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you could install lal and dock it
There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !
lal seems cool, but how does the docking part work?
Last edited by randooom (2010-07-18 20:16:37)
No, that wouldn't make much sense.
To fix the i3status issue edit your config file and remove the cpu_temperature mordule. I'd recommend to copy the config to your local user config and run i3status like this:
$ cp /etc/i3status.conf ~/.i3/i3status.conf
$ $EDITOR ~/.i3/i3status.conf
$ i3status -c ~/.i3/i3status.conf | dzen2 -fg white -fn "-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--10-100-75-75-c-60-iso8859-1" -bg black -ta r -w 802 -x 478 -y 1010
However the last 3 options have to be modified to be compatible with your resolution, as the stable dzen2 does not support the -dock option yet.
Last edited by Atsutane (2010-07-18 20:18:08)
oh thank u very much Atsutane, that solved my problems.
Now I can even pipe it through i3-wsbar, cool
I have tried with almost all tiling manager and I liked the i3 most. However, I am experiencing three peculiar problem:
1) I could not manage to get the multiple window programs like gimp and cinelerra to float instead of dynamically tiled. Could anyone guide me how to achieve this?
2) Occasionally, the commands get executed without the meta key and letters like e and t (while tying exit, only xi gets printed on screen) k could not be typed on terminals, thus making impossible to work without logging out from the session. What I mean is just pressing f makes fullscreen without the Metakey. Has anyone experienced this and solved?
3) I could not figure out how can the i3status bar be shown on the bottom (where workspace numbers are shown). I could not make work with conky anyway.
Look foreward to inputs.
1) I think that's possible with … workspaces
assign gimp ~
I'm not sure if it works, but you could give it a try
2) Seems like you messed up your config. Maybe it's a good idea to show us that file
3) I don't use i3status, so I'm not the right one to help you here, I only can give you … i3_startup , but I do use conky
% cat .conkyrc
background no
use_xft yes
xftfont terminus:size=9
update_interval 1
total_run_times 0
own_window yes
own_window_type dock
own_window_transparent yes
minimum_size 1280
double_buffer yes
border_inner_margin 0
border_outer_margin 0
use_spacer left
if_up_strictness address
The most important line is "own_window_type dock".
Hope this information helps you
Last edited by Army (2010-07-29 09:21:30)
Thanks, Army.
1) Let me try with 'assign gimp ~'. Actuallly, gimp opens at least 3 windows simulatneously and cinelerra 4 which I do not want to tile and get reshaped. And the assign only assign specific application to specific workspace, it will not stop the opening windows from tiling. I do not want some applications not to opened tiled due to its usefulness. In pytyle, there is a provision to ignore some appliation from tiling at all. (EDIT: assign gimp ~ does work :-)
2) Here comes my .i3/config:
# This configuration uses Mod4 and Mod4. Make sure they are mapped properly using xev(1)
# and xmodmap(1). Usually, Mod4 is Alt (Alt_L) and Mod4 is Windows (Super_L)
exec i3status -c ~/.i3/i3status.conf | dzen2 -fg white -fn "-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--10-100-75-75-c-60-iso8859-1" -bg black -ta r -w 802 -x 478 -y 1010
# ISO 10646 = Unicode
font -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-C-70-iso10646-1
# Use Mouse+Mod4 to drag floating windows to their wanted position
floating_modifier Mod4
# Fullscreen (Mod4+f)
bind Mod4+41 f
# Stacking (Mod4+h)
bind Mod4+43 s
# Tabbed (Mod4+w)
bind Mod4+25 T
# Default (Mod4+e)
bind Mod4+26 d
