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hi, I just installed the wine package in hopes of getting battlefield 1942 going and I was wondering how to configure it? it seems that the arch package has done something with the configuration files. I've found a bf1942 wine guide, but I was wondering how to initially configure wine. all the config files that wine asks for when I try to use it to run various programs point to files I don't have, so I don't have a base to go on as far as editing my configs!
Arch sets the environment variable WINEPREFIX in /etc/profile.d/ to /usr/etc/wine
So either you create all the config files etc. in /usr/etc/wine or you unset WINEPREFIX in your .profile or .bash_profile and then wine will default to look for stuff in ~/.wine/
I do the latter and this is probably what your guides will be talking about. The former has the advantage to provide the windows programs system wide.
try these
they are not included in arch, but they should be IMO
Off to using Peanut and Slackware, no hard feelings but I need my CD to burn, PDA and scanner to connect and arch won't do it.