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Mozart, Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Bach, Vivaldi
Anything really, from death metal to folk to ska to chiptune. Sometimes music with non-English lyrics really helps though, especially if I'm more in the formative stages, rather than just crunching stuff out. Occasionally, if the mood is right, I'll code in total silence, but generally that's not the case.
When coding, I used to listen to pretty much anything, but lately I like to listen to DJ Koze, Kill Memory Crash, and Infected Mushroom. They're all pleasant background musics that help you get a rythm in your fingers.
Anything really, from death metal to folk to ska to chiptune. Sometimes music with non-English lyrics really helps though, especially if I'm more in the formative stages, rather than just crunching stuff out. Occasionally, if the mood is right, I'll code in total silence, but generally that's not the case.
Same here, and i often have my music on random so Biosphere can easily follow Entombed.
For true zen-coding™ though i usually listen to stuff like A Produce, Alpha Wave Movement or Oöphoi.
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I can put up with just about anything while coding, so my whole library is go.
My favorites are Nena, Jeferson Airplane, and the Beatles.
urxvtc / wmii / zsh / configs /
Arch will not hold your hand
Something like Dub, or any other chill tones
In scientia veritas, in arte honestas.
Music that cancels out the background noise without being too present.
I made you a playlist that samples some of what I have. It's all free (creative commons) music from Jamendo (a convenient source of daily fresh free music!). There's maybe 20hrs of material in there. Quality varies: some of it is only barely passable, and some of it is actually very good. You've probably never heard these songs before (most were released in 2008 & 2009). Here it is then:
Or, to get the list of mp3 streams directly: … _asc&n=all
Thanks go to finferflu for introducing me to a lot of the artists in there!
Wow, great atmospheric music for coding. Thanks for sharing!