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after installed a lot of CTAN (Comprehensive TeX Archive Network by hand on a lot of distros and actually became used to doing this by hand, i installed the needed classes also on my arch-linux by hand at the begining (that was before i started to play with makepkg)
today i was going to install "protocol", a nice class to make protocols under Latex very easily ... and tried to make a package of it
it came out a nice package that can be also removed very easily if wanted
i know TeX-classes are not really software packages, that's why i'm not directly posting my package in incoming --- i want first to find out, if anyone like the idea having TeX-classes as modules (and for separation, each TeX-class should have a CTAN_classname)
is anyone interested?
The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.
always! we're different from other distro's so why not?
apt-get install arch
I might suggest something like a tex- or latex- or -tex or -latex designation. Most people wouldn't think to look for something called ctan when thinking about latex classes.
I have discovered that all of mans unhappiness derives from only one source, not being able to sit quietly in a room
- Blaise Pascal
I might suggest something like a tex- or latex- or -tex or -latex designation. Most people wouldn't think to look for something called ctan when thinking about latex classes.
could be usefull for identification, i dont really know ... it's because if you are able to use them, you know already about ctan and how to install them manually --- i will add also a short description on using
as the feedback is positive, i'll post the one i built, and then feel free to comment what is wrong and what ok
The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.