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Just because in the past support was poor doesn't mean it will always be this way. Ati open source drivers are quickly maturing.
I completely agree, the amount of progress made over the last year by just 2-3 developers is impressive.
@linuxgod & wantilles: really, stop trolling, it's annoying and unconstructive in any way. wantilles, the 5.5 years statement is nonsense since this project started in the summer of 2007.
ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ
With kernel in [core] and kms for radeon disabled by default, how do I enable it? Frontpage news says, early start is broken, so how do I enable it for late start?
Please use the modeset option to enable it.
What is the exact modeset option? Wiki only says how to disable it.
(1) Add "radeon.modeset=0" into the kernel append line in /boot/grub/menu.lst or the lilo configuration file (without the quotation marks!).
So it should be "radeon.modeset=1"?
Yes, it should I'm fixing the wiki right now, be patient.
KMS works with that option added, but now there's no DRI. Xorg.0.log
(EE) RADEON(0): [dri] RADEONDRIGetVersion failed because of a version mismatch.
[dri] This chipset requires a kernel module version of 1.17.0,
[dri] but the kernel reports a version of 2.0.0.[dri] If using legacy modesetting, upgrade your kernel.
[dri] If using kernel modesetting, make sure your module is
[dri] loaded prior to starting X, and that this driver was built
[dri] with support for KMS.
[dri] Disabling DRI.
Using xf86-video-ati-git compiled today.
Have you followed the ATi wiki ?
Is it Impossible to enable KMS on R300 chips?
KMS is working on R300 chipsets. First do this :
Then, append radeon.modeset=1 to kernel parmeters.
Now u will have KMS, but without DRI.
To enable dri, recompile libdrm with --enable-radeon-experimental-api.
Recompile Mesa.
Fetch latest xf86-video-ati git and install it.
Et voila, you should have now radeon KMS for R300
Last edited by hicham.haouari (2010-01-10 21:01:55)