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#476 2010-02-25 01:24:41

Registered: 2006-04-02
Posts: 123

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

bauerbill -S --cpan perl-padre
WARNING: perl-padre does not match any package or group in sync db
--> Loading CPAN database...                                      
--> Searching for CPAN packages...                                
--> Loading CPAN taurball data...                                 
--> resolving perl-app-ack>=1.860.0... found on CPAN (ack -> perl-ack)
--> resolving perl-class-adapter>=1.50.0... found on CPAN (Class-Adapter -> perl-class-adapter)
--> resolving perl-class-unload>=0.30.0... found on CPAN (Class-Unload -> perl-class-unload)   
--> resolving perl-class-xsaccessor>=1.50.0... found on CPAN (Class-XSAccessor -> perl-class-xsaccessor)
--> resolving perl-cwd>=3.270.100... installed (provided by perl-pathtools)                             
--> resolving perl-data-dumper... installed (provided by perl)                                          
--> resolving perl-dbd-sqlite>=1.270.0... found on CPAN (DBD-SQLite -> perl-dbd-sqlite)                 
--> resolving perl-dbi>=1.580.0... installed                                                            
--> resolving perl-debug-client>=0.110.0... found on CPAN (Debug-Client -> perl-debug-client)           
--> resolving perl-devel-dumpvar>=0.40.0... found on CPAN (Devel-Dumpvar -> perl-devel-dumpvar)         
--> resolving perl-devel-refactor>=0.50.0... found on CPAN (Devel-Refactor -> perl-devel-refactor)      
--> resolving perl-digest-md5... installed (provided by perl)                                           
--> resolving perl-encode>=2.260.0... installed (provided by perl)                                      
--> resolving perl-extutils-makemaker>=6.560.0... installed                                             
--> resolving perl-extutils-manifest>=1.560.0... installed (provided by perl)                           
--> resolving perl-file-basename... installed (provided by perl)                                        
--> resolving perl-file-copy-recursive>=0.370.0... found on CPAN (File-Copy-Recursive -> perl-file-copy-recursive)
--> resolving perl-file-find-rule>=0.300.0... installed                                                           
--> resolving perl-file-glob... installed (provided by perl)                                                      
--> resolving perl-file-homedir>=0.840.0... found on CPAN (File-HomeDir -> perl-file-homedir)                     
--> resolving perl-file-next>=1.60.0... found on CPAN (File-Next -> perl-file-next)                               
--> resolving perl-file-path>=2.70.0... found on CPAN (File-Path -> perl-file-path)                               
--> resolving perl-file-remove>=1.420.0... found on CPAN (File-Remove -> perl-file-remove)                        
--> resolving perl-file-sharedir>=1.0.0... found on CPAN (File-ShareDir -> perl-file-sharedir)                    
--> resolving perl-file-spec-functions>=3.270.100... installed (provided by perl-pathtools)                       
--> resolving perl-file-spec>=3.270.100... installed (provided by perl-pathtools)                                 
--> resolving perl-file-temp... installed (provided by perl)                                                      
--> resolving perl-file-which>=1.80.0... found on CPAN (File-Which -> perl-file-which)                            
--> resolving perl-findbin... installed (provided by perl)                                                        
--> resolving perl-format-human-bytes>=0.40.0... found on CPAN (Format-Human-Bytes -> perl-format-human-bytes)    
--> resolving perl-getopt-long... installed (provided by perl)                                                    
--> resolving perl-html-entities>=3.570.0... installed (provided by perl-html-parser)                             
--> resolving perl-html-parser>=3.580.0... found on CPAN (HTML-Parser -> perl-html-parser)                        
--> resolving perl-io-scalar>=2.110.0... found on CPAN (IO-stringy -> perl-io-stringy)                            
--> resolving perl-io-socket>=1.300.0... installed (provided by perl)                                             
--> resolving perl-io-string>=1.80.0... found on CPAN (IO-String -> perl-io-string)                               
--> resolving perl-ipc-open2... installed (provided by perl)                                                      
--> resolving perl-ipc-open3... installed (provided by perl)                                                      
--> resolving perl-list-moreutils>=0.220.0... found on CPAN (List-MoreUtils -> perl-list-moreutils)               
--> resolving perl-list-util>=1.180.0... installed (provided by perl-scalar-list-utils)                           
--> resolving perl-module-build>=0.360.300... found in [core] (provided by perl)                                  
--> resolving perl-module-corelist... installed (provided by perl)                                                
--> resolving perl-module-refresh>=0.130.0... found on CPAN (Module-Refresh -> perl-module-refresh)               
--> resolving perl-module-starter>=1.500.0... found on CPAN (Module-Starter -> perl-module-starter)               
--> resolving perl-orlite>=1.380.0... found on CPAN (ORLite -> perl-orlite)                                       
--> resolving perl-params-util>=0.330.0... found on CPAN (Params-Util -> perl-params-util)                        
--> resolving perl-parse-errorstring-perl>=0.110.0... found on CPAN (Parse-ErrorString-Perl -> perl-parse-errorstring-perl)
--> resolving perl-parse-exuberantctags>=1.0.0... found on CPAN (Parse-ExuberantCTags -> perl-parse-exuberantctags)        
--> resolving perl-pip>=0.130.0... found on CPAN (pip -> perl-pip)                                                         
--> resolving perl-pod-abstract>=0.160.0... found on CPAN (Pod-Abstract -> perl-pod-abstract)                              
--> resolving perl-pod-functions... installed (provided by perl)                                                           
--> resolving perl-pod-perldoc>=3.150.0... found on CPAN (Pod-Perldoc -> perl-pod-perldoc)                                 
--> resolving perl-pod-pom>=0.170.0... found on CPAN (Pod-POM -> perl-pod-pom)                                             
--> resolving perl-pod-simple-xhtml>=3.40.0... installed (provided by perl)                                                
--> resolving perl-pod-simple>=3.70.0... installed (provided by perl)                                                      
--> resolving perl-posix... installed (provided by perl)                                                                   
--> resolving perl-ppi>=1.205.0... found on CPAN (PPI -> perl-ppi)                                                         
--> resolving perl-ppix-editortools>=0.90.0... found on CPAN (PPIx-EditorTools -> perl-ppix-editortools)                   
--> resolving perl-ppix-regexp>=0.5.0... found on CPAN (PPIx-Regexp -> perl-ppix-regexp)                                   
--> resolving perl-readonly-xs>=1.50.0... found on CPAN (Readonly-XS -> perl-readonly-xs)                                  
--> resolving perl-storable>=2.150.0... found on CPAN (Storable -> perl-storable)                                          
--> resolving perl-template-tiny>=0.30.0... found on CPAN (Template-Tiny -> perl-template-tiny)                            
--> resolving perl-term-readline... installed                                                                              
--> resolving perl-text-balanced>=2.10.0... found on CPAN (Text-Balanced -> perl-text-balanced)                            
--> resolving perl-text-diff>=0.350.0... installed                                                                         
--> resolving perl-text-findindent>=0.60.0... found on CPAN (Text-FindIndent -> perl-text-findindent)                      
--> resolving perl-thread-queue>=2.110.0... installed (provided by perl)                                                   
--> resolving perl-threads-shared>=1.260.0... installed (provided by perl)                                                 
--> resolving perl-threads>=1.710.0... found on CPAN (threads -> perl-threads)                                             
--> resolving perl-uri... installed                                                                                        
--> resolving perl-version>=0.800.0... found on CPAN (version -> perl-version)                                             
--> resolving perl-wx-perl-processstream>=0.240.0... found on CPAN (Wx-Perl-ProcessStream -> perl-wx-perl-processstream)   
--> resolving perl-wx>=0.910.0... found on CPAN (Wx -> perl-wx)                                                            
--> resolving perl-yaml-tiny>=1.320.0... found on CPAN (YAML-Tiny -> perl-yaml-tiny)                                       
--> resolving perl>=5.8.5... installed                                                                                     
--> resolving perl-alien-wxwidgets>=0.460.0... found on CPAN (Alien-wxWidgets -> perl-alien-wxwidgets)                     
--> resolving perl-capture-tiny>=0.60.0... found on CPAN (Capture-Tiny -> perl-capture-tiny)                               
--> resolving perl-extutils-makemaker>=6.420.0... installed                                                                
--> resolving perl-locale-msgfmt>=0.140.0... found on CPAN (Locale-Msgfmt -> perl-locale-msgfmt)                           
--> resolving perl-test-exception>=0.270.0... found on CPAN (Test-Exception -> perl-test-exception)                        
--> resolving perl-test-more>=0.880.0... installed (provided by perl-test-simple)                                          
--> resolving perl-test-nowarnings>=0.84.0... installed                                                                    
--> resolving perl-test-script>=1.70.0... found on CPAN (Test-Script -> perl-test-script)                                  
--> resolving perl-file-next>=0.400.0... found on CPAN (File-Next -> perl-file-next)                                       
--> resolving perl-pod-usage... installed (provided by perl)                                                               
--> resolving perl-term-ansicolor... installed (provided by perl)                                                          
--> resolving perl-test-harness>=2.500.0... installed (provided by perl)                                                   
--> resolving perl-test-more... installed (provided by perl-test-simple)                                                   
--> resolving perl-extutils-makemaker... installed                                                                         
--> resolving perl-file-spec... installed (provided by perl-pathtools)                                                     
