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kensai wrote:OK, here are the issues I am having, it is not creating tables, it is opening documents that had tables and displays only the text that was outside tables, but not the tables or any text inside of them. Also, every time I try to open an office 2007 document it says, this is not supported by the operating system.
Anyone can confirm?
Pick me, pick me!!!
I can confirm this behavior. I had to open a few files up in abiword. I would see this as a major stopper for replacing OOO.
This one is very annoying, but if you create the tables as odt and the save it as .doc it opens, well, this is very strange I will have to keep checking on this.
Please try to talk to the go-oo developers on their mailing list or in irc. I'm sure this is known and could be solved with adding a proper patchset already included and only not yet applied.
Everybody is invited to download the ooo-build tarball and checkout what all the patchsets can do. So far we only apply LinuxCommon section and nothing else. Look into the patches/dev300/apply file.
Here is an updated PKGBUILD for the recent go-oo 3.1:
pkgdesc=" - german language files for"
arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
version=go-openoffice- # path in /usr/lib
build() {
cd ${srcdir}/*native_packed*/RPMS
for i in *.rpm
do $i
# install openoffice language files
mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/${version}/basis-link
cp -R opt/* ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/${version}/basis-link
cp -R opt/openoffice.org3/* ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/${version}/basis-link
chown root:root -R ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/${version}/
Here is an updated PKGBUILD for the recent go-oo 3.1
That is (and was) already on the AUR
Anyone having problems with newest go-oo not installing language tools extension or any java based extension? Mine spits an error when trying to install them. Can anyone confirm, because I am leaning that I did something wrong, I tend to break things from time to time.
Yes I can confitm hat, I get following error:
( { { Message = "URP-Bridge: disposed(tid=24) No typedescription can be retrieved for type", Context = ( @0 } }
That's weird.
Yes I can confitm hat, I get following error:
( { { Message = "URP-Bridge: disposed(tid=24) No typedescription can be retrieved for type", Context = ( @0 } }
That's weird.
Ok, exactly the same error I get so is a package bug, let's ping andyrtr.
Last edited by kensai (2009-05-23 11:49:19)
Hm. Does this happen on both architectures? The vanilla OOo packages don't show this?
Ok here are my (strange!) testing results:
I can install the shipped dictionary extensions but I get a error message as soon as I try to remove them. I'm not able to install
any other extensions like the shipped pdf import or downloaded ones like LanguageTool. With them I get the error message posted above.
With openoffice-base (3.1.0-1) everything works fine.
x86 (chrooted environment):
I can successfully install the shipped dictionaries and I'm able to remove them, if I try to install the shipped pdfimport or the downloaded LanguageTool I get the same error message as in my post above.
With openoffice-base (3.1.0-1) everything works fine.
Last edited by darie (2009-05-24 13:26:13)
Hm. Does this happen on both architectures? The vanilla OOo packages don't show this?
Well, it didn't happened with ooo vanilla, as far as I can tell, it only started happening with go-oo since rc3 onwards, and I am just able to test on x86_64. Can somebody from i686 confirm this?
rc5 (32-bit) works only as root here.
As plain user it spits out some
[Java framework] Error in function createSettingsDocument (elements.cxx).
javaldx failed!
I have jre 6u13 installed, which I do ***NOT*** intend to replace with OpenJDK.
Any ideas?
EDIT: after removing the openoffice folder in the .config dir AND rebooting, it worked... somewhat weird, but oh well.
Last edited by scarecrow (2009-05-28 09:24:50)
Microshaft delenda est
I also have the "original" jre installed... maybe this is the problem? I don't know...
On Windows Vista (plz don't beat me up now ) the latest RC works perfectly with sun's jre.
Last edited by darie (2009-05-28 19:25:38)
Those who are having tables related problem, the current vanilla OO has exactly the same problem (3.1). Its a known issue on the OO bugtracker, I'm keeping 3.0 for now because I work heavily with tables.
