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I just recently purchased an eee PC 900. the arch install went smoothly and the wiki was a big help. it could use some more clarity/organization but i hope to contribute to it's improvements myself. many thanks to all that are doing the same.
my issue is this: i still have a few bugs i'm trying to iron out and like a good little arch user i try to search the forum before posting.
well, 95% of the time so far i get one result and it's the 44 page behemoth that is "Arch on Asus EEE 901" or worse, the 52 page "Arch on an Eee PC". no doubt this thread may have my answer in it, but paging through it all would take ages. and reading it start to finish wouldn't even work because the first post was in august 2008 or november 2007 respectively and i'd probably go aur-hunting for some program to give me some functionality that's default in the current kernel or acpid package (i speak from experience).
from browsing around it appears arch is quite popular on the eee and i think it could be useful to give it it's own subforum and allow some reposts of specific questions and specific answers (and the best, most up-to-date info on aur packages, kernel patches, etc).
just a thought. [edit]sorry allan... anyone agree?[/edit]
Last edited by brisbin33 (2009-04-01 15:04:52)
any +1s?
Umm, no.... … mpty_Posts
Anyway, why not just use the laptop section? Are most of the issues with netbooks and laptops not the same?
Anyway, why not just use the laptop section? Are most of the issues with netbooks and laptops not the same?
i guess that would work, i'll just post my question(s) there and hope i don't a sarcastic link to the answer in an existing thread. thought i had seen enough eee traffic to warrant a sub-forum. i'm a bit of an over organizer myself though so, that's just me.
+1 for a netbook subforum
archlinux on Macbook Pro 10,1
+1 for a netbook subforum
Did you misread Allan's post and link?
I think what needs to happen is to stop posting all netbook/eee topics in a single thread. Long threads are always a bad idea (I want autoclose after three pages). People should start posting their individual questions to the laptops forum instead.
How about renaming 'Laptop Issues' to 'Laptop and Netbook Issues' -- I think that'll cover it.
Long threads are always a bad idea (I want autoclose after three pages).
I agree. I almost never read through all the posts in a very long thread. 3 seems just about right.
I don't know about you guys...but most times, I won't even go into a long thread. If it has so many replies, the OP's question has been more than likely answered, so there is hardly much to add. Autoclose would be good. I do not know how feasible it is, because some people might have issues with their threads getting closed. I certainly don't.
Last edited by Inxsible (2009-04-01 16:19:54)
There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !
I think what needs to happen is to stop posting all netbook/eee topics in a single thread.
People should start posting their individual questions to the laptops forum instead.
i agree, the lack of a sub-forum is much less an issue than posting to a monster long thread that can't accurately be searched.
from now on if my search string comes up with only those two long threads, i'll post a new topic in [laptops]
the AAO thread is miles long now.... maybe it needs trimming, most of the info required is in wiki .......
Mr Green I like Landuke!
Dusty wrote:Long threads are always a bad idea (I want autoclose after three pages).
I agree. I almost never read through all the posts in a very long thread. 3 seems just about right.
I don't know about you guys...but most times, I won't even go into a long thread. If it has so many replies, the OP's question has been more than likely answered, so there is hardly much to add. Autoclose would be good. I do not know how feasible it is, because some people might have issues with their threads getting closed. I certainly don't.
I don't know... there are some where it works, like the monthly screenshots. But the AAO and Pro Audio threads are ridiculous.
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