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Beautiful browser...just one question. How can I hide/disable the titlebar (via set command or jumanjirc)? Thanks for your contribution!
Now you can (set tabbar false).
Inxsible wrote:I get a segmentation fault on using the 'Open link in New Window' option on the right click menu.
Same here. I don't need this, though.
Fixed, although it opens it now in a new tab.
Best regards : programs with movie titles
Same here. I don't need this, though.
how do you click on links so that they open in a new tab instead of a new window?
I hate to have to copy the link location and then hitting some combo key. In uzbl i end up copying the link and then hitting gY.
I do want to get away from using the right click menu.
I just started using both browsers, so forgive me if its something obvious that I missed.
Last edited by Inxsible (2010-07-07 13:47:32)
There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !
V for Vivian wrote:Inxsible wrote:I get a segmentation fault on using the 'Open link in New Window' option on the right click menu.
Same here. I don't need this, though.
Fixed, although it opens it now in a new tab.
Best regards
Quick turnaround ! Me likey !
There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !
how do you click on links so that they open in a new tab instead of a new window?
Middle mouse button or pressing F instead of f for the hint feature.
Best regards : programs with movie titles
I'm using an internal dnsserver where I've mapped some dns to an IP e.g. torrent is mapped to my server but when I enter https://torrent jumanji starts searching for this string and don't resolve it to my server.
Since I don't want to download to the same directory all the time, I wrote a (rather crappy) script which asks the user with zenity for an other place. There is a commented line which would use zenity to show a progress bar (which is a even worse idea, therefore commented). One could surely make a better solution. Anyway, here is the code, just in case, hope it's not too embarrassing.
char* download_command = "/home/viv/.config/jumanji/scripts/ '%s' '%s'";
(to call the script. ~ or $HOME does not work somehow, so I've put in the full path)
path=`zenity --file-selection --directory`
#wget --load-cookies ~/.config/jumanji/cookies $url -O $path/$file | zenity --progress
xterm -e sh -c "wget --load-cookies ~/.config/jumanji/cookies $url -O $path/$file"
It is probably possible to compress the code to one line so one could abandon the file.
Last edited by V for Vivian (2010-07-07 15:31:17)
(but that doesn't necessarily mean we're going to)
great job with this browser, that's exactly what i'm looking for and i'm considering using it instead of Vimperator.
Though, i would like to map the keys ZZ to quit (like Vim and Vimperator) but it doesn't seem possible so far, does it ?
@pH: It gives a warning message when compiling but seems to work--try putting it into the buffercommand section:
BufferCommand buffer_commands[] = {
{"^ZZ$", cmd_quitall, {0} },
I'm sure someone else has a better solution as this is pretty dirty.
Great, it works !
Actually I tried it earlier but when i saw the warning, I didn't even bother testing.
Thank you !
Is there a setting to set/change on the fly the font encoding (utf8<->iso8859-*)? Or is it too early to ask? The more I use it, the more I like it.
just my 2¢ - better not to add too many functions. jumanji is so light and fast that it would be a shame to make it bloated.
Sony Vaio VPCM13M1E - Arch Linux - LXDE
in search mode, when a link is highlighted, would it be possible to let [enter] follow the link?
oh and how should i map keys with arguments in jumanjirc (like nav_history)?
Last edited by litemotiv (2010-07-07 22:36:42)
ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ
just my 2¢ - better not to add too many functions. jumanji is so light and fast that it would be a shame to make it bloated.
I totally agree, although the developer has (and should have) the final word . However, things such as encoding support and hints are fundamental imo (English is not my native language, and for many others too). However, the more it resembles surf with hints, the more I like it personally, and it feels more stable/vanilla/beautiful etc to me than uzbl did.
PS: I did not say encodings should be implemented inside jumanji, maybe there is a better way. If there is any way for me to configure it on the fly/config-wise/externally (script)/source feel free to say it or point me to the right direction.
Last edited by tzervo (2010-07-07 20:26:14)
Do the numpad keys work for you when you follow hints ? (with my keyboard layout, numbers are only accessible with shift, so it's easier/faster with the numpad)
Will session support be implemented?
E.g. save at close or save as session and at startup load a session.
Just installed this, had a quick look through config.h. Is there a way I could disable tabbing completely. I like my window manager to manage my windows
Looks wonderful by the way, it could replace vimperator+tab killer.
Last edited by gazj (2010-07-07 22:22:36)
goran'agar wrote:just my 2¢ - better not to add too many functions. jumanji is so light and fast that it would be a shame to make it bloated.
