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I dont know how much work it is to implement this
but it would be nice if you search the packages section
oder the aur section
to have link that brings you directly to the according wiki entry
if there is any for this special package.
I hope you get what I suggest here.
Why would you search the AUR for wiki articles? If you want wiki articles, search the wiki...?
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BlueHackers // fscanary // resticctl
No, that is not exactly what I meant.
When you look for some software and are able to find it
then there are for some of the software special wiki articles
giving you speicla hints sometimes special arch related hints.
So it would be nice to have a link directly in the packages / aur section if there exists an wiki article.
I think what he means is, when you search a package lets say catalyst for example, in package details section there could be a wiki link for the catalyst.
nice idea to be honest
Edit: bah replied too late
Last edited by Cookie (2010-06-17 05:00:32)
Linux nabcake in training...
moere - submit a feature request in the appropriate section(s) of the bugtracker.
Uhh, isn't that what the wiki's search function does?
Personally, I'd rather be back in Hobbiton.
yes of course it is - but my suggestion is like killing two birds with one stone!
I do like the sound of this. Voting for it!
I submitted the feature request here:
I thought no new code is accepted to AUR. Is that still the case?
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