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If you open kmix, there is no sliders, it's blank!
I googled it for quiet a while, it's a known bug back in last year, I am wondering anyone know any good solution to this problem?
How to make kmix work under oss4?
It's important because apparently OSS4 works much better than alsa in term of system resource consumption, sound quality as well as features.
Many people are actually suggesting that the new kernel release should readopt OSS4 instead of alsa as native support. :)
Last edited by yingwuzhao (2009-04-14 18:01:23)
What version of kmix are you using ? I had heard about kmix adding support for ossv4, but I never followed up on that.
Last edited by Inxsible (2009-04-14 18:32:12)
There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !
It shows kmix-3.5, the default one shipped with the latest KDE 4.2.2
Are you sure, kmix support oss4? and it should work out of box and no need of tweak?
If someone's kmix works with oss4 out of box, please let me know!
This bug has been around for quite a while,(since 2007 I guess), I also highly suspect that it should be already solved.
But apparently it doesn't work on my newly freshed installed Arch-KDE 4.2
Last edited by yingwuzhao (2009-04-14 18:42:27)
It shows kmix-3.5, the default one shipped with the latest KDE 4.2.2
Are you sure, kmix support oss4? and it should work out of box and no need of tweak?If someone's kmix works with oss4 out of box, please let me know!
This bug has been around for quite a while,(since 2007 I guess), I also highly suspect that it should be already solved.
But apparently it doesn't work on my newly freshed installed Arch-KDE 4.2
This forum post circa Apr 2008 shows oss support was in testing at the time. I do not know if it ever made it into release.
Also, just because a bugs been around for a while, doesn't mean it will be solved.
There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !
In fact, I came across that post yesterday, I am not sure either, that's why I asked this question in this post.
There is a lot of ossv4 users here in Arch, but I guess not many people in Arch are KDE fans, since people here tend to go minimalist. Actually, I am a minimalist too, but the KDE 4.2.2 is really a good surprise to me, it's not bloated as I expected, it's really fancy but meanwhile really fast, responsive and efficient! I have to say I really like it, so besides my openbox, I now use KDE a lot.
Come one, somebody shed some light on "kmix with OSSv4" please...:D
Last edited by yingwuzhao (2009-04-14 18:57:15)
There's always for such questions.
But if you don't want to become memeber of it just because of this problem I could ask this question instead of you.
As was planing to migrate from ALSA to OSS and I want to know if it will even work.
Arch x86_64 ATI AMD APU KDE frameworks 5
Whatever I do, I always end up with something horribly mis-configured.
As was planing to migrate from ALSA to OSS and I want to know if it will even work.
The kernel support OSS in the old days way earlier before it adopted alsa.
I just posted this question on KDE, let's see, if we can have a solution.
Can you post link?
Im using oss4 with kde and i think it's working.. this is how it look for me.
I just followed the wiki.
"Making mistakes is the privilege of the active. It is always the mediocre people who are negative, who spend their time proving that they were not wrong - I.Kamprad"
I do not have such a central pcm channel like you have.... maybe this is because of my hda intel soundcard? Anyone's an idea?
Really start to like oss
Here is the link of my post on KDE forum, … 43924.html
Im using oss4 with kde and i think it's working.. this is how it look for me.
I just followed the wiki.
Oh, my God, it looks beautiful! I don't understand, how come your ossxmix window looks so sexy? mine is like a very old gtk fashion full screen window.
Are we following the same Wiki?
After you pacman -S oss, did you do some tweaking to make it work, or look beautiful? or it's just working out of box?
It looks totally gorgeous!
Last edited by yingwuzhao (2009-04-15 14:55:21)
You simply need to set up a gtk theme. Theres several tools that do this like lxappearance or just edit your ~/.gtkrc-2.0 by hand. Search the wiki for guides/examples. I recommend qtcurve which has all kde4, kde3 and gtk versions so that all apps looks the same.
Another way to do it is to simply install gtk-qt-engine, which is basically a hack that makes your gtk apps use your qt theme.
Last edited by Chrysalis (2009-04-15 15:18:44)
arch linux wiki will make your ossxmix look sexy … d_GTK_apps
but to make oss and kmix to work together i didn't do any tweaking. I have one problem tho, every time i start up KDE I get a notification "alsa not working, falling back to OSS" or similar.. I disabled soundcore in rc.conf so i dont really know what more to do :[
"Making mistakes is the privilege of the active. It is always the mediocre people who are negative, who spend their time proving that they were not wrong - I.Kamprad"
@kanalj: you can change the devices order in kde systemsettings --> multimedia and your message is gone
thanks, worked like a charm
"Making mistakes is the privilege of the active. It is always the mediocre people who are negative, who spend their time proving that they were not wrong - I.Kamprad"
So whether or not kmix work with ossv4 is sound card related?
Here is the answer from KDE developers, currently, Kmix do not fully work with oss4, and they will work it:
Well, no luck at this time fro OSS4.
Original code remounts from old OSS, and current kmix handles "per mixer
driver" entries, so we have alsa post 0.9, sun os mixer, old oss at last.
We way behind to add support for things like pulse, windows ( don't have sure
if it's possible), and OSS4, so we have a work to do.
There's a proposal in summer of code to revamp some of this handling code and
touch pulse issues, and other irc genius ideas from solid guys, but not too
much beyond that.
Here is the link for the original reply from them: … 220717&w=2
Last edited by yingwuzhao (2009-04-16 18:39:52)
Excuse my poor English.
Doesn't work for me, I just can't control the sound, guess I'l stick with ossxmix.
Anyone knows how to change the tray icon, because that icon + my new theme = ugly.
Esken has added some ossv4 support... yeah.
Built a PKGBUILD for it:
Haven't thoroughly tested it, use at your own risk.
Setting Up a Scripting Environment | Proud donor to wikipedia - link
let's see....
Archlinux x86_64 | post-engineering |
it works
kmix works! now to reassign the multimedia keys...
no osd when volume changes...
missing dependency for kde-meta-kdemultimedia : kdemultimedia-kmix
Last edited by geoisis (2009-08-15 21:18:30)
Archlinux x86_64 | post-engineering |
Got it fixed. You can recompile it geoisis to get that fixed.
Setting Up a Scripting Environment | Proud donor to wikipedia - link
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