I totally agree, although the developer has (and should have) the final word
. However, things such as encoding support and hints are fundamental imo (English is not my native language, and for many others too). However, the more it resembles surf with hints, the more I like it personally, and it feels more stable/vanilla/beautiful etc to me than uzbl did.
PS: I did not say encodings should be implemented inside jumanji, maybe there is a better way. If there is any way for me to configure it on the fly/config-wise/externally (script)/source feel free to say it or point me to the right direction.
:set encoding utf-8|iso8859-1
How do I download things? When I click download linked file in the right click menu, it creates the dl folder, but doesn't download anything. Also, what is the keybinding for downloading something?
I haven't been able to download anything in uzbl either.
There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !
Uzbl downloads to ~/ for me automatically when I click if I want to or not, no confirmation or anything.
Uzbl downloads to ~/ for me automatically when I click if I want to or not, no confirmation or anything.
and you only have the vanilla script that came with uzbl and nothing else? Did you set some command in an rc file to make it use it?
Last edited by Inxsible (2010-07-08 03:55:12)
There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !
tzervo wrote:goran'agar wrote:just my 2¢ - better not to add too many functions. jumanji is so light and fast that it would be a shame to make it bloated.
I totally agree, although the developer has (and should have) the final word
. However, things such as encoding support and hints are fundamental imo (English is not my native language, and for many others too). However, the more it resembles surf with hints, the more I like it personally, and it feels more stable/vanilla/beautiful etc to me than uzbl did.
PS: I did not say encodings should be implemented inside jumanji, maybe there is a better way. If there is any way for me to configure it on the fly/config-wise/externally (script)/source feel free to say it or point me to the right direction.
:set encoding utf-8|iso8859-1
Argh, of course, what was I thinking.... Thanks a lot portix.
Google wrote:Uzbl downloads to ~/ for me automatically when I click if I want to or not, no confirmation or anything.
and you only have the vanilla script that came with uzbl and nothing else? Did you set some command in an rc file to make it use it?
Well, I used quite a vanilla uzbl and downloading worked really good! There was nothing special in my config. Seems like _you_ messed something up ;-)
Inxsible wrote:Google wrote:Uzbl downloads to ~/ for me automatically when I click if I want to or not, no confirmation or anything.
and you only have the vanilla script that came with uzbl and nothing else? Did you set some command in an rc file to make it use it?
Well, I used quite a vanilla uzbl and downloading worked really good! There was nothing special in my config. Seems like _you_ messed something up ;-)
Vanilla uzbl used wget without cookies enabled and some other switches which are needed in some odd cases, unlike jumanji. This worked ok for me: "wget --user-agent=Firefox --content-disposition --load-cookies $cookies_file"
oh and how should i map keys with arguments in jumanjirc (like nav_history)?
map x nav_history forward
just my 2¢ - better not to add too many functions. jumanji is so light and fast that it would be a shame to make it bloated.
Their won't, a lot of things that were mentioned here (like lately the encoding support) are already provided by webkit it self and since the set function
is already written it does not take much effort to make them available in jumanji too. For example WebInspector is very nice for inspecting certain elements
and developing web pages - Things like that make jumanji rich of features without using too much unnecessary code, so it would be a bit stupid to skip
In addition I have to say that I want from jumanji to be a browser that fits my personally usage best (and thats something similar to vimperator): So I need
tabs, I need a working command line completion for opening pages and I need things that block stupid ads and scripts (biggest thing on the TODO list), because
things like that make browsing the web more than annoying. I do not want to make a swiss army knife out of jumanji, but just a decent, useable browser
with reasonable features and a minimalistic functional interface.
Do the numpad keys work for you when you follow hints ? (with my keyboard layout, numbers are only accessible with shift, so it's easier/faster with the numpad)
Maybe someone else can answer this for you, since I do not have a numpad on my keyboard.
Just installed this, had a quick look through config.h. Is there a way I could disable tabbing completely. I like my window manager to manage my windows
You can hide the tabbar by adding "set tabbar false" to your jumanjirc file. To open links in new windows you can use w/W instead of t/T.
How do I download things? When I click download linked file in the right click menu, it creates the dl folder, but doesn't download anything. Also, what is the keybinding for downloading something?
Make sure xterm and wget are installed properly. If you right click a link and select "Download" or jumanji opens a mimetype it can not show itself, it will spawn a own terminal with a running wget that is downloading the specific url.
Best regards : programs with movie titles
Any idea how I can set a proxy? I use http_proxy but it won't change anything.