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Step by step...HDD is next volunteer for soon as some money arrive :-D
I'm already building your virtuoso. I was little surprised - 70MB of sources (not because of my disk space) - it will take some time
Update: uppps - virtuoso-opensource provides /usr/bin/isql - same as unixodbc (which is dependency of subversion so it can't be removed)
Last edited by ProgDan (2009-11-24 22:33:27)
Yes thats a conflict... but you can install easily iodbc instead of unixodbc...
just pacman -Rd the first one and than install the second....
It's the common way at the moment....
We have done that for month for the daily-svn packages
And the dependency is more at apr-util
2 ProgDan
Firstly, sorry for my english
Second, thanks for you work.
Third, why all packages have so big size?
↓ [kde-4.4-unstable/kdelibs 4.3.77svn1052242-2 [113,51 MB]]
KDE Core Libraries
↓ [extra/kdelibs 4.3.3-2 [18,06 MB]]
KDE Core Libraries
[kde-4.4-unstable/kdenetwork-kopete 4.3.77svn1052242-1 [44,62 MB] (kde kdenetwork)]
Instant Messenger
[extra/kdenetwork-kopete 4.3.3-1 [8,11 MB] (kde kdenetwork)]
Instant Messenger
↓ [kde-4.4-unstable/kdebase-workspace 4.3.77svn1052242-2 [133,95 MB] (kde)]
KDE Base Workspace
↓ [extra/kdebase-workspace 4.3.3-1 [67,23 MB] (kde)]
KDE Base Workspace
Last edited by heaven (2009-11-25 15:32:23)
Third, why all packages have so big size?
I assume the packages are built with full debug symbols..that's good for beta-testing purpose but..
just installed 700 Mb download
nice work , thank you very much indeed!
Bigger is better :-) I indeed have options=(!strip) in PKGBUILDs. With it kbugbuster is able to provide better debug output which can be submitted to bugzilla and which may be useful to developers - and that's the point of these snapshots, isn't it? :-)
Yes, really nice that you build with debugging symbols!
Again to my virtuoso-post from yesterday... today sebas did a commit that made whole nepomuk depending on virtuoso. So, if virtuoso wasn't installed nepomuk will not work anymore!
I tested it out today in my chroot, First install subversion, pacman -Rd unixodbc, pacman -S iodbc, install virtuoso-opensource=5.0.12 (version 6 is not supported atm) and build
Ofcourse, you right. Just first I was a little surprised at what had happened with free space on my hard drive.
I already did that! Last update (kdelibs and kdebase-workspace) were built against soprano-svn (updated too) which was built with virtuoso-opensource...
Nice, didn't get that Thank you very much...
Didn't look at the right time on your ftp
Well, I modified your/pierres build scripts a little further...
With these ones you can fetch the latest svn version and they will let your the sources on your harddrive...
Here's the link to these scripts:
At last i am thinking if it would speed up the build process if the sources of kde would be kepts directly in the appropriate src directory, updatet there and not through the detour of compressing the sources decrompressing and building all binarys...
Will this make sense or will the problems resulting out of that be too big?
Just to make it clearer i would take up the style of the PKGBUILD-svn.proto ...
Last edited by Solid1986Snake (2009-11-25 19:30:26)
Did you hear that guys? KDE 4.4 beta was marked in SVN!
SolidSnake: Wow :-) I really appreciate your help! However the biggest speedup would be faster machine Compressing and decompressing sources does not really take SO much time. I also sometimes have to modify the sources (wrong includes or CMakeLists mostly) and then I just run makepkg -e and it rebuils. I'm afraid SVN checkout in PKGBUILD would not keep my changes (I'm not sure) and overwrite them. Sometimes also it takes me few hours (or more) between builds and meanwhile a patch could be commited to SVN that would brake compatibility with already compiled packages.
And you dropped my support for compiling in tmpfs!!!
