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So I seem to have done something to mess up my bold terminal fonts... in man pages and dir listings they're all blocky under xterm... I've tried fixed and 6x10 settings...
I *think*, but am not sure, that this happens under wmi and not fluxbox...
For now I'll stick with aterm, but I'd still like to know what is doing this and I have a feeling it's an .Xdefaults setting, but aterm/xterm are identical....
Hi phrakture.
Could you have modified the CONSOLEFONT variable in /etc/rc.conf (which sets the default console font)?
No, I did not. It's not the font in the actual ttys, but in pseudo terminals... and only in xterm.
I checked and it DOES do this in fluxbox, so it's not a setting being fudged by the WM.
It's only the "bold" font attribute that is effected... it really looks like a totally different font... and this only happens in xterm, not in aterm
Since I'm a great fan of TTF and XFT, I use Bitstream Vera Sans Mono in every terminal I can find (ie, xterm and rxvt-unicode).
This is how I fixed my fonts:
XTerm*faceName: Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:size=11
XTerm*boldFont: Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:style=Bold:size=11
(I can put my .Xdefaults somewhere, if you want to see more)
To err is human... to really foul up requires the root password.