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K This is a I love arch Thread and the reasons why. Guess post count counts as the more posts the more it shows Arch is loved.
Starting off spending all the time figuring out how to intall and config Arch was fun and I learnt a lot. Secondly Pacman is amazing and I like the way you can build packages out of tarballs and maintain them. A lot of other Distros like Ubuntu and Fedora seem more repo based now where trying to install toys ended up in depend breakage and frustration. Making debs and rpms is falling behind to with cheakinstall.
Installed networkmanager with gnome and network is set up to work like in Ubuntu or Fedora with no problems , just took a bit of time.
Took a bit more time to intall and config than Ubuntu but overall learnt a lot and had fun.
Generally so far I love arch.
Two thread were you can (correction: are meant to) sing the praises of your beloved GNU/Linux distribution .
Got Leenucks? :: Arch: Power in simplicity :: Get Counted! Registered Linux User #392717 :: Blog thingy
Sorry didnt see that
Two thread were you can (correction: are meant to) sing the praises of your beloved GNU/Linux distribution
Closing this one.
Pages: 1
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