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how do I make sure the kernel is not upgraded with pacman -S
Only I have a few custom kernels and need to manually makepkg and install, I don't want pacman to upgrade it, though I do need to upgrade.
Kind regards
Benedict White
In the [options] section of /etc/pacman.conf file, add a line like
IgnorePkg = kernel26
Maybe wait until someone can confirm. Or try it with backup procedures
Many thanks for that.
Next question, I have postfix and pacman installed, and do not want to overwrite anything in those directories.
Can I add a line:
NoUpgrade = etc/postfix/*
NoUpgrade = etc/mail/spamassassin/*
or do I need to list each file?
Kind regards
Benedict White
I would say each file but you can put more than 1 file per line with a space like:
NoUpgrade = etc/lilo.conf boot/grub/menu.lst
It is an excerpt from my file
But I am not sure about the .../* I have no idea
my guess is that /* would not work and you would have to list the specific files. Besides there likely are files in there that will need to be upgraded when a new package is available. You can list more than one file per line though.
AKA uknowme
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