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so i have this crazy idea of installing a bunch of window managers all on the same arch installation
i can't do it all with ony one user because there are config files in every users home dir that need to be different for different themes etc..
so now that i have three different users, each with a seperate WM, i have noticed one giant flaw in my plan
i need to find a way to use the same Desktop, Pictures, Music, Videos, and Documents folders for all three users
does anybody have any ideas?
Should work with symlinks (maybe even hardlinks? Someone more knowledgeable please elaborate on that) and the right permissions.
For the permission thing, add your users to a newly-created group, change the group of your Desktop, Pictures, etc. folders to this one and set proper rwx permissions for it.
/etc/skel ?
(Edit: I read it wrong )
Last edited by u_no_hu (2009-01-28 14:44:20)
i am with the same interest, i have 3 normal users to test different wms (one for gnome, other kde and openbox), and one another folder in home with the name "all". there i have folders like music, images, downloads. Symliked them to the normal users folders, but permissions are a little strange. i tried to get them so everybody could rwx all folders and files like if they where the owners. I can get it if i already have files there and change the permissions, but with newly created files the permissions get messed up again...
if anyone got it right it would be apreciated.
i do belive that this is exactly what /usr/share is for.
from the The Filesystem Hierarchy Standard
/usr is the second major section of the filesystem. /usr is shareable, read-only data. That means that /usr should be shareable between various FHS-compliant hosts and must not be written to. Any information that is host-specific or varies with time is stored elsewhere.
<snip />
share Architecture-independent data
<snip />
/usr/local/shareThe requirements for the contents of this directory are the same as /usr/share. The only additional constraint is that /usr/local/share/man and /usr/local/man directories must be synonomous (usually this means that one of them must be a symbolic link).
that's on a distro where the distro provides everything in the main hierarchy. theoretically, stuff provided by the sysadmin (as opposed to the distro maintainers) would go in /usr/local/share. but as with lfs or gentoo, the sysadmin of an arch box essentially is the distribution (unless you never customize *any* of your configs). so go ahead with putting all this stuff in one of those places.
EDIT: i *also* read this a bit wrong. that would work well for you desktops. for all the rest, you could create a /media_files tree that's world readable, or that is mounted with --bind each time a user logs in.
Last edited by kludge (2009-01-29 02:57:37)
[23:00:16] dr_kludge | i want to invent an olfactory human-computer interface, integrate it into the web standards, then produce my own forked browser.
[23:00:32] dr_kludge | can you guess what i'd call it?
[23:01:16] dr_kludge | nosilla.
[23:01:32] dr_kludge | i really should be going to bed. i'm giggling madly about that.
Yes its possible. You just need to link one users folders to the other 2. for example
ln -s /home/user1/Desktop /home/user2/Desktop
if you want to keep things like firefox settings or other programs you'll need to link most of the hidden folders as well. a few exceptions like .Xsession, .xinitrc, and .dmrc you wont want to link.
Yes its possible. You just need to link one users folders to the other 2. for example
ln -s /home/user1/Desktop /home/user2/Desktop
if you want to keep things like firefox settings or other programs you'll need to link most of the hidden folders as well. a few exceptions like .Xsession, .xinitrc, and .dmrc you wont want to link.
when i try this command it just makes a file on user2's Desktop called "Desktop" and if i click on it, it asks me what application i want to use to run it
what am i doing wrong?
Yes its possible. You just need to link one users folders to the other 2. for example
ln -s /home/user1/Desktop /home/user2/Desktop
That would be nice - if it worked. You don't have the necessary permissions to access that stuff because it belongs to a different user.
A filthy solution would be to use mount with the bind option for the subfolders you want shared (and at least readable to the users group). But, as said before, /usr/share is there for things like these, so I'd go with that; it's the cleanest solution in the long run.
Got Leenucks? :: Arch: Power in simplicity :: Get Counted! Registered Linux User #392717 :: Blog thingy
You should create one separate directory with subdirectories for Desktop, Pictures, Music, Videos, and Documents. For example /home/common. I currently have /data on separate partitition.
Then create a group:
group commondata
and add the three users to this group:
gpasswd -a user commondata
chown -R user.commondata /home/common
chmod -R g=u /home/common
After this all three users should have access to files in /home/common.
The last thing to do is to create symbolic links to Desktop and others.
@B, @kludge: /usr/share is a fatal place to put such files unless you are not afraid to lose them after reinstall.
Last edited by robertp (2009-01-31 08:02:06)
@B, @kludge: /usr/share is a fatal place to put such files unless you are not afraid to lose them after reinstall.
That's why creating a separate /usr partition during install helps . That way you can mount an existing /usr, when you re-install.
Last edited by Inxsible (2009-01-31 14:26:49)
There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !