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Hello, first I would like to make an outline of what I want to accomplish:
I want to make alerts using awesome's notification library naught to go together with
weechat. So when someone highlights me or msg me I will get a notification.
Sounds simple, huh?
I know some Lua, which I guess is what I need.
Any good links for weechat programming or maybe you have a script for this task you have written?
Everything that is remotely similar to what I want to do is helpful.
Thanks for taking time.
The WeeChat plugin API documentation may help you: … pi.en.html
Here's a Perl reference plugin: …
And in Python:
Looks like you need to hook irc_privmsg.
Good luck.
Thanks tindzk, that was a great help.
Turns out it's really simple, have some fine tuning to do but t works.
weechat.register("Naughty-alert", "Felix Wallin", "1.0", "GPL3", "Highlight Alert", "", "")
function alert_naughty()
os.execute('notify-send "privmsg received"')
weechat.hook_signal("*,irc_in2_privmsg","alert_naughty", "")
that simple. dbus is great.
EDIT: it doesn't notify on highlights yet, soon to come.
Last edited by Nibble (2010-05-10 15:01:52)
Below is a script my friend wrote to do something like this. It will write highlights to a file ($HOME/.weechat/logs/events). I use DWM so in my .xinitrc I have something like:
while :; do
im=$(wc -l $HOME/.weechat/logs/events)
echo "I:${im}"
sleep 10
done | dwm
# jabber_message_handler
# Filters and processes messages on the jabber.&bitlbee channel.
# * Highlighted messages are logged to /var/log/weechat/events
# file so they can be processed by and
# counted in dwm status bar.
# Changelog
# =========
# Version 0.05
# * Use HOME env var instead of tilde.
# Version 0.04
# * Save configuration settings in plugins.conf.
# Version 0.03
# * Replace "our" with "my" in code. (Bug: message handling stops
# working, requires restart)
# * Include verbose options in help message.
use warnings;
use strict;
# Name of the command
my $CMD_NAME = 'jabber_message_handler';
my $SCRIPT_NAME = 'jabber_message_handler';
my $SCRIPT_VERSION = '0.5';
my $SCRIPT_DESCR = 'Log events and format reminder messages';
# Names of the settings
my $CONFIG_ENABLED = 'enabled';
my $CONFIG_VERBOSE = 'verbose';
my $CONFIG_EVENTS = 'events_file';
# Default settings
my $DEFAULT_ENABLED = 'true';
my $DEFAULT_VERBOSE = 'false';
my $DEFAULT_EVENTS = $ENV{HOME} . '/.weechat/logs/events';
# Usage:
my $ARGS= '[on|off] [verbose [on|off]]';
'on: enable',
'off: disable',
'verbose [on]: set verbose on',
'verbose off: set verbose off',
' ',
'without any arguments, displays current settings'
'Jim Karsten',
if ( weechat::config_get_plugin($CONFIG_ENABLED) eq "" ) {
weechat::config_set_plugin($CONFIG_ENABLED, $DEFAULT_ENABLED)
if ( weechat::config_get_plugin($CONFIG_VERBOSE) eq "" ) {
weechat::config_set_plugin($CONFIG_VERBOSE, $DEFAULT_VERBOSE)
if ( weechat::config_get_plugin($CONFIG_EVENTS) eq "" ) {
weechat::config_set_plugin($CONFIG_EVENTS, $DEFAULT_EVENTS)
my $verbose = weechat::config_get_plugin($CONFIG_VERBOSE) eq 'true' ? 1 : 0;
# Display a summary of the settings
'Log jabber messages',
join("\n", @ARGS_DESCRS),
weechat::hook_signal('weechat_highlight', 'highlight_message', "");
weechat::hook_signal('irc_pv', 'irc_pv', "");
weechat::hook_signal('weechat_pv', 'weechat_pv', "");
# highlight_message
# Sent: nothing
# Return: nothing
# Purpose:
# Delegate highlight message.
sub highlight_message {
my $type = 'highlight';
print_it("highlight_message - received message.") if $verbose;
process_message( $type, @_ );
# irc_pv
# Sent: nothing
# Return: nothing
# Purpose:
# Delegate irc_pv message.
sub irc_pv {
my $type = 'irc_pv';
print_it("DEBUG - irc_pv()") if $verbose;
return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK;
# weechat_pv
# Sent: nothing
# Return: nothing
# Purpose:
# Delegate weechat_pv message.
sub weechat_pv {
my $type = 'weechat_pv';
print_it("DEBUG - weechat_pv()") if $verbose;
return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK;
