encrypted partition, partition and I am having no more errors -- W00T!
Out of curiosity, what things have y'all ( ) done that seemed smart at the time, but ended up being somewhat of a disaster?
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BlueHackers // fscanary // resticctl
There's already a fairly lengthy discussion on computing mistakes here. Let's try to keep it to that one:
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