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Just wanted to say thanks for the nice colorscheme. I tend to use dark ones but on some occasions, e.g. on train rides or when outside I prefer to use brighter schemes. Up until now I mostly used mod_tcsoft for that but now I used bclear for some time and I think I'll stick with it if I need a bright theme.
You're welcome. Thanks for giving it a try, and I'm pleased to hear that you find it useful.
- guifg settings removed for DiffAdd, DiffChange, CursorColumn and CursorLine, allowing the regular syntax highlighting to be used instead
- guibg colors lightened for the previously mentioned entries, and darkened for DiffText to improve readability
- changed the lCursor color to a dark blue
Also, I finally uploaded bclear to the official Vim Scripts page, so I guess that'll be the best place to download it and to check for updates.
/me wishes he used gvim. Would it be too much to ask to make this compatible with regular vim?
Setting Up a Scripting Environment | Proud donor to wikipedia - link
/me wishes he used gvim. Would it be too much to ask to make this compatible with regular vim?
It's definitely not too much to ask, and I don't want to say no, but it's not something I was planning on doing. Maybe at some point down the line? I really don't know.
There's a bug in the highlighting rule for matching parentheses: the cursor disappears when placed over a parenthesis and instead seems to appear on the matching parenthesis!
I fixed this by using the normal Cursor colors for the parenthesis under the cursor:
hi MatchParen guifg=#ffffff guibg=#f00078 " BEFORE
hi MatchParen guifg=#323232 guibg=#f00078 " AFTER
Please suggest a better solution because black on hot pink is hard to read.
Thanks in advance. I love this colorscheme by the way! :-)
Last edited by sunaku (2010-09-29 10:51:24)
Thanks for the feedback sunaku. To be honest, I don't think I've noticed this problem you are describing, but I'm going to take a look at it now. I need to update the colorscheme for Vim 7.3 anyways, so I'll try to resolve this and update it as soon as possible.
Hi Borosai, you were correct. The bug I described does not occur in GVim. It only occurs in the terminal Vim (where I use the CSApprox plugin).
Hello again Borosai,
I discovered that the cursor-disappearing color bug I reported was occurring because I had chosen a red cursor color for urxvt in my Xdefaults file. Removing that choice, and using the default black cursor color (on a white background), fixes the problem for me. In short, my bug report was invalid!
Thanks again for bclear. I'm happy that I can use it without problems in terminal vim now. Cheers!
Last edited by sunaku (2010-10-10 03:25:54)
That's good to hear. In addition to updating the colorscheme for 7.3, I would also like to add support for color terminals, but that'll have to wait.
I use the CSApprox plugin which makes bclear work nicely with the terminal vim under urxvt (the community/rxvt-unicode-256color package).