# Toggle tiling/floating of the current window (Mod4+Shift+Space)
bind Mod4+Shift+65 t
# Go into the tiling layer / floating layer, depending on whether
# the current window is tiling / floating (Mod4+t)
bind Mod4+28 focus ft
# Focus (Mod4+j/k/l/;)
bind Mod4+44 h
bind Mod4+45 j
bind Mod4+46 k
bind Mod4+47 l
# (alternatively, you can use the cursor keys:)
bindsym Mod4+Left h
bindsym Mod4+Down j
bindsym Mod4+Up k
bindsym Mod4+Right l
# Focus Container (Mod4+j/k/l/;)
bind Mod4+44 wch
bind Mod4+45 wcj
bind Mod4+46 wck
bind Mod4+47 wcl
# (alternatively, you can use the cursor keys:)
bindsym Mod4+Left wch
bindsym Mod4+Down wcj
bindsym Mod4+Up wck
bindsym Mod4+Right wcl
# Snap (Mod4+Control+j/k/l/;)
bind Mod4+Control+44 sh
bind Mod4+Control+45 sj
bind Mod4+Control+46 sk
bind Mod4+Control+47 sl
# (alternatively, you can use the cursor keys:)
bindsym Mod4+Control+Left sh
bindsym Mod4+Control+Down sj
bindsym Mod4+Control+Up sk
bindsym Mod4+Control+Right sl
# Move (Mod4+Shift+j/k/l/;)
bind Mod4+Shift+44 mh
bind Mod4+Shift+45 mj
bind Mod4+Shift+46 mk
bind Mod4+Shift+47 ml
# (alternatively, you can use the cursor keys:)
bindsym Mod4+Shift+Left mh
bindsym Mod4+Shift+Down mj
bindsym Mod4+Shift+Up mk
bindsym Mod4+Shift+Right ml
# Move Container (Mod4+Shift+j/k/l/;)
bind Mod4+Shift+44 wcmh
bind Mod4+Shift+45 wcmj
bind Mod4+Shift+46 wcmk
bind Mod4+Shift+47 wcml
# Workspaces (Mod4+1/2/…)
bind Mod4+10 1
bind Mod4+11 2
bind Mod4+12 3
bind Mod4+13 4
bind Mod4+14 5
bind Mod4+15 6
bind Mod4+16 7
bind Mod4+17 8
bind Mod4+18 9
bind Mod4+19 10
# Move to Workspaces
bind Mod4+Shift+10 m1
bind Mod4+Shift+11 m2
bind Mod4+Shift+12 m3
bind Mod4+Shift+13 m4
bind Mod4+Shift+14 m5
bind Mod4+Shift+15 m6
bind Mod4+Shift+16 m7
bind Mod4+Shift+17 m8
bind Mod4+Shift+18 m9
bind Mod4+Shift+19 m10
# Mod4+Enter starts a new terminal
bind Mod4+36 exec /usr/bin/evilvte
# Mod4+Shift+q kills the current client
bind Mod4+Shift+24 kill
# Mod4+v starts dmenu and launches the selected application
# for now, we don't have a launcher of our own.
bind Mod4+55 exec /usr/bin/dmenu_run
# Mod4+Shift+e exits i3
bind Mod4+Shift+26 exit
# Mod4+Shift+r restarts i3 inplace
bind Mod4+Shift+27 restart
# The IPC interface allows programs like an external workspace bar
# (i3-wsbar) or i3-msg (can be used to "remote-control" i3) to work.
ipc-socket ~/.i3/ipc.sock
#exec xmessage -file /etc/i3/welcome
I also like to assign Mod4+m to open dmenu_run instead of Mod4+v because the latter is inconvenient in the keyboard, but could not figure out how keys are numbered like "bind Mod4+55 exec /usr/bin/dmenu_run" where 55 is assgned to v, any pointer?
3) I will try with your config for conky.
Thanks again!!!
Last edited by zenny (2010-07-29 12:19:34)
@zenny. It seems that you did a search and replace for Mod1 by Mod4. i3 uses Mod1 (Alt) as the default modifier and not Mod4 (Super).
However there are certain default commands that use I think that's where the whole issue is. A few of your commands are trying to get executed in a race, most likely since you have the same keybindings for them. You might want to just start over with a fresh config file and then change the modifier if you want to, but be careful in changing it in the correct places.
Also if you type in
it will show you which keys are mapped to mod1 and mod4 for you.
and you can get the codes from xev. Just type in xev in your terminal and then hit the key that you want the code for. It will display the keycode and even the key symbol which you can then use in your config file. For xev, you need to install xorg-utils package, in case you don't have it already.
Last edited by Inxsible (2010-07-29 12:23:49)
There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !
Thanks for the useful information that taught me to catch fish. :-)
I will try to replace the .i3/config file with the default one.
While the bind command is useful so the same physical keys are used without regarding the keymap that is used, the bindsym command allows you to use the symbol of the key. For example: If you want to bind the tabbed command to the combination Mod4 and s you can use either of these:
bind Mod4+39 T
bindsym Mod4+s T
Last edited by Atsutane (2010-07-30 10:36:03)
Hi guys, this is my first post in this forums, and my english sucks jejeje, regards from Chile....
I've been using i3 since 1 month ago, in my laptop it's works fine, but today after to install i3 in my desktop with the same config file the windows and borders colors are very bad, it's better a shot:
Laptop (it's works):
Does anyone know what might be happening? Thank you so much for your help.
Are you sure it's the same version? (If you're using the git version be extra careful).
I can't see anything on your screenshots though, since i can't seem to find a bigger version of the image (if a full size version is even uploaded?)
"People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both." - Benjamin Franklin
"Enlightenment is man's leaving his self-caused immaturity." - Immanuel Kant
Are you sure it's the same version? (If you're using the git version be extra careful).
I can't see anything on your screenshots though, since i can't seem to find a bigger version of the image (if a full size version is even uploaded?)
Oops.... I'm sorry....
Laptop has installed git version, and desktop i3 version is the stable version. I try the configuration in the two versions on the desktop and failed on both.
In the i3's conf file the colors is:
#colorclass border background text
client.focused #899ca1 #2E373D #899ca1
client.focused_inactive #121212 #2e373d #31658c
client.urgent #CE0007 #2e373d #3ea1bc
bar.focused #899ca1 #2e373d #899ca1
bar.unfocused #2e373d #2e373d #31658c
bar.urgent #CE0007 #2e373d #3ea1bc
Thank you
(Yes the pictures wowrk now)
My colors look like this:
client.focused #DA6F00 #DA6F00 #000000
client.focused_inactive #333333 #333333 #999999
client.unfocused #333333 #333333 #999999
client.urgent #FF0000 #8C5665 #999999
bar.focused #DA6F00 #000000 #999999
bar.unfocused #333333 #000000 #999999
bar.urgent #FF0000 #000000 #999999
Maybe you also need that line client.unfocused, not sure.
With "the two versions on the desktop" you mean you tried i3-git and the stable version on the desktop and in both it was not working properly?
(I use the version: i3 version 3.e-41-gd60a741 (2010-07-24, branch "next"))
(Sorry, no time now, going to sleep)
"People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both." - Benjamin Franklin
"Enlightenment is man's leaving his self-caused immaturity." - Immanuel Kant
With "the two versions on the desktop" you mean you tried i3-git and the stable version on the desktop and in both it was not working properly?
(I use the version: i3 version 3.e-41-gd60a741 (2010-07-24, branch "next"))
(Sorry, no time now, going to sleep)
Don't worry, I can wait, jeje thanks
You right, i3-git and stable don't work. It's ugly, jejeje.
Now in laptop: i3 version 3.e-23-g76c4e95 (2010-06-19, branch "next")
In desk: i3 version 3.e-43-gb628aab (2010-07-31, branch "next")
Hello i3 users,
I personally have been hopping around back and forth from i3 and Xmonad.
I love both but I would like to give i3 a better run through.
As such I converted a ruby script that displays system status using dzen, to also provide info about i3 workspaces.
This modification was solid, no bugs/problems yet.
However I have problem with the way i3 manages the dzen slave window.
I think it shouldn't be managing the window at all.
In Xmonad that seemed to be the case that it would ignore the dzen slave window.
Any insights into how I could make i3 do the same would be helpful.
Don't you worry about blank. Let me worry about blank
I did do the nasty in the past-y.
Pizza delivery for... I. C. Weiner. Aww... I always thought by this stage in my life I'd be the one making the crank calls.