Allan-Volunteer on the (topic being discussed) mailn lists. You never get the people who matters attention on the forums.
jasonwryan-Installing Arch is a measure of your literacy. Maintaining Arch is a measure of your diligence. Contributing to Arch is a measure of your competence.
Griemak-Bleeding edge, not bleeding flat. Edge denotes falls will occur from time to time. Bring your own parachute.
Now I can confirm that the problem with installing java extensions is also present in ooo vanilla:
( { { Message = "URP-Bridge: disposed(tid=15) No typedescription can be retrieved for type", Context = ( @0 } }
is what I get.
Those who are having tables related problem, the current vanilla OO has exactly the same problem (3.1). Its a known issue on the OO bugtracker, I'm keeping 3.0 for now because I work heavily with tables.
please point me to the issue url that I can CC myself to it.
I tried to install the Sun Presenter Console on my go-oo and receive the same error message:
( { { Message = "URP-Bridge: disposed(tid=23) No typedescription can be retrieved for type", Context = ( @0 } }
I'm on x86_64
ngoonee wrote:Those who are having tables related problem, the current vanilla OO has exactly the same problem (3.1). Its a known issue on the OO bugtracker, I'm keeping 3.0 for now because I work heavily with tables.
please point me to the issue url that I can CC myself to it.
I'm sorry, but I've lost the bugtracker page, and did not myself subscribe to it. I believe there's another thread in these forums specifically about the issue (on vanilla OO, not go-oo).
Allan-Volunteer on the (topic being discussed) mailn lists. You never get the people who matters attention on the forums.
jasonwryan-Installing Arch is a measure of your literacy. Maintaining Arch is a measure of your diligence. Contributing to Arch is a measure of your competence.
Griemak-Bleeding edge, not bleeding flat. Edge denotes falls will occur from time to time. Bring your own parachute.
I tried to install the Sun Presenter Console on my go-oo and receive the same error message:
( { { Message = "URP-Bridge: disposed(tid=23) No typedescription can be retrieved for type", Context = ( @0 } }
I'm on x86_64
I'm also getting this error with Go-OO 3.1 on x86_64 with openjdk. Java-based extensions DO work, but can't be installed, neither 'user' nor 'shared' way (stupid me, I uninstalled presentation minimizer to test and now can't install it back!). Is there any way to "force" installation?
All your base are belong to us
I had the same URP-Bridge problem described above with vanilla OO. For me, the fix was to downgrade OO to 3.1.0-1 and icu to 4.0-2. Perhaps one of the changes in icu is to blame?
Last edited by machoo02 (2009-06-12 16:47:49)
Hello everyone. is there any update about this issue? especially on OOo Vanilla?
new go-oo 3.1.1 alpha1 with kde4 integration and lots of (go-oo) upstream fixes in testing. please try it out.
Thanks a lot Andy. Unfortunelly, the problem with java-based extensions isn't fixed. Should it?
All your base are belong to us
Thanks a lot Andy. Unfortunelly, the problem with java-based extensions isn't fixed. Should it?
Yeah, and the thing is that from the report from other users, I take it it is not java based extensions only, there are some extensions that do not work, we will have to check what is in common to troubleshoot this. I installed it from binary and all extensions work, so is something in compilation, I might think GCC 4.4.
Tables neither... I'm stuck on 3.0.1 (and ICU 4.0) until that's sorted...
Allan-Volunteer on the (topic being discussed) mailn lists. You never get the people who matters attention on the forums.
jasonwryan-Installing Arch is a measure of your literacy. Maintaining Arch is a measure of your diligence. Contributing to Arch is a measure of your competence.
Griemak-Bleeding edge, not bleeding flat. Edge denotes falls will occur from time to time. Bring your own parachute.
the table issue is fixed in 3.1.1alpha1 go-oo pkg in testing. it should be safe to use.