--> resolving perl-scalar-util>=1.100.0... installed (provided by perl-scalar-list-utils)                                  
--> resolving perl>=5.0.5... installed                                                                                     
--> resolving perl-test-more>=0.470.0... installed (provided by perl-test-simple)                                          
--> resolving perl-class-inspector... found on CPAN (Class-Inspector -> perl-class-inspector)                              
--> resolving perl-file-spec>=0.800.0... installed (provided by perl-pathtools)                                            
--> resolving perl>=5.6.0... installed                                                                                     
--> resolving perl-dbi>=1.570.0... installed                                                                               
--> resolving perl-tie-hash... installed (provided by perl)                                                                
--> resolving perl-extutils-makemaker>=6.480.0... installed                                                                
--> resolving perl-file-spec>=0.820.0... installed (provided by perl-pathtools)                                            
--> resolving perl-test-more>=0.420.0... installed (provided by perl-test-simple)                                          
--> resolving perl-carp... installed (provided by perl)                                                                    
--> resolving perl-io-socket... installed (provided by perl)                                                               
--> resolving perl>=5.0.6... installed                                                                                     
--> resolving perl-test-deep... installed                                                                                  
--> resolving perl-scalar-util>=1.180.0... installed (provided by perl-scalar-list-utils)                                  
--> resolving perl-file-copy... installed (provided by perl)                                                               
--> resolving perl-cwd>=3.120.0... installed (provided by perl-pathtools)                                                  
--> resolving perl-file-spec>=3.120.0... installed (provided by perl-pathtools)                                            
--> resolving perl>=5.0.503... installed                                                                                   
--> resolving perl-cwd... installed (provided by perl-pathtools)                                                           
--> resolving perl-file-path... installed (provided by perl)                                                               
--> resolving perl-class-inspector>=1.120.0... found on CPAN (Class-Inspector -> perl-class-inspector)                     
--> resolving perl-params-util>=0.70.0... found on CPAN (Params-Util -> perl-params-util)                                  
--> resolving perl-exporter... installed (provided by perl)                                                                
--> resolving perl-file-spec>=0.600.0... installed (provided by perl-pathtools)                                            
--> resolving perl-getopt-std... installed (provided by perl)                                                              
--> resolving perl-test-more>=0.800.0... installed (provided by perl-test-simple)                                          
--> resolving perl-test-script>=1.50.0... found on CPAN (Test-Script -> perl-test-script)                                  
--> resolving perl-blib... installed (provided by perl)                                                                    
--> resolving perl-ipc-run3>=0.34.0... installed                                                                           
--> resolving perl-probe-perl>=0.10.0... installed                                                                         
--> resolving perl-test-more>=0.620.0... installed (provided by perl-test-simple)                                          
--> resolving perl-test-builder-tester>=1.20.0... installed (provided by perl-test-simple)                                 
--> resolving perl-test-builder>=0.320.0... installed (provided by perl-test-simple)                                       
--> resolving perl-module-install... found on CPAN (Module-Install -> perl-module-install)                                 
--> resolving perl-archive-tar>=1.440.0... installed (provided by perl)                                                    
--> resolving perl-devel-ppport>=3.160.0... installed (provided by perl)                                                   
--> resolving perl-extutils-install>=1.520.0... installed (provided by perl)                                               
--> resolving perl-extutils-parsexs>=2.190.0... installed (provided by perl)                                               
--> resolving perl-json>=2.140.0... found on CPAN (JSON -> perl-json)                                                      
--> resolving perl-module-build>=0.280.400... installed (provided by perl)                                                 
--> resolving perl-module-corelist>=2.170.0... installed (provided by perl)                                                
--> resolving perl-module-scandeps>=0.890.0... found on CPAN (Module-ScanDeps -> perl-module-scandeps)                     
--> resolving perl-par-dist>=0.290.0... found on CPAN (PAR-Dist -> perl-par-dist)                                          
--> resolving perl-parse-cpan-meta>=1.390.0... installed (provided by perl)                                                
--> resolving perl-yaml-tiny>=1.380.0... found on CPAN (YAML-Tiny -> perl-yaml-tiny)                                       
--> resolving perl-test-harness>=3.130.0... installed (provided by perl)                                                   
--> resolving perl-test-more>=0.860.0... installed (provided by perl-test-simple)                                          
--> resolving perl-yaml-tiny>=1.330.0... found on CPAN (YAML-Tiny -> perl-yaml-tiny)                                       
--> resolving perl-module-build-moduleinfo... installed (provided by perl)                                                 
--> resolving perl-version... installed (provided by perl)                                                                 
--> resolving perl-file-find... installed (provided by perl)                                                               
--> resolving perl>=5.0.4... installed                                                                                     
--> resolving perl-html-tagset>=3... installed                                                                             
--> resolving perl-xsloader... installed (provided by perl)                                                                
--> resolving gdbm... installed                                                                                            
--> resolving db>=4.8... installed                                                                                         
--> resolving coreutils... installed                                                                                       
--> resolving glibc... installed                                                                                           
--> resolving sh... installed (provided by bash)                                                                           
--> resolving perl-extutils-command... installed (provided by perl)                                                        
--> resolving perl-pod-usage>=1.210.0... installed (provided by perl)                                                      
--> resolving perl-test-harness>=0.210.0... installed (provided by perl)                                                   
--> resolving perl-dbi>=1.607.0... installed                                                                               
--> resolving perl-file-path>=2.40.0... found on CPAN (File-Path -> perl-file-path)                                        
--> resolving perl-file-remove>=1.400.0... found on CPAN (File-Remove -> perl-file-remove)                                 
--> resolving perl-file-temp>=0.200.0... installed (provided by perl)                                                      
--> resolving perl-test-script>=1.60.0... found on CPAN (Test-Script -> perl-test-script)                                  
--> resolving perl-class-xsaccessor... found in build queue                                                                
--> resolving perl-pod-find... installed (provided by perl)                                                                
--> resolving perl-pod-pom... found on CPAN (Pod-POM -> perl-pod-pom)                                                      
--> resolving perl-test-differences... installed                                                                           
--> resolving perl-text-wrap... installed (provided by perl)                                                               
--> resolving perl-file-slurp... installed                                                                                 
--> resolving perl-archive-tar... installed (provided by perl)                                                             
--> resolving perl-archive-zip>=1.290.0... found on CPAN (Archive-Zip -> perl-archive-zip)                                 
--> resolving perl-cpan-inject>=0.70.0... found on CPAN (CPAN-Inject -> perl-cpan-inject)                                  
--> resolving perl-cpan>=1.760.0... installed (provided by perl)                                                           
--> resolving perl-file-pushd>=0.320.0... found on CPAN (File-pushd -> perl-file-pushd)                                    
--> resolving perl-file-temp>=0.140.0... installed (provided by perl)                                                      
--> resolving perl-io-zlib... installed (provided by perl)                                                                 
--> resolving perl-lwp-simple... installed (provided by perl-libwww)                                                       
--> resolving perl-par-dist>=0.250.0... found on CPAN (PAR-Dist -> perl-par-dist)                                          
--> resolving perl-params-util>=0.210.0... found on CPAN (Params-Util -> perl-params-util)                                 
--> resolving perl-lwp-online>=1.60.0... found on CPAN (LWP-Online -> perl-lwp-online)                                     
--> resolving perl-test-script>=1.20.0... found on CPAN (Test-Script -> perl-test-script)                                  
--> resolving perl-compress-raw-zlib>=2.17.0... installed (provided by perl)                                               