I finally obtained a satisfying statusbar for i3 combining conky, i3-wsbar and dzen2. Basically I wanted a colored statusbar (since colors make easier for me to get the info I want in that moment with a rapid glance) including the list of workspaces. So I configured conky in text mode with the color codes for dzen2 (see and now, in ~/.3/config I pipe the conky output to i3-wsbar and tell i3-wsbar to use dzen2 with the dock option:
exec conky | i3-wsbar -c "dzen2 -x %x -dock -fn -*-profont-*-*-*-*-11-*-*-*-*-*-*-* -ta l"
So I get the following, enjoyable result:
Finally I have binded Mod4+b to a script which toggles the statusbar:
bindsym Mod4+b exec /usr/local/bin/togglei3bar
Here is the (not very refined) script:
if ps -A | grep -q conky ; then
killall conky && killall dzen2
conky | i3-wsbar -c "dzen2 -x %x -dock -fn -*-profont-*-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-* -ta l"&
Last edited by patroclo7 (2010-08-08 14:15:35)
Mortuus in anima, curam gero cutis
I use basically the same setup (apart from different options to conky and dzen2 obviously). However i use trayer as a dock (tbh just for one program, parcellite, to have easy access to clipboard history) and i manually position dzen2 right over trayer, in the middle (my dzen2 only takes up half of the screen width).
"People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both." - Benjamin Franklin
"Enlightenment is man's leaving his self-caused immaturity." - Immanuel Kant
Post your i3 colour schemes. I have a few basic ones but am bored of them all.
Here are mine
# border background text
# colours arch linux
#client.focused #1793D1 #1793D1 #ffffff
#client.focused_inactive #666666 #666666 #ffffff
#client.unfocused #333333 #333333 #ffffff
#client.urgent #D11931 #D11931 #ffffff
#bar.focused #1793d1 #1793d1 #ffffff
#bar.unfocused #333333 #333333 #ffffff
#bar.urgent #d11931 #d11931 #ffffff
# colours freebsd
#client.focused #990000 #990000 #ffffff
#client.focused_inactive #666666 #666666 #ffffff
#client.unfocused #333333 #333333 #ffffff
#client.urgent #D11931 #D11931 #ffffff
#bar.focused #990000 #990000 #ffffff
#bar.unfocused #333333 #333333 #ffffff
#bar.urgent #d11931 #d11931 #ffffff
# colours gentoo
client.focused #7a5ada #7a5ada #ffffff
client.focused_inactive #45347b #45347b #ffffff
client.unfocused #333333 #333333 #ffffff
client.urgent #D11931 #D11931 #ffffff
bar.focused #45347b #45347b #ffffff
bar.unfocused #dddaec #dddaec #45347b
bar.urgent #d11931 #d11931 #ffffff
## Colors
## class border background text
client.focused #DA6F00 #DA6F00 #000000
client.focused_inactive #333333 #333333 #999999
client.unfocused #333333 #333333 #999999
client.urgent #FF0000 #8C5665 #999999
bar.focused #DA6F00 #000000 #999999
bar.unfocused #333333 #000000 #999999
bar.urgent #FF0000 #000000 #999999
Dark grey with orange.
"People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both." - Benjamin Franklin
"Enlightenment is man's leaving his self-caused immaturity." - Immanuel Kant
You made me get rid of my old colors and get something nice with colors I already use at my terminals:
#Colors border background text
client.focused #4D4D4D #2C2D2E #AACCBB
client.unfocused #2C2D2E #2C2D2E #707678
client.focused_inactive #2C2D2E #2C2D2E #AACCBB
client.urgent #FEA63C #4D4D4D #FFE863
bar.focused #AACCBB #4D4D4D #AACCBB
bar.unfocused #2C2D2E #2C2D2E #707678
bar.urgent #FEA63C #4D4D4D #FFE863
Hey guys, try this (3.e-bf1-1):
From an empty workspace, open two terminals. Move one terminal down one cell. Notice the change in border color of the terminal still in the topmost cell. Now move the terminal from the bottom cell back up to the top. The topmost terminal retains its lighter border color yet I think it should revert back to the darker gray since the two terminals are in the same cell again.
A bug? Or am I just being picky? The colors change just fine when moving windows horizontally among cells.
Ah small bug, the upper client's colorprofile isn't set back to client.focused_inactive, however as the whole stuff is currently being renewed by Michael I'd say it's better to keep it in the back as long as it isn't too annoying.