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I've been running Ubuntu and Kubuntu for months, but I wanted to try something new. I'm going to try Fedora.
I think you need python installed to use rankmirrors:
cd /etc/pacman.d
cp mirrorlist mirrorlist.backup
rankmirrors -n 6 mirrorlist.backup > mirrorlist
I decided to try that myself, just to make updates as fast as possible. It didn't work at first, since I tried to use sudo as I normally do. Even with sudo it said mirrorlist permission denied. So I logged into the shell as root, and then it worked.
Instead of trying to mess around with keyboard configs, why not just run "rankmirrors -n 1 /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist" to get the fastest mirror, then find that in the mirrorlist file and either comment out the rest or move it to the top?