--> resolving perl-io-file... installed (provided by perl)                                                                 
--> resolving perl-io-handle... installed (provided by perl)                                                               
--> resolving perl-io-seekable... installed (provided by perl)                                                             
--> resolving perl-time-local... installed (provided by perl)                                                              
--> resolving perl>=5.0.396... installed                                                                                   
--> resolving perl-cpan-checksums>=1.50.0... found on CPAN (CPAN-Checksums -> perl-cpan-checksums)                         
--> resolving perl-cpan>=1.360.0... installed (provided by perl)                                                           
--> resolving perl-file-basename>=2.600.0... installed (provided by perl)                                                  
--> resolving perl-file-chmod>=0.300.0... found on CPAN (File-chmod -> perl-file-chmod)                                    
--> resolving perl-file-copy>=2.20.0... installed (provided by perl)                                                       
--> resolving perl-file-path>=1.0.0... installed (provided by perl)                                                        
--> resolving perl-file-stat>=1.0.0... installed (provided by perl)                                                        
--> resolving perl-file-remove>=0.340.0... installed                                                                       
--> resolving perl-compress-bzip2... installed                                                                             
--> resolving perl-compress-zlib... installed (provided by perl)                                                           
--> resolving perl-data-compare... installed                                                                               
--> resolving perl-digest-md5>=2.360.0... installed (provided by perl)                                                     
--> resolving perl-digest-sha... installed (provided by perl)                                                              
--> resolving perl-dirhandle... installed (provided by perl)                                                               
--> resolving perl-io-file>=1.140.0... installed (provided by perl)                                                        
--> resolving perl-test-more>=0.450.0... installed (provided by perl-test-simple)                                          
--> resolving perl-io-string... installed                                                                                  
--> resolving perl-pod-parser... installed (provided by perl)                                                              
--> resolving perl-scalar-util... installed (provided by perl-scalar-list-utils)                                           
--> resolving perl-task-weaken... found on CPAN (Task-Weaken -> perl-task-weaken)                                          
--> resolving perl-scalar-util>=1.140.0... installed (provided by perl-scalar-list-utils)                                  
WARNING: ignoring Config which does not map to a CPAN distribution                                                         
--> resolving perl-fcntl... installed (provided by perl)                                                                   
--> resolving perl-file-spec-functions... installed (provided by perl-pathtools)                                           
--> resolving perl-strict... installed (provided by perl)                                                                  
--> resolving perl-symbol... installed (provided by perl)                                                                  
--> resolving perl-text-parsewords... installed (provided by perl)                                                         
--> resolving perl-warnings... installed (provided by perl)                                                                
--> resolving perl-clone>=0.300.0... found on CPAN (Clone -> perl-clone)                                                   
--> resolving perl-digest-md5>=2.350.0... installed (provided by perl)                                                     
--> resolving perl-file-spec>=0.840.0... installed (provided by perl-pathtools)                                            
--> resolving perl-io-string>=1.70.0... found on CPAN (IO-String -> perl-io-string)                                        
--> resolving perl-list-moreutils>=0.160.0... found on CPAN (List-MoreUtils -> perl-list-moreutils)                        
--> resolving perl-list-util>=1.200.0... installed (provided by perl-scalar-list-utils)                                    
--> resolving perl-params-util>=1.0.0... found in build queue                                                              
--> resolving perl-storable>=2.170.0... found on CPAN (Storable -> perl-storable)                                          
--> resolving perl-class-inspector>=1.220.0... found on CPAN (Class-Inspector -> perl-class-inspector)                     
--> resolving perl-test-object>=0.70.0... found on CPAN (Test-Object -> perl-test-object)                                  
--> resolving perl-test-subcalls>=1.70.0... found on CPAN (Test-SubCalls -> perl-test-subcalls)                            
--> resolving perl-overload... installed (provided by perl)                                                                
--> resolving perl-scalar-util>=1.160.0... installed (provided by perl-scalar-list-utils)                                  
--> resolving perl-test-builder>=0.330.0... installed (provided by perl-test-simple)                                       
--> resolving perl-hook-lexwrap>=0.200.0... installed                                                                      
--> resolving perl-class-xsaccessor>=1.20.0... found on CPAN (Class-XSAccessor -> perl-class-xsaccessor)                   
--> resolving perl-ppi>=1.203.0... found on CPAN (PPI -> perl-ppi)                                                         
--> resolving perl>=5.8.0... installed                                                                                     
--> resolving perl-test-differences>=0.480.100... installed                                                                
--> resolving perl-list-moreutils... installed                                                                             
--> resolving perl-list-util... installed (provided by perl-scalar-list-utils)                                             
--> resolving perl-params-util>=0.250.0... found on CPAN (Params-Util -> perl-params-util)                                 
--> resolving perl-ppi-document... found in build queue (provided by perl-ppi)                                             
--> resolving perl-readonly... found on CPAN (Readonly -> perl-readonly)                                                   
--> resolving perl-test-more>=0.400.0... installed (provided by perl-test-simple)                                          
--> resolving perl-readonly>=1.20.0... found on CPAN (Readonly -> perl-readonly)                                           
--> resolving perl-capture-tiny>=0.70.0... found on CPAN (Capture-Tiny -> perl-capture-tiny)                               
--> resolving perl-module-build>=0.360.0... found in [core] (provided by perl)                                             
WARNING: ignoring Config which does not map to a CPAN distribution                                                         
--> resolving perl-extutils-testlib... installed (provided by perl-extutils-makemaker)                                     
--> resolving perl-hash-util... installed (provided by perl)                                                               
--> resolving perl-file-temp>=_0.13... found on CPAN (File-Temp -> perl-file-temp)                                         
--> resolving perl-test-more>=_0.45... found on CPAN (Test-Simple -> perl-test-simple)                                     
--> resolving perl-fcntl>=1.30.0... installed (provided by perl)                                                           
--> resolving perl-test-harness>=2.30.0... installed (provided by perl)                                                    
--> resolving perl-time-hires>=1.200.0... installed (provided by perl)                                                     
--> resolving perl-wx>=0.500.0... found on CPAN (Wx -> perl-wx)
--> resolving perl-alien-wxwidgets>=0.250.0... found on CPAN (Alien-wxWidgets -> perl-alien-wxwidgets)
--> resolving perl-extutils-makemaker>=6.170.0... installed
--> resolving perl-extutils-parsexs>=2.220.200... found in [core] (provided by perl)
--> resolving perl-extutils-xspp>=0.90.0... found on CPAN (ExtUtils-XSpp -> perl-extutils-xspp)
--> resolving perl-file-spec-functions>=0.820.0... installed (provided by perl-pathtools)
--> resolving perl-if>=0.30.0... installed
--> resolving perl-test-harness>=2.260.0... installed (provided by perl)
--> resolving perl-module-pluggable>=2.600.0... installed (provided by perl)
--> resolving perl-extutils-cbuilder>=0.240.0... installed (provided by perl)
--> resolving perl-module-build>=0.280.0... installed (provided by perl)
--> resolving perl-extutils-parsexs>=2.220.0... found in [core] (provided by perl)
--> resolving perl>=v5.6.1... installed
--> resolving perl-test-base... installed
--> resolving perl-sub-uplevel>=0.180.0... found on CPAN (Sub-Uplevel -> perl-sub-uplevel)
--> resolving perl-test-builder-tester>=1.70.0... installed (provided by perl-test-simple)
--> resolving perl-test-builder>=0.700.0... installed (provided by perl-test-simple)
--> resolving perl-test-more>=0.700.0... installed (provided by perl-test-simple)
--> resolving perl-test-simple>=0.700.0... installed (provided by perl)
--> resolving perl-module-build>=0.350.0... found in [core] (provided by perl)
--> Determining sizes of source files...
--> Installing downloaded target packages...
--> Running pacman: /usr/bin/pacman --cachedir "/var/cache/pacman/pkg" -S perl
warning: perl-5.10.1-5 is up to date -- reinstalling
resolving dependencies...
looking for inter-conflicts...
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: perl-compress-bzip2: requires perl-carp
:: perl-compress-bzip2: requires perl-fcntl
:: perl-compress-bzip2: requires perl-file-copy
:: perl-compress-bzip2: requires perl-getopt-std
:: perl-extutils-makemaker: requires perl-dirhandle
:: perl-extutils-makemaker: requires perl-file-basename
:: perl-extutils-makemaker: requires perl-pod-man
:: perl-file-find-rule: requires perl-file-find
:: perl-pathtools: requires perl-carp
:: perl-pathtools: requires perl-file-basename
error: pacman exited with an error (256)


#477 2010-02-25 02:21:13

Registered: 2008-08-03
Posts: 6,965

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

Try again with perl-xyne-arch>=2010.02.25.2

The problem is that the provides array of the perl package in [core] does not format the versions (which might be my fault, because I think it was generated with an old version of pacpan). The requirements listed in some of the META.yaml files are for newer versions of modules that are also provided by the perl package. Because the local perl package does not provide the required versions of those modules, it looks for them in the repos and falsely detects them in the perl package due to the version number formatting and the way pacman compares versions.

I've added a check which prevents it from reinstalling packages and thus forces it to continue searching for the modules, which causes it to correctly detect the necessary CPAN modules.

My Arch Linux StuffForum EtiquetteCommunity Ethos - Arch is not for everyone


#478 2010-02-25 12:16:21

Registered: 2006-04-02
Posts: 123

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more



#479 2010-02-25 15:25:11

Registered: 2006-04-02
Posts: 123

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

Ok, so I just successfully installed Catalyst (I think), which has a pretty long dependency chain as well, using:

bauerbill -S --cpan Catalyst-Devel

but only after having figured out which CPAN distribution that provides a high enough version number of perl-pod-man, just as the Encode hick-up for Padre. perl-pod-man is provided by both perl and perl-podlators, but only the latter provides matching version numbers and it was not detected by bauerbill. So here I am again with a few follow-up questions:

i) From what I can tell, you have chosen to implement a fine grained dependency system based on Perl modules and module numbers, but different distributions can have overlapping provides. I am sure you have put a lot of thought into the bauerbill system, but I am still curious to know, what is disadvantages or major hurdles to use a distribution based dependency system instead? Is it not possible to generate such dependencies automatically?

ii) When there are several packages with partially overlapping provides, is it a) mainly a matter of them providing different versions of the same code or b) a risk of provide name-space collision of unrelated code where I as a user has to know which distribution actually provides the right code. In other words, is perl-pod-man in perl-podlators just a newer version of perl-pod-man in perl or have I now borked my Catalyst installation by assuming it was?

iii) I do not fully grasp what "pacpan --fix-provides" does. Does it fix the provides array for already installed Perl packages or for all distributions/packages in CPAN? I guess I am wondering this to understand the logic of the fix. Is it something we do to be able to evaluate the relevance of a package before it is installed or after? As a user, I expect a packaging system to know what a package provides before it is goes into my system, not after, to be able to select the relevant packages. Again, in other words, does "pacpan --fix-provides" have any impact on the "perl-podlators" metadata before it is installed? Did bauerbill miss this package because it had not yet touched its metadata or because it was (erroneously?) satisfied with the provides of the perl package?

iv) From a user perspective, if a freshly run "pacpan --fix-provides" is assumed for successful use of bauerbill + CPAN, then couldn't the command or a variant thereof be automatically run to update the provides of (local?) of packages either before or after installation of CPAN packages?


#480 2010-02-25 15:34:46

Registered: 2006-04-02
Posts: 123

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

Feature request:

Being able to do:

bauerbill -S --cpan Padre-Plugin-*

would rock!

Edit: that particular example was a bit moot since we can just install Task-Padre-Plugin to do the same thing, but in any case, wildcards or regexps would be nice :-)

Last edited by korpenkraxar (2010-02-25 16:06:02)


#481 2010-02-25 17:05:06

Registered: 2008-08-03
Posts: 6,965

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more


i) The fine-grained system ensures that dependencies will never be broken when distributions are rearranged. Taking the previous issues with Padre as an example, the Perl package provides an older version of Module::Build and a newer version is available as a stand-alone module|distribution. Some distributions explicitly require the latest version of Module-Build and thus require the stand-alone module, but this may change with an update of the Perl package in core.

By explicitly listing the dependencies this will not create any problems or require intervention at a later date to ensure dependency resolution. If dependencies were only specified as distributions, all packages which specify "perl-module-build" would need to be manually updated to specify "perl" instead. That may not seem problematic in this case as they would depend on the Perl package already, but if the necessary modules had been moved to a new package then it definitely would.

I prefer to use the existing framework, which is designed for this, to ensure robustness. The only reason that it doesn't work as expected in all cases right now is that the packages in the repos do not correctly specify their provides arrays. I have tried (and am still trying, although I'm at the point of giving up) to convince the developers of the logic of this system, but it has met with opposition (see the pacman-dev-public mailing list). Essentially, some people feel that long arrays in PKGBUILDs are unacceptable and would rather deal with dependency breakage.

ii) I don't know, I suspect that it may be both. I don't actually use CPAN all that much, but from what I've seen they take the TIMTOWTDI approach to managing modules which leads to a lack of standardization. I think that's why installation of modules directly with the CPAN shell is so problematic and leads to cases in which you cannot uninstall modules without breaking others.

As long as you install all of the packages via Bauerbill|Pacman, you won't bork anything. You may occasionally have to edit a PKGBUILD or determine a dependency, but you don't have to worry about overwriting modules due to name collisions the same way you do with the CPAN shell.

iii) "pacpan --fix-provides" patches the local database's provides arrays for all CPAN packages. It runs through all the paths in @INC looking for modules. When it finds a module, it determines the modules owner and then grabs the list of all modules owned by the owner. For each such module it checks if the module corresponds to a CPAN module. It if does, it grabs the version from the module itself and adds it to a provides array. Finally, it compares the constructed provides array against the provides array in the local database and appends any missing values to ensure that Pacman can resolve dependencies satisfied by local packages.

This shouldn't be necessary and that is why I am trying to get the devs to recognize that it makes sense to include a complete provides array, but, as already mentioned, the idea has been met with opposition.

"--fix-provides" does not have any effect on the sync database and some packages in the repo specify incorrect versions in their provides array, as previously mentioned. For example, perl-foo-bar=1.2002 should actually be perl-foo-bar=1.200.200 (due to the way CPAN inteprets version strings). This is why bauerbill wanted to re-install "perl": if "perl" provides "perl-foo-bar=1.2002" and a package requires "perl-foo-bar=1.220.000", it will consider "2002" to be greater than "220".

iv) I'm still hoping that "--fix-provides" will only be a temporary workaround and that packagers will adopt this system in the future, but so far that's looking unlikely. If they don't, I'm not sure what I'll do.

I might implement  your feature request, but you can already use standard pacman tricks to install all of the plugins:

bauerbill -S --cpan $(bauerbill -Ssq --cpan Padre-Plugin-*)

My Arch Linux StuffForum EtiquetteCommunity Ethos - Arch is not for everyone


#482 2010-02-26 14:24:16

From: Germany
Registered: 2008-10-29
Posts: 1,053

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

Hey Xyne, I'm having a little problem when using bauerbill in conjunction with the Rebase module: When I use rebase (the standalone version), it works fine and shows updated packages. When I enable the Rebase module in bauerbill, there's no output and no updates, though running pacman -Syu afterwards shows that updates are indeed available:

$ sudo bauerbill --rebase -Syu
--> Searching for upgradable repo packages...
--> Switching to pacman: /usr/bin/pacman -S -u
:: Starting full system upgrade...
 local database is up to date

However, when I disable the module, -Syu'ing through bauerbill seems to work fine:

$ sudo bauerbill -Syu
:: Synchronizing package databases...
 core is up to date
 extra is up to date
 xyne-any is up to date
 community is up to date
 arch-games is up to date
--> Searching for upgradable repo packages...
--> Switching to pacman: /usr/bin/pacman -S -u
:: Starting full system upgrade...
 local database is up to date

(bad example, since the repos in fact are up to date ATM, but the issue persists anyways)
my /etc/bauerbill.conf:


# Enable ABS support.


# Enable AUR support.


# [Powerpill option]

# Additional arguments to aria2c. These will be appended to the internal list of
# default arguments, replacing some of them when appropriate. The format used is
# the same as in aria2c configuration files, e.g. "lowest-speed-limit=10K"

# Options of immediate interest are "lowest-speed-limit", which can be used to
# filter slow mirrors while the download is in progress, and
# "max-download-limit", to limit download speed.

# Options which are required by Powerpill will be ignored. Beyond that,
# Powerpill does not check the sanity of the arguments given.

# Consult aria2c's documentation for a full list of available options and
# information about what they do.

Aria2Args = allow-overwrite=true continue file-allocation=none ftp-pasv=true max-concurrent-downloads=45 max-tries=2 metalink-enable-unique-protocol=false metalink-servers=45 split=10 summary-interval=0 timeout=5 file-allocation=none

# [Powerpill option]

# The path to the aria2c binary.

Aria2Bin = /usr/bin/aria2c

# Automatically build the specified packages using ABS. This works even when the
# "ABS" option is not set.

Autobuild = [ mpd ]

# Automatically apply patches in the PatchDir to PKGBUILDs and install files
# when trusting the PKGBUILDs. If the prompt appears, the patch is not applied
# and it is left to the user.

# Autopatch = [pkgnames]

# Build all repo packages using ABS, including dependencies. This will bypass
# the ABS build queue dialogue.

# BuildAll

# If Bauerbill is run with root privileges, it will drop them and assume the
# privileges of the given user when sourcing files and building packages.

BuildAs = patrice

# Specify the build directory.

BuildDir = /home/patrice/pkg

# Enable CPAN support. Read the CPAN section of the man page before using this
# option.


# Move built packages to the cache. If PKGDEST is set in makepkg.conf, it will
# take precedence over this option.

# CacheBuilt

# Select a text editor for editing PKGBUILDs and install files.

Editor = vim

# Retrieve the AUR category list to enable translation of category IDs to
# category names when displaying information.

# GetCategories

# Enable Hackage support. Read the Hackage section of the man page before using
# this option.

# Hackage

# Specify the cache directory where Hackage metadata files will be mirrored and
# where the Hackage database file will be created.

# HackageCache = /tmp/bauerbill/hackage

# [Powerpill option]

# Powerpill output will be logged to this path if it is given.

# Log = /var/log/powerpill.log

# Additional arguments to makepkg which will be used when building packages from
# source. Check the makepkg documentation for details.

# Note that makepkg is NEVER RUN AS ROOT so there is no reason to pass it
# arguments which would allow it to be run as root.

MakepkgArgs = -r

# Specify a different makepkg configuration file to use.

MakepkgConfig = /etc/makepkg.conf

# [Powerpill option]

# Cache database file lookups in memory to enable faster subsequent lookups.
# This will greatly speed up longer operations in most cases at the cost of a
# larger memory footprint.


# [Powerpill option]

# Suppress colored output.

# NoColor

# [Powerpill option]

# The path to the pacman binary or an equivalent, such as pacman-color.

PacmanBin = /usr/bin/pacman

# [Powerpill option]

# Specify a different pacman configuration file to use.

PacmanConfig = /etc/pacman.conf

# Specify the pacpan cache where CPAN metadata files will be mirrored and where
# the CPAN database file will be created.

PacpanCache = /tmp/bauerbill/pacpan

# The PatchDir should be a directory with the same nested hierarchy as the
# BuildDir. It will be checked for corresponding PKGBUILD and install file
# patches to apply before sourcing a given PKGBUILD.

PatchDir = /home/patrice/pkg

# [Powerpill option]

# Specify PkgD servers to query for packages before using external mirrors.

# PkgD = [address:port]

# Specify a path to a Powerpill configuration file which should be loaded before
# the Bauerbill configuration file. This lets the user keep all common options
# in a single configuration file and selectively override them in the Bauerbill
# configution file, which also contains Bauerbill-specific options. Make sure
# that you comment all settings in the Bauerbill configuration file that you do
# not want to override.

# PowerpillConf = /etc/powerpill.conf

# [Powerpill option]

# Use the Rebase module to update the sync database. See the Rebase
# documentation for more information.

# Rebase

# [Powerpill option]

# Enable retrieval of mirrors from the MirrorStatus webpage during a sync
# operation. This uses the Reflector module internally and accepts the same
# arguments that Reflector does. See the Reflector documentation for more
# information.

# There is absolutely no reason to pass any of the ranking options with this
# command as the order of the servers is completely irrelevant.

Reflect = -l 45

# [Powerpill option]

# The number of times that a failed download should be retried when run
# automatically.

RetryLimit = 3

# [Powerpill option]

# The minimum size, in MB (not MiB), that a file must be before it is split for
# segmented downloading.

SplitSize = 5

# Specify a storage directory for ABS and AUR taurballs. Taurballs are the
# archives containing the PKGBUILDs and local source files required by makepkg
# to build the package (AUR tarball = taurball).

TaurballDir = /home/patrice/pkg

# If set, the user will not be prompted to inspect PKGBUILDs and install files
# for ABS packages. If you trust the binary packages created with those
# PKGBUILDs, you can probably trust the PKGBUILDs themselves.

# TrustABS

# If set, the user will not be prompted to inspect PKGBUILDs generated by
# Xyne::Arch::CPAN. Although these PKGBUILD are safe in the sense that they will
# never contain malicious code, they may sometime require editing to correct
# errors that arise due to absent or incorrect metadata on CPAN.

# TrustCPAN

# If set, the user will not be prompted to inspect PKGBUILDs generated by
# cabal2arch.

# TrustHackage

# This option can be used to specify "trusted users" on the AUR. The user will
# not be prompted to inspect PKGBUILDs and install files for packages maintained
# by these "trusted users". Despite the name, this option is not limited to
# actual Arch TUs, although they are probably a good candidates for this list,
# as well as your own user account.

# This option is provided for convenience and completeness but it is inherently
# dangerous. Use it with caution.

# TrustedUsers = [trusted AUR users]

# Select a viewer for displaying text output. This can be used at the PKGBUILD
# inspection prompt to view text instead of printing it to the console. The
# viewer must accept text piped to it on STDIN, e.g. "/bin/less".

Viewer = /bin/less

Last edited by Runiq (2010-02-26 14:27:27)


#483 2010-02-26 15:00:36

Registered: 2008-08-03
Posts: 6,965

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

It's the same code so if the stand-alone version works, then the built-in one should work too. Are you sure it wasn't just an interval between updates that coincided with your tests?

Create a temporary directory and try "bauerbill -Sy -b /path/to/tmpdir" and let me know what happens.

My Arch Linux StuffForum EtiquetteCommunity Ethos - Arch is not for everyone


#484 2010-02-26 16:59:25

From: Germany
Registered: 2008-10-29
Posts: 1,053

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

Huh, thank you very much, sir. It worked - the database has been re-downloaded to the tmpdir, and the "Rebasing…" notice appeared as well. I'll just use rebase as a cronjob. Guess I got confused about the notice not appearing.

Still, back when I first noticed that problem (about two weeks ago), I was already going several days without updates, and a pacman -Syu about a minute later pulled in lots of packages. Maybe the mirrors I used were out of date and updated right before I pacman -Syu'd that day… Talk about great timing on my side. Sorry for pestering you with a stupid thing once again.

(BTW, the triumvirate of rebase, reflector and bauerbill is like the awesomest thing around. smile )


#485 2010-02-27 00:12:51

Registered: 2006-04-02
Posts: 123

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

Xyne wrote:

i) The fine-grained system ensures that dependencies will never be broken when distributions are rearranged. Taking the previous issues with Padre as an example, the Perl package provides an older version of Module::Build and a newer version is available as a stand-alone module|distribution. Some distributions explicitly require the latest version of Module-Build and thus require the stand-alone module, but this may change with an update of the Perl package in core.

By explicitly listing the dependencies this will not create any problems or require intervention at a later date to ensure dependency resolution. If dependencies were only specified as distributions, all packages which specify "perl-module-build" would need to be manually updated to specify "perl" instead. That may not seem problematic in this case as they would depend on the Perl package already, but if the necessary modules had been moved to a new package then it definitely would.

I prefer to use the existing framework, which is designed for this, to ensure robustness. The only reason that it doesn't work as expected in all cases right now is that the packages in the repos do not correctly specify their provides arrays.

Good stuff. I agree with you that we should trying staying as close to CPAN as possible. That makes less work for everyone.

I have tried (and am still trying, although I'm at the point of giving up) to convince the developers of the logic of this system, but it has met with opposition (see the pacman-dev-public mailing list). Essentially, some people feel that long arrays in PKGBUILDs are unacceptable and would rather deal with dependency breakage.

Yes, I can see that being a fair remark for those Archers who read PKGBUILDs aloud to their children as bedtime stories. I mean, seriously, what kind of counter-argument is that? Waht!? Why should be we care about the length of the provides array in a text file which will be machine parsed 99.9% of the time?

ii) I don't know, I suspect that it may be both. I don't actually use CPAN all that much, but from what I've seen they take the TIMTOWTDI approach to managing modules which leads to a lack of standardization. I think that's why installation of modules directly with the CPAN shell is so problematic and leads to cases in which you cannot uninstall modules without breaking others.

From my perspective, the possibility of name space collision in the depends/provides arrays could pose a problem in the fine grained system if it confuses the package manager (assuming that it may happen more frequently if we rely on module names instead of distributions). I do not know CPAN well enough to evaluate the risk of this happening though. Is it possible to conveniently specify a "preferred" distribution in advance to deal with such collisions (a "soft/relaxed" dependency)?

iii) "pacpan --fix-provides" patches the local database's provides arrays for all CPAN packages. It runs through all the paths in @INC looking for modules. When it finds a module, it determines the modules owner and then grabs the list of all modules owned by the owner. For each such module it checks if the module corresponds to a CPAN module. It if does, it grabs the version from the module itself and adds it to a provides array. Finally, it compares the constructed provides array against the provides array in the local database and appends any missing values to ensure that Pacman can resolve dependencies satisfied by local packages.

Ahh, wow. That was more sophisticated than I had expected. Cool.

I have stumbled across a few problems with this though. While running:

bauerbill -S --cpan Task-Padre-Plugin-Deps Task-Padre-Plugins

It includes a few packages that depended on Padre modules not exported/detected by "--fix-provides" even though I am sure they are there. I had to force install those packages. Unfortunately I do not remember which and my darn bash history does not have them, so if you want to have look at that you will need to install plenty of perl packages.

iv) I'm still hoping that "--fix-provides" will only be a temporary workaround and that packagers will adopt this system in the future, but so far that's looking unlikely. If they don't, I'm not sure what I'll do.

I hope they do.

bauerbill -S --cpan $(bauerbill -Ssq --cpan Padre-Plugin-*)

Do! Of course. Well, that is good enough for me :-)


#486 2010-03-02 05:15:40

Registered: 2006-12-28
Posts: 10

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

sudo bauerbill -S --aur --build-as kakalaky jflap

fails with the following:

WARNING: jflap does not match any package or group in sync db
--> Searching for AUR packages...
--> Loading AUR taurball data...
error: tar exited with 256 (su kakalaky -c 'bsdtar -zf /tmp/bauerbill/taurballs/aur/jflap.tar.bz2 -C /tmp/bauerbill/build/aur -x --no-same-owner --no-same-permissions 2>/dev/null')

A manual makepkg works fine.


#487 2010-03-02 05:56:18

Registered: 2008-08-03
Posts: 6,965

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

The error is caused by an outdated database entry in the AUR. The JSON query reports the taurball URL as but the actual URL is

Also note that the package is flagged as out-of-date and hasn't been updated in nearly 2 years. Try sending an email to the maintainer to request that he update the package (and clean up the PKGBUILD), which will also correct the database error. If you get no response, the package can be orphaned if you wish to adopt it.

I've updated bauerbill to work around the error because this has come up before, but the problem is the AUR database. You can get the latest version from [xyne-any] on my site.

Last edited by Xyne (2010-03-02 05:57:25)

My Arch Linux StuffForum EtiquetteCommunity Ethos - Arch is not for everyone


#488 2010-03-02 07:10:31

Forum Fellow
From: Between Thailand and Singapore
Registered: 2009-03-17
Posts: 7,358

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

Hi Xyne, not sure if anyone has suggested to you before. Thanks for this software, kicked that OTHER AUR manager out of my machine within days.

Allan-Volunteer on the (topic being discussed) mailn lists. You never get the people who matters attention on the forums.
jasonwryan-Installing Arch is a measure of your literacy. Maintaining Arch is a measure of your diligence. Contributing to Arch is a measure of your competence.
Griemak-Bleeding edge, not bleeding flat. Edge denotes falls will occur from time to time. Bring your own parachute.


#489 2010-03-02 10:49:14

Registered: 2006-04-02
Posts: 123

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

ngoonee wrote:

Hi Xyne, not sure if anyone has suggested to you before. Thanks for this software, kicked that OTHER AUR manager out of my machine within days.

Agreed, I'd love that too.


#490 2010-03-02 12:54:55

From: Budapest, Hungary
Registered: 2009-01-08
Posts: 1,924

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

Support++ smile

zʇıɹɟʇıɹʞsuɐs AUR || Cycling in Budapest with a helmet camera || Revised log levels proposal: "FYI" "WTF" and "OMG" (John Barnette)


#491 2010-03-02 13:17:19

Registered: 2006-12-28
Posts: 10

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

Xyne wrote:

Also note that the package is flagged as out-of-date and hasn't been updated in nearly 2 years.
I've updated bauerbill to work around the error because this has come up before, but the problem is the AUR database. You can get the latest version from [xyne-any] on my site.

It's really not even worth making a PKGBUILD for jflap since it's only a single jar file and isn't updated often.  I just needed an example of the problem and did not realize it was already fixed in your repos.  I switched to using [xyne-any] instead of AUR for bauerbill.  Thanks.


#492 2010-03-02 22:54:41

From: Germany
Registered: 2008-10-29
Posts: 1,053

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

Hey Xyne,
Could you add support for the PKGEXT makepkg.conf option? I'm trying out LZMA compression (PKGEXT='tar.xz' in /etc/makepkg.conf) and noticed that LZMA compressed packages have to be installed manually because the .pkg.tar.gz extension is hardcoded in

$ sudo bb -S --aur statnot
WARNING: statnot does not match any package or group in sync db
--> Searching for AUR packages...
--> Loading AUR taurball data...
WARNING: about to source /home/patrice/pkg/aur/statnot/PKGBUILD
view [v]  backup [b]  edit [e]  continue [ok] ok
==> Finished making: statnot 0.0.2-1 x86_64 (Tue Mar  2 23:52:33 CET 2010)
==> Cleaning up...
ERROR: no package found: /home/patrice/pkg/packages/aur/statnot/statnot-0.0.2-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.gz
:: Abort? [Y/n]

Last edited by Runiq (2010-03-02 22:56:08)


#493 2010-03-02 23:45:06

Registered: 2008-08-03
Posts: 6,965

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

I've added code to parse the PKGEXT variable. Let me know if it works as expected.

I've added information about installed packages to the output of "-Ss" and "-Si".

My Arch Linux StuffForum EtiquetteCommunity Ethos - Arch is not for everyone


#494 2010-03-03 00:08:51

From: Germany
Registered: 2008-10-29
Posts: 1,053

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

Xyne wrote:

I've added code to parse the PKGEXT variable. Let me know if it works as expected.

Yep, works fine. Thanks once again. smile

Last edited by Runiq (2010-03-03 00:09:11)


#495 2010-03-03 16:55:19

Registered: 2010-02-04
Posts: 16

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

I have been using bauerbill for a month now and it keeps getting better and better. Thanks for all the work. Just some minor cruft ?

  11:38 >>bb -Ss web|grep installed
Wide character in print at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/Xyne/Arch/ line 384.
core/wget 1.12-1 (base)  (installed)
extra/firefox 3.6-2  (installed)


#496 2010-03-03 19:46:09

Registered: 2009-01-21
Posts: 76

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

I realise that I am most likely doing something silly, but as far as I can tell, it's set up fine, but fails to do any stuff:

/usr/bin/aria2c: symbol lookup error: /usr/bin/aria2c: undefined symbol: ares_library_init

I suspect that this has something to do with an outdated library/dependency, but I can't seem to track it down. Either way, whatever my current package set is satisfied the package build requirements, so if this is a versioning issue, it has slipped through the cracks. Apologies if this is some silly oversight on my behalf


#497 2010-03-03 22:30:15

Registered: 2008-08-03
Posts: 6,965

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

Update to perl-xyne-arch>=2010.03.03.1 and let me know if it's fixed.

That seems to be an aria2c error unrelated to bauerbill. Have you tried rebuilding aria2 from source with ABS? I've never come across that error so I can help. I would try one or more of the following in your case:

re-install aria2
rebuild aria2
repeat above for immediate deps
start a new thread in the relevant forum here
open a ticket on the bug tracker (once I'm almost sure it's not my configuration)
post a bug upstream (-"-)

My Arch Linux StuffForum EtiquetteCommunity Ethos - Arch is not for everyone


#498 2010-03-03 23:29:59

Registered: 2006-04-02
Posts: 123

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

Xyne wrote:

I've added information about installed packages to the output of "-Ss" and "-Si".

Great! Thanks!


#499 2010-03-04 00:08:18

Registered: 2010-02-04
Posts: 16

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

Update to perl-xyne-arch>=2010.03.03.1  fixed that  first case,  but  these searches show some extra lines at the end of each list:

 17:49 >>bb -Ss tools|grep installed
core/device-mapper 2.02.60-3 (base)  (installed)
extra/mjpegtools 1.9.0-3  (installed)
extra/mysql-clients 5.1.42-2  (installed)
extra/perl-mailtools 2.06-1  (installed)
extra/perl-mime-tools 5.427-2  (installed)
extra/pilot-link 0.12.4-2  (installed)
extra/smartmontools 5.39.1-1  (installed)
extra/smbclient 3.4.6-1  (installed)
extra/vorbis-tools 1.2.0-4  (installed)
extra/xdg-utils  (installed)
    installed to /opt/back-track/. More than 700MB of scripts in library!
AUR/cdrtools 2.01.01a76-1 (installed)
    Image (AMI), create an AMI from an existing machine or installed volume, and upload a
    installed by setuptools, easy_install and distutils (Python 2.5) and for querying PyPI 

17:51 >>bb -Ss utils|grep installed
core/binutils 2.20-3 (base)  (installed)
core/coreutils 8.4-1 (base)  (installed)
core/diffutils 2.9-1 (base)  (installed)
core/findutils 4.4.2-1 (base)  (installed)
core/iputils 20100214-2 (base)  (installed)
core/nfs-utils 1.2.2-1  (installed)
 extra/xorg-server-utils 7.5-3 (xorg)  (installed)
extra/xorg-utils 7.5-1 (xorg)  (installed)
extra/xorg-xkb-utils 7.5-2  (installed)
    installed by setuptools, easy_install and distutils (Python 2.5) and for querying PyPI

17:53 >>bb -Ss mod|grep installed
core/kernel26 (base)  (installed)
core/mkinitcpio 0.6.3-1 (base)  (installed)
core/module-init-tools 3.11.1-2 (base)  (installed)
extra/xf86vidmodeproto 2.3-1  (installed)
xyne-any/perl-xyne-arch 2010.03.03.1-1  (installed)
xyne-any/perl-xyne-common 2010.02.11.1-1  (installed)
community/perl-time-format 1.11-1  (installed)
community/perl-xyne-arch 2010.02.23.1-1  (installed: 2010.03.03.1-1)
community/perl-xyne-common 2010.02.11.1-1  (installed)
    compositing manager is installed
    Find and use installed modules in a (sub)category
    the latest beta version. If you had earlier versions installed, please be aware that your

17:56 >>bb -Ss perl|grep installed
core/pcre 8.01-1 (base)  (installed)
core/perl 5.10.1-5 (base)  (installed)
extra/cairo-perl 1.061-1  (installed)
extra/glib-perl 1.222-1  (installed)
extra/gtk2-perl 1.221-1  (installed)
community/perl-xml-libxml 1.70-1  (installed)
community/perl-xyne-arch 2010.02.23.1-1  (installed: 2010.03.03.1-1)
community/perl-xyne-common 2010.02.11.1-1  (installed)
    Find and use installed modules in a (sub)category
AUR/perl-params-validate 0.95-1 (installed)

17:58 >>bb -Ss scripts|grep installed
core/dialog 1.1_20100119-1 (base)  (installed)
core/initscripts 2010.01-1 (base)  (installed)
core/netcfg 2.5.4-1  (installed)
core/run-parts 3.2.2-1  (installed)
extra/pm-utils  (installed)
    installed to /opt/back-track/. More than 700MB of scripts in library!

18:02 >>bb -Ss font|grep installed
extra/fontcacheproto 0.1.3-1  (installed)
extra/fontconfig 2.8.0-1  (installed)
extra/fontsproto 2.1.0-1  (installed)
extra/freetype2 2.3.12-1  (installed)
extra/xorg-fonts-encodings 1.0.3-1  (installed)
extra/xorg-fonts-misc 1.0.0-4  (installed)
community/terminus-font 4.28-1  (installed)
    Following fonts from Adobe Acrobat Reader 8 and 9, installed for systemwide usage: Adobe
    A simple tool to view and compare fonts installed on your system

18:02 >>bb -Ss info|grep installed
core/procinfo 19-3 (base)  (installed)
core/texinfo 4.13a-3 (base)  (installed)
extra/hal-info 0.20091130-1  (installed)
extra/hddtemp 0.3.beta15.45-2  (installed)
extra/php 5.3.1-5  (installed)
extra/shared-mime-info 0.71-1  (installed)
xyne-any/paconky 2.4-1  (installed)
community/lshw B.02.14-1  (installed)
AUR/paconky 2.4-1 (installed)
    installed by setuptools, easy_install and distutils (Python 2.5) and for querying PyPI


#500 2010-03-04 00:32:51

Registered: 2008-08-03
Posts: 6,965

Re: Bauerbill: Powerpill + ABS, AUR, CPAN and Hackage support + more

Those aren't extra. When you grep for "installed", grep returns all lines containing "installed". Look at the lines. wink

Either try grepping for "(installed)" (which will still return description lines if they contain it), or filter the output with a negative grep for leading whitespace.

My Arch Linux StuffForum EtiquetteCommunity Ethos - Arch is not for everyone


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