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I needed to plot some data and so I installed Labplot. However Labplot always crashes when I do the following:
open Labplot -> choose "new worksheet" -> click the worksheet -> crash
Has anyone got the Labplot working?
I needed to plot some data and so I installed Labplot. However Labplot always crashes when I do the following:
open Labplot -> choose "new worksheet" -> click the worksheet -> crash
I just tried that and labplot crashed. Maybe you should submit a bug report.
Forget the bug report. Labplot 1.3.1 is out so I flagged it out of date. Probably 1.3.1 won't have that problem.
Forget the bug report. Labplot 1.3.1 is out so I flagged it out of date. Probably 1.3.1 won't have that problem.
Sadly, the new version isn't building according to dp..
Guess I'm out of luck with LabPlot crashing and Scigraphica seg faulting.
Is there another data visualisation program I could try?
Sadly, the new version isn't building according to dp..
unfortunately, yes, it is a beast that seems to hate me :-( ... i hope, the next one will
Guess I'm out of luck with LabPlot crashing and Scigraphica seg faulting.
Is there another data visualisation program I could try?
the working solution is using gnuplot (commandline) ... kile has some elementar frontend to gnuplot for a start
of course R has some plotting functions but if you didn't yet worked with it, you will need some time to get started with it
besides LabPlot, there is QtiPlot ( ) that uses libs, that are not all yet in archlinux ... but i'm working on it ... qwt is already built and the other 2 things are on the way
The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.
I have the same problem, but you can still use LabPlot. Just select "New 2D-Graph" or whatever you want instead of "New Worksheet".
But there is already a preview of Labplot 1.4 available, so it should not be long until that comes.
Labplot 1.3.1 builds without any problem with the PKGBUILD from abs.
# $Id: PKGBUILD,v 1.2 2004/06/15 23:40:06 damir Exp $
# Contributor: Tobias Powalowski <>
# Maintainer: damir <>
depends=('kdelibs' 'gsl' 'pstoedit' 'imagemagick')
pkgdesc="Plotting, Data analysis and visualisation"
build() {
cd $startdir/src/$origname-$pkgver
./configure --prefix=/opt/kde --enable-mt --enable-final
# remove enable-final if you have less than 512MB RAM
# patching:
sed -i 198s+"brush(getColor"+"qbrush(getColor"+ src/
sed -i 199s+"setBrush(brush)"+"setBrush(qbrush)"+ src/
make || return 1
make DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg install
Labplot 1.3.1 builds without any problem with the PKGBUILD from abs.
i see, that you are still using the replace for brush to qbrush ... i hoped, that they finally addapted labplot to the new api *gosh*
sed -i 198s+"brush(getColor"+"qbrush(getColor"+ src/
sed -i 199s+"setBrush(brush)"+"setBrush(qbrush)"+ src/
i'm building it right now the 1.3.0-way ....
The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.
I just compiled 1.4.0.rc1 with "./configure --prefix=/home/frank/labplot, make, make install" and everything went smooth, but when I start it, I get a segmentation fault. What do you think, is this my fault, Arch's fault or LabPlot's fault?
I just compiled 1.4.0.rc1 with "./configure --prefix=/home/frank/labplot, make, make install" and everything went smooth, but when I start it, I get a segmentation fault. What do you think, is this my fault, Arch's fault or LabPlot's fault?
hmm ... try running it in a debugger (ddd for the start) and watch the output ... hopefully, you will see some error and some line mentioning ... then it is sure, that it is labplot's fault
The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.
Labplot 1.3.1 builds without any problem with the PKGBUILD from abs.
I just did pacman -Sy labplot and now I get the following error:
[12:11] murkus@
[/home/murkus] $ labplot
labplot: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[12:11] murkus@
[/home/murkus] $
@ snowman!!
I tried to compile LabPlot 1.3.1, but i didn´t work. So maybe you can put LabPlot .1.3.1 to your Repo?? This would be very cool. because for simple Data-plotting this program is very usefull!
Snowman wrote:Labplot 1.3.1 builds without any problem with the PKGBUILD from abs.
I just did pacman -Sy labplot and now I get the following error:
[12:11] murkus@ [/home/murkus] $ labplot labplot: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [12:11] murkus@ [/home/murkus] $
is your system up-to-date? (qt, ...)
The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.
I just saw that Labplot 1.3.1 is now in Pacman... thanks a lot Damir.
Just installed it and it seems to work fine. Even the "worksheet" crash is gone :-)
murkus wrote:I just did pacman -Sy labplot and now I get the following error:
[12:11] murkus@ [/home/murkus] $ labplot labplot: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [12:11] murkus@ [/home/murkus] $
is your system up-to-date? (qt, ...)
Well, I tried pacman -Syu:
Targets: libsigc++2.0-2.0.6-1 glibmm-2.4.5-1 gtkmm-2.4.7-1 gc-6.3-1
inkscape-0.40-1 pciutils-2.1.11-3
Total Package Size: 6.9 MB
Proceed with upgrade? [Y/n] y
checking package integrity... done.
loading package data... done.
checking for file conflicts... done.
installing libsigc++2.0... done.
installing glibmm... done.
installing gtkmm... done.
installing gc... done.
upgrading inkscape... done.
update desktop mime database...
upgrading pciutils... done.
And I got:
[10:27] murkus@
[/home/murkus] $ labplot
labplot: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
strange thing is that I do have the file:
strange thing is that I do have the file:
opt/kde/lib/libLabPlotnetCDF.a opt/kde/lib/ opt/kde/lib/ opt/kde/lib/ opt/kde/lib/
do you have kde installed?
check, if the file /etc/ has a line that points to /opt/kde/lib ... and if you edit /etc/ then you should run ldconfig
The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.
do you have kde installed?
check, if the file /etc/ has a line that points to /opt/kde/lib ... and if you edit /etc/ then you should run ldconfig
Thanks Damir!
That fixed it!
How come I didn't have that line in /etc/ when I obviously should have had?
How come I didn't have that line in /etc/ when I obviously should have had?
hmm ... this is really strange ...
maybe you edited it by hand and added it to NoUpgrade? (wild guess)
The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.