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after a recent update, i find that alot of my favorite apps are buggered.
when trying to start gnuttella, bluefish, gaim, rox, streamtuner etc... i get this error message (this example is with bluefish)
bluefish: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
im using gcc 3.4.3, xorg 6.7.0-1 (i need this to use ati-radeon drivers), and the 6.8.1 kernel.
all apps were workin before the update
happy, happy new years!
MOD: subject edited to suit problem - dp
Maybe this helps:
[11:10:06] root@ferro:/ $ ldconfig
I don't know what it exactly does, but it's got something to do with re-initializing the dynamic links. Since you did some upgrades, it might help.
A bus station is where a bus stops.
A train station is where a train stops.
On my desk I have a workstation.
Maybe this helps:
[11:10:06] root@ferro:/ $ ldconfig
I don't know what it exactly does, but it's got something to do with re-initializing the dynamic links. Since you did some upgrades, it might help. … s#ldconfig
ldconfig should be run by pacman for packages, that need ldconfig updating shared lib. links ... and additionally, ldconfig is run at boottime per default
try this:
[damir@Asteraceae /]$ locate libXfixes
[damir@Asteraceae /]$ pacman -Qo /usr/X11R6/lib/
/usr/X11R6/lib/ is owned by xorg 11R6.8.1-1
[damir@Asteraceae /]$
you get different things?
i guess, it has to do with gtk2-update (all apps in your list are gtk2 apps) ... maybe gtk2 must have a depends=(xorg>=6.8.1) ...
The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.
locate does not come up with anything.
is "libXfixes" something unique to xorg>6.7.0 ?
i tried reinstalling my xorg package as well, still no luck
I've had this problem too. Here is the bug report:
locate does not come up with anything.
is "libXfixes" something unique to xorg>6.7.0 ?
from this bug report, i see, that YES, it is something unique to xorg>=6.8.0
The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.
hmmmm, im not really sure what to do then
i just installed the lastest ati-drivers-3.14.6 and gave xorg-6.8.1 a try but it crashed...
i dont really want to install two xservers like in teh bug fix
stupid ati card, stupid snow.... #mumble mumble mumble#...
I read on here somewhere that the Xfree86 4.4 patches work to patch xorg 6.7 to have those libs included. Search the forum and see if you can find that thread and compile xorg yourself to fix the problem.
As I'm also using an ATI card, I ran into the same problems after updating.
I tried the oldest trick in the book, and it works fine so far...
I updated xorg to 6.8, saved all libXfixes* files to another dir, upgraded xorg to 6.7, and put the copied files back. Restart X and all GTK apps work again.
So far I encountered only one problem since, archlinux forum crashes firefox...
really weird, no such behaviour on any other site I tried so far. This is the error I get : line 159: 4121 Segmentation fault "$prog ${1+$@"}
ATI drivers 8.8.25 have been released just yesterday, i've made them work with archlinux and now i'm able to use xorg 6.8.0, you can find PKBGUILDs here:
c ya
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