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Install looked great. Love the way Arch works, but...
execution fails
Here's the dialog from a terminal:
[root@billb /]# /opt/gnome/bin/evolution-2.0
/opt/gnome/bin/evolution-2.0: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
anybody have a fix for this?
Bill Barnes
I have found out that to satisfy the dependency for, one has to install gal (and libgnomeui) packages.
I am researching further.
I think to satisfy the dependencies we have to make sure all the required packages from the Required list on are installed automatically/or if lacking - manually
God bless you all with the good Arch Linux!
Best regards,
As I have found out - just the gtkhtml package was lacking.
To summarize:
For Evolution to be able to start one has to install manually gal and gtkhtml packages (and some little amount of others that pacman suggests as you do it).
Since some calendar component failed to start - I have found out that package libsoup is also needed.
Can you guys summerize how you installed evolution? It seems to pull gal automatically for me...
# pacman -Rd gal
removing gal... done.
# pacman -S evolution
:: evolution-2.0.1-1: is up to date. Upgrade anyway? [Y/n] Y
Targets: gal-2.2.2-1 evolution-2.0.1-1
Total Package Size: 11.4 MB
Proceed with upgrade? [Y/n]
checking package integrity... done.
loading package data... done.
checking for file conflicts... done.
installing gal... done.
upgrading evolution... done.
Still frustrating:
Ev. 2.0.1 imported my mail settings and mail, but missed all the contacts and calendar data.
I thought it happened due to missing libsoup package (that the callendar module did not start and the calendar data were not imported).
I installed libsoup. Deleted the ~/.evolution folder. But the application did not import data again. And I wonder why?
Also I was unable to create new calendar
How can I import data from my old evolution folder the quickest?
I have lost a lot of time and I regret that I have hurried with this upgrade
After I searched for answer for some time. I contacted guys at #evolution and got an aswer from there:
force migration FAQ (was: Re: [Evolution] Evolution 2.0.0) at … 39343.html
also somehow I still don't have my calendar data imported from the old evo
also the guy who wrote the above faq says it does so for him.
Dear Supa,
as you have requested
In my case I use 0.7 current (updating the packages that are relevant for me to have the newest version):
I had to manually install (because pacman -Sy evolution did not suggest it in my case)
and libsoup
after since I did not have the libsoup installed - my calendar component did not configure properly. And I had to delete my ~/.evolution directory and reimport the data, since my contacs info was also missing.
Now the only disadavntage that I see - is that Calendar data was not imported. [/b]
version 2.0.2 keep re-popping mail that I have already popped each time I open it. Is anyone else having this problem? I'm downgrading back to 2.0.1 in the meantime.