Hey ProgDan,
how do you trak the svn changes? Beta tag was delayed to monday/sunday .... because of the mess with nepomuk and the shared desktop ontologies (btw, i didn't read that and fought half the night with it)....
I know I droped you tmpfs support But my machine is a little different to yours
I have lot of hard disk space, but only 2 gig of ram
To the speedup: Yes tarring is not the real problem, but keeping the build directory would speed up building very much... but can cause problems, too....
I am currently trying out this approach, well lets see if it works...
You can find PKGBUILDS for the "new" dependencies" of kdelibs in my mentioned gitrepo...
I am cureently thinking about a splited building of kdesupport.... Wouldn't be to hard to implement it in the buildscripts I think... maybe I get some time tomorrow and will look at it!
Last edited by Solid1986Snake (2009-11-26 15:53:11)
Ad tracking:
I'm subscribed to kde-commit mailinglist filtering only commits from Dirk Mueller. He always update kdelibs/CMakeLists.txt so I notice the new version and SVN revision number.
I'm already building 4.3.80 and it seems to be OK (for now). Maybe they just delayed tagging the revision, bude commit to kdelibs/CMakeLists has alredy been done.
I checked your git, build oscaf and the second lib (I can't remember it's name and I'm too lazy to look for it ) and updated kdelibs dependencies.
Would you mind if I sent you an email? I'd like to discuss something with you...
Can you please build a newer Qt? The Qt you have seems to have that nasty crashing bug in QGraphicsView (hits Amarok here, at least I think so, but there's no debug symbols in the Qt so I'm not 100% sure).
You will probably have to rebuild most of KDE too, because of the ABI fudge-up Thiago mentioned in his blog.
I don't build pure Qt, but kde-Qt (patched). Last commit to this branch is on November 18th and Qt in our repo was packaged on 22nd. There is no "newer" Qt in this branch :-)
Can you please build a newer Qt? The Qt you have seems to have that nasty crashing bug in QGraphicsView (hits Amarok here, at least I think so, but there's no debug symbols in the Qt so I'm not 100% sure).
You will probably have to rebuild most of KDE too, because of the ABI fudge-up Thiago mentioned in his blog.
I have no problem with amarok-git ツ
I have no problem with amarok-git ツ
It segfault after few seconds here :-( but seems phonon related from the trace...
heaven wrote:I have no problem with amarok-git ツ
It segfault after few seconds here :-( but seems phonon related from the trace...
Do you have the lyrics applet running? That lets crash amarok for me....
could anyone confirm if kopete has google-talk feature now. Apparently it was implemented in svn
Acer Aspire V5-573P Antergos KDE
ProgDan, have you seen the new Kwin effect … t-windows/
Do you have the lyrics applet running? That lets crash amarok for me....
Aha! Without the lyrics applet it works fine. Now at least I can use it, while debugging. :-)
ProgDan: can we get an unstripped Qt? Or maybe in a separate package (if you use funkyou's patch from here: ).
sendsmark: The Qt package is already stripped:
nm -Ca /usr/lib/
nm: /usr/lib/ no symbols
The references to Qt objects you see while debugging come from KDE libraries which are not stripped.
nm -Ca /usr/lib/ | wc -l
Wow, updated to 4.3.80! Thanks! ^‿^
gwenview should depend on exiv2 now
He hoped and prayed that there wasn't an afterlife. Then he realized there was a contradiction involved here and merely hoped that there wasn't an afterlife.
Douglas Adams
Hi Progdan , how do you compile kde-phonon? I got amarok-git segfaulting with trace that seems to be phonon-xine related and I would like to recompile it...I don't see that PKGBUILD in the git repo..can you explain where that package come from? thanks
The sources is in kdesupport I think...
I am working on making the scripts somewhat more userfriendly at the moment...
Maybe you can check my "alpha" git repository and look at the way I build kdesupport. This provides kde-phonon
Greetz Solid
Forgot the link, damn … its/master
Last edited by Solid1986Snake (2009-11-30 18:42:18)