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deadbeef is really lightweight and similar to foobar2k.
I use it as my default music player for a while.
But I have one stupid question, how should i enable the album art?
I add album art column and there is a picture named cover.jpg in the folder, but the column doesn't display the cover.
planykao, try to read help
Thanks a lot. It's work now.
i've never seen 100MB ram usage even if i have 50-60K songs in playlist..
but it might be very high if you are using album art.
Fetching was enabled, but not the album art column. After crashing (I enabled the display of album art) and restarting DeaDBeeF, usage is now only 28MB with the same playlist.
global hotkeys do work, you just need to press Apply button before closing preferences window.. this will be improved in some later release.
Ah, thanks! Works fine now.
waker wrote:i've never seen 100MB ram usage even if i have 50-60K songs in playlist..
but it might be very high if you are using album art.Fetching was enabled, but not the album art column. After crashing (I enabled the display of album art) and restarting DeaDBeeF, usage is now only 28MB with the same playlist.
it must be something else then.. album art plugin is idle when there's no album art column.
i guess it might have something to do with GtkFileChooser memory allocations.. usually it's not more than 10-15 megs though.
28 Megs is also quite a lot for such a small playlist, but there are way too many factors that i can't control..
heavy gtk theme + heavy icons theme, and 20 megs are gone for nothing.
Just installed and works fine. A right click menu will be convenient and is a future request.
what's wrong with the right click menu?
What I mean is to add files / directories in a way to mimic the File menu.
It works just perfect for me!
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Hmm, I'm having some issues with the OSS plugin. Whenever pause or stop is pressed, there isn't any large delay when using the ALSA plugin as it seems to pause/unpause the stream when needed. The OSS plugin however doesn't seem to do this, as it doesn't reopen the audio device, causing quite annoying latency on each play/pause (this depends on the audio buffer size, but it's quite noticable even with native OSSv4). I'll try to provide a patch.
EDIT: Uploaded patch to tracker.
Last edited by Themaister (2010-05-14 03:42:04)
I attached the image for what I got on right click.
Last edited by kgas (2010-05-14 10:47:55)
kgas, i don't see anything wrong on the screenshot..
I hope I am not clear to that point. In right click it would be better to get the things what is in File menu like open files/Add location / Add folders.
why do you think it would be better?
It will be easier for others who use my pc (like vlc which got open media in the write click and sub menu selections ie switching from vlc will be easier)
kgas, sorry, i'm not going to change that just because vlc does it in different way.
Thanks. If that is there I need not have qt and all application I am using are gtk based only .
Very nice music player. It's exactly what I need.
Would be nice to have keyboard shortcuts for rename/remove/save playlists (Ctrl + R/W/S).
I never used Foobar but I'm running Deadbeef 0.4 on Ubuntu 9.10 from the PPA and I really like it. It is quick and clean and does everything just about how I would expect it to without much thinking. Good work!
Here is a quick 'n dirty data point. I have my music collection shared via a samba share on a gigabit connection. I added the root folder, which contains 6247 tracks and 18 days, 8 hours+ of playtime, and that took approximately 110 seconds to import. Deadbeef was still responsive while importing, which is more than you could say about many music players (I'm looking at you audacious).
A couple suggestions I figured it wouldn't hurt to bring up:
- On each playlist tab, it would be nice if there could be a "Clear" button like exists in the Edit menu. In fact, the entire Edit menu (minus the preferences item) could probably be added as a submenu to the tab context menu. I tend to not use playlists and so just have a single Default playlist, and clicking "Remove Playlist" works for me as a clearing mechanism, but it is still a little confusing.
- I'm not sure if you know about (and have rejected) GtkAboutDialog, but it takes a lot of the work out of About dialogs and they look nice.
- I noticed that ALSA is the default output plugin. Being on Ubuntu, I'm obviously using PulseAudio and it would be really neat if there were a way to detect whether or not PulseAudio or Alsa (or other) was being used by the distro and set that as the default in the drop down list.
Just wanted to give you a kudos on the program. You can take or leave my suggestions, as they are more or less nitpicks anyway. Thanks.
Last edited by Atticus (2010-05-14 13:13:56)
hey, Atticus
thanks for your feedback
as a general rule, you should write suggestions and feature requests to the appropriate tracker on a project website (otherwise it is highly unlikely anyone will pick them up).
also, i don't think ubuntu package maintainer even reads this thread, which means your pulseaudio suggestion will most likely be ignored.
as for the GtkAboutDialog.. yeah, i've used it in earlier versions (before 0.3.0 i think). it imposes a lot of limitations on what can be put into about window, which i don't like.
Last edited by waker (2010-05-14 13:23:17)
This is great! I mean, I there are still some foobar features I miss, but DeaDBeeF is well on its way. I would have requested a couple features, but after your last post, that'd seem a little inappropriate -- I'll use the tracker.
You made my day. Keep it up.
EDIT: I should also point out that it took foobar a decade to get where it is now. You're already halfway there.
Last edited by Stolen Identity (2010-05-15 16:46:11)
i am not sure if this is the right place to ask for features... i will tell them anyway.
a) tabs are not integrated very well... right now you have to rightclick the tabbar and add a new tab. Then you have to drag'n'drop to the tab. There are some issues here: you cant simply drag'n'drop to an empty space on the tabbar to create a new tab. You also cannot rightclick some entries and send to an non-existent tab. you cant even drag'n'drop stuff from the search window to a different tab. a better interation would be highly appreciated (look at foobar2000)
b) there is no way to see/manage the playback queue
c) A media library would be great.
d) Missing Albumartist support - in Group View all my Various Artists Albums are messed up.
Thats it for the start... all in all this is a very welcome player that does exactly what one wants - and its the closest attempt to mimic foobar2k up to date.
**edit** i will use the tracker...
EDIT: I should also point out that it took foobar a decade to get where it is now. You're already halfway there.
I actually remember the early days of foobar. It lacked nearly everything. You could add files and play them. End of story.
Last edited by Rasi (2010-05-18 19:24:22)
He hoped and prayed that there wasn't an afterlife. Then he realized there was a contradiction involved here and merely hoped that there wasn't an afterlife.
Douglas Adams
Thank you very much for this. foobar2000 was my favorite player on Windows and when I moved to Linux a few years ago I jumped from player to player trying to find something good enough. I finally just settled on mpd and I've been very happy with that. But this is what I've been looking for ever since I started using Linux. I can't wait to see this develop. While I don't want this to be a simple clone of foobar I'd love to see it grow up into something on a similar level.
I do have one request that's pretty small so it's not really even worth putting on the tracker. I'd just like an option to hide the tray icon.
Thank you again. It is amazing what you've done in such a short time.
Brilliant. Was out looking for a good music player and just that... I hate all the "music managers" that you get these days. Was going to install quodlibet since my new desktop is a lot more powerful than my 12 yr old laptop with 256MB Ram and P3. I just casually searched the Arch Forums .... I am glad I did. DeadBeef is the only music player on my new machine now.
There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !
Nice player! I was looking for a player to play some old tracker modules, which strangely did not play in vlc. Using kdemod here with qtcurve-kde and kde-oxygen-molecule theme for gtk2 programs. It now looks like it fits with the rest of the kde programs. OSD works fine with kde's notifier and assigning global hotkeys was a simple task. Thanks for this lightweight player!
Last edited by ssri (2010-05-21 08:09:35)