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Hi all,
I just updated MediaWiki from 1.10 to 1.14. I use the same wiki as on; so the design is a little different. Please let me know if you find any problems.
The changelog can be found at; I think there are a lot of bug fixes and new features.
If you are interested in the code; it can be found at
Not as much a problem found as a looks related remark:
The old look was way better, the gray backdrop behind the navigation and atricles seems very out of place to me.
Other than that: much thanks for the upgrade
Last edited by stefanwilkens (2009-02-25 18:58:53)
Arch i686 on Phenom X4 | GTX760
Afaik its the same colours that we use for the forums. Any suggestinos to improve it? (should still be consistent)
any progress on this though?
edit: i did one more comment there.
Last edited by test1000 (2009-02-25 19:51:49)
KISS = "It can scarcely be denied that the supreme goal of all theory is to make the irreducible basic elements as simple and as few as possible without having to surrender the adequate representation of a single datum of experience." - Albert Einstein
Afaik its the same colours that we use for the forums. Any suggestinos to improve it? (should still be consistent)
As far as I know, the wiki didn't have those strong grayshades as we have on the forums. Perhaps I just need to get used to it but I remember things being distinctly lighter
Arch i686 on Phenom X4 | GTX760
Yes the previous style has used the monobook (default mediawiki) colours.
On IE6 (that is all I have at work) the bottom in truncated. It stops at the Help heading if I look at the main page. the content goes over the footer which is hidden behind.
I fear I cannot do that much. I only have at least IE 7 here. Do you use Windows 2000? Anyway: Patches are welcome to solve this. I think adding somthing to IE60Fixes.css might be a good start.
Looks nice, gray backgrounds instead of white
Hey I've a problem with Turkish language. (MessagesTr.php)
discussion tab is shown as {{#ifeq:{{TALKSPACE}}|Kullanıcı mesaj|mesaj|tartışma}} i've looked at turkish language file and see that:
on line 226:
'talk' => '{{#ifeq:{{TALKSPACE}}|Kullanıcı mesaj|mesaj|tartışma}}',
it should be:
'talk' => 'tartışma',
Could you fix that, please?
Last edited by ras0ir (2009-02-25 22:32:37)
Nice. I, for one, like the new colours. The bug fixes you mention only sweeten the deal.
Now, could someone clear out the Articles for Deletion?
M*cr*s*ft: Who needs quality when you have marketing?
I don't know if it is related in any way, but bug is now solved.
what goes up must come down
Hey I've a problem with Turkish language. (MessagesTr.php)
discussion tab is shown as {{#ifeq:{{TALKSPACE}}|Kullanıcı mesaj|mesaj|tartışma}} i've looked at turkish language file and see that:on line 226:
'talk' => '{{#ifeq:{{TALKSPACE}}|Kullanıcı mesaj|mesaj|tartışma}}',
it should be:
'talk' => 'tartışma',
Could you fix that, please?
I think it would be best if you could report that upstream, to the MediaWiki developers:
The old look was way better, the gray backdrop behind the navigation and atricles seems very out of place to me.
The gray behind the articles is quite ok, but not behind the navigation and search.
Can it be same layout color as this forum. The whole left column light gray, instead of a patch behind search and navigation. The article leave as it is.
Like this:
That is better. I would prefer the gray behind the article to be lighter too but I can live with it...
Its the same colour that is used on other sites like
OK, I#ll upload the lighter version. And I think I found a workaround for the broken IE6; it still looks like shit, but at least it is usable.
OK. It just looks a bit weird on the main page where all the links are blue. It also make the contents boxes look weird (e.g.
Looks excellent IMHO... Nice work
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BlueHackers // fscanary // resticctl
#E9E9E9 maybe for the navigation column on the left to make the blue links a bit more readable. Also, if its possible, outlining code and contents could be done the same way its done in the forums (sunken) instead of the punctuated blue line to keep things consistent.
Last edited by Chrysalis (2009-02-26 03:31:15)
Like this:
Its nice!!
Much better now
Arch i686 on Phenom X4 | GTX760
I prefer the white background that was used in the past. The gray is fine for forums and static pages on, but when I'm reading a long and detailed article, the white is much more attractive and much easier on the eyes.
See: … cd=4&gl=us
Does anybody agree?
Last edited by John Karahalis (2009-03-03 19:45:19)