# process_message
# Sent: nothing
# Return: add_message_handler return value
# Purpose:
# Process incoming message.
sub process_message {
if ( weechat::config_get_plugin($CONFIG_ENABLED) ne "true" ) {
return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK;
print_it( "process message arguments - " . join('X:', @_ ) ) if $verbose;
my $message = parse_message( @_ );
log_event( $message );
return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK;
# parse_message
# Sent: irc message
# Return: hash ref
# Purpose:
# Parse the irc message into it's components.
sub parse_message {
print_it( "parse message arguments - " . join('X:', @_ ) ) if $verbose;
my ( $type, $data, $buffer, $args ) = @_;
my ( $nick, $message ) = ( $args =~ /(.*?)\t(.*)/ );
print_it("parse_message - nick: $nick") if $verbose;
print_it("parse_message - message: $message") if $verbose;
return {
nick => $nick,
msg => $message,
type => $type,
# log_event
# Sent: message hash ref
# Return: nothing
# Purpose:
# Log the event. Each line logged increments the message
# counter in dwm status bar.
sub log_event {
my ( $message ) = @_;
my $EVENTS = weechat::config_get_plugin($CONFIG_EVENTS);
print_it("log_event - logging event to $EVENTS") if $verbose;
my $timestamp = `date`; chomp $timestamp;
my $msg = join("|", $timestamp,
print_it("log_event - timestamp = $timestamp") if $verbose;
print_it("log_event - msg = $msg") if $verbose;
if ( ! -w $EVENTS) {
print_it("Unable to open event log for writing: $!");
open my $event_log, ">> $EVENTS" or do {
print_it("Unable to open event log for writing: $!");
exit 1;
print $event_log $msg, "\n" or do {
print_it("Unable to print message to event log");
close $event_log;
# print_it
# Sent: string to print
# Return: nothing
# Purpose:
# Print message to jabber channel.
sub print_it {
my ( $str ) = @_;
weechat::buffer_search('irc_raw:T', 'jabber.&bitlbee'),
# print_settings
# Sent: nothing
# Return: nothing
# Purpose:
# Print the current config settings.
sub print_settings {
weechat::print( weechat::current_buffer(), $CMD_NAME . ' settings:' );
if ( weechat::config_get_plugin($CONFIG_ENABLED) eq "true") {
" enabled"
else {
" disabled"
if ( weechat::config_get_plugin($CONFIG_VERBOSE) eq "true" ) {
" verbose: on"
else {
" verbose: off"
sprintf(" events log file: %s", weechat::config_get_plugin($CONFIG_EVENTS))
sub jabber_message_handler {
my ( $data, $buffer, $args ) = @_;
my @params = split(/ /, $args);
if ( scalar(@params) > 0 ) {
if ($params[0] eq 'on') {
weechat::config_set_plugin($CONFIG_ENABLED, "true");
elsif ($params[0] eq 'off') {
weechat::config_set_plugin($CONFIG_ENABLED, "false");
elsif ($params[0] eq 'verbose') {
weechat::config_set_plugin($CONFIG_VERBOSE, "true");
if ( scalar(@params) > 1 ) {
if ($params[0] eq 'verbose') {
if ($params[1] eq 'on') {
weechat::config_set_plugin($CONFIG_VERBOSE, "true");
else {
weechat::config_set_plugin($CONFIG_VERBOSE, "false");
$verbose = weechat::config_get_plugin($CONFIG_VERBOSE) eq 'true' ? 1 : 0;
return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK;
Last edited by steve___ (2010-05-11 04:03:44)
This puts the nick and text in the notify bubbles, plus it beeps the term. Combined with urxvt's urgentOnBell and mapAlert settings, that's a lot of notification .
weechat.register('notify', 'James Campos', '0.0.0', 'MIT',
'Notify on highlight', '', '')
weechat.hook_signal('weechat_highlight', 'notify', '')
weechat.hook_signal('irc_pv', 'notify', '')
function notify (data, signal, signal_data)
os.execute('echo -n \a')
nick, text = string.match(signal_data, '(.-)\t(.+)')
os.execute('notify-send ' .. string.format('%q %q', nick, text))
return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
You can also find an elaborate weechat -> awesome notification system here
Look in ./weechat/lua/naughtynotice.lua and ./config/awesome/widget/irc.lua
@alterecco: thanks for your lib :-)
I'm trying to finish configuring it for an integration with my config of Awesome WM.
actually, I'm using jabber in weechat through the jabber script.
So, it notifys only for IRC but not for jabber. It'll be nice if it worked too!
I'm gonna have a closer look at your lib, see if I can manage to do something.
Last edited by Rolinh (2011-05-18 21:14:32)
Pages: 1