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I wanted to start the installation and I've seen in the beginner's guide, that it is possible to change the keymap. On the page [wiki]KEYMAP[/wiki] of the wiki are two german layouts, but I can't find the german layout neo2. Is it at all possible to use it during the installation or do I have to install later on my own?
I think the neo-layout is not available on the console of the boot-cd. You should be able to install it manually with wget, howto is on the neo-website: … en/Konsole
Have fun!
Btw, neo looks great, but if you have to work on other people computers several times a day, it is no fun, so I am learning QWERTZ now :-(
Seriuosly, neo is great And so far I don't have problems using Qwertz and neo simultaniously, although I used qwertz only with looking at the keyboard anyway.
But back to topic. I installed Arch first and wanted to change to neo now. I did it as they said, but unfortunately it doesn't work. If I copy in /usr/share/kbd/keymaps/i386/qwertz/ and do
loadkeys neo
I get
unknown keysum 'number_acronym'
loadkeys: ./ addkey called with bad keycode -1
And I get the same error after zipping with gzip. The same question was asked about a year ago in the German Archlinux Forum, but there was no soultion. Does anybody know what to do?
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