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Errr.... any of the 3 screenshots show you that. Check the link I gave in post #147
I probably made this post longer than it should only because I lack the time to make it shorter.
- Paraphrased from Blaise Pascal
AArrgh, my bad, my bad, you're right. Saw it already!
nvm me, it's late, I should go to sleep. 3AM.
Anyone if there is an option to show the bar on top?
If you mean the workspace bar then no, not as of now. But I hear that i3 is in the process of a re-write and that could include such a feature.
There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !
If you use just conky, then the conky window sits above the workspace bar. If you pipe conky into dzen2, then you can place dzen alongside the existing workspace bar by specifying -x and -y position.
Alternative to placing conky alongside the workspace is using i3-wsbar, but as marfig pointed out, ${alignr} variable doesn't work. The workaround is to just pipe conky to dzen, and add "-ta r" and it works. Here's the screenshot:
Ogion wrote:In irssi set these options:
[lookandfeel] beep_msg_level = MSGS NOTICES DCC DCCMSGS HILIGHT beep_when_away = ON beep_when_window_active = ON bell_beeps = ON
If you use urxvt
urxvt*urgentOnBell: trueThat should be all (and make sure that the colors for pager/window deco is set to another color than normal colors, in i3/config).
(If you use tmux or screen, therre is an option you have to set too. I only know for tmux atm
# listen for activity on all windows set -g bell-action any
This should light up the workspace buttons on the bar, or? Or just blink the titlebars? I don't use those.
In my config it makes the window border/titlebar and the workspace-bar-number of the workspace (that is if your window focus is not on the respective window and you are on another workspace) change color to red, until you visit that window.
"People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both." - Benjamin Franklin
"Enlightenment is man's leaving his self-caused immaturity." - Immanuel Kant
Ogion, the problem is that my setup ignores the color codes in .i3/config, since the workspace_bar is off. I've tried putting exactly the same options from your setup, but it does nothing, unfortunately...
I'm gonna go check your dotfiles now.
Update: Seems like I'm gonna have problems with notifications. I guess something's going on with a visualBell in urxvt. I've set everything up in irssi config and even checked out the i3-wsbar perl file for color. Urgent is red. And placed the urgentOnBell in the corresponding Xdefault. But it doesn't work. Any more details, Ogion?
Last edited by archman-cro (2010-08-22 09:18:02)
After adding to the .Xdefaults file did you "xrdb -merge .Xdefaults"?
"People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both." - Benjamin Franklin
"Enlightenment is man's leaving his self-caused immaturity." - Immanuel Kant
Ogion, putting this solved my problem (xrdb -merge didn't though, cause I didn't have the following...)
#...notification stuff...
"fe-common/core" = {
bell_beeps = "yes";
beep_when_away = "yes";
beep_when_window_active = "yes";
Thanks for the help!
How do you folks deal with applications with keyboard shortcuts that conflict with i3 key bindings? Ideally I'd like some sort of switch that enabled/released i3 key bindings so I could control applications from within i3 with my keyboard. But can't seem to find any information regarding this or any other solution in that line.
The only thing I can think of is placing the whole of i3 default keybinds inside a mode definition. Can you think of a more elegant solution?
I probably made this post longer than it should only because I lack the time to make it shorter.
- Paraphrased from Blaise Pascal
Hmm... I'm already using Mod4 for anything that was not originally in i3 config file. Moving i3 keybinds to Mod4 will create a few conflicts. But that can always be dealt with.
Yeah. I think you are right. I was looking for a magical solution, when there's a more obvious solution in front of me.
I probably made this post longer than it should only because I lack the time to make it shorter.
- Paraphrased from Blaise Pascal
gotmor wrote:archman-cro wrote:I still have a few TODOs (irssi notifications), but I'm satisfied with my setup so far.
Take a look at this: Irssi Notification System
My approach to a more detailed and useful notifier.
Is this tested with i3/i3-wsbar/dzen2?
Well, it is tested with dzen2 under a variety of WMs.
I've been looking at this one, but from that screenie I don't see what's the purpose of it, cause there's no description at all (or maybe it's just me
). Is it changing the color of a workspace button on which the window is? When is it lightened up? Only when someone msgs me or echoes my name?
So, it works like this:
As the first step you define - with the help of Trigger - the conditions under which you want to be notified (this can be almost anything you could think of happening on IRC, like someone msging you, some keyword being written to a specific channel, your nickname, etc.).
The second step is to somehow display this information - here comes dzen2 into play.
The script is designed in such a way that it will display the date/time+nick+channel of the latest message chatched by Trigger in a small dzen window (that you can position anywhere).
When hovering over/clicking into that small dzen window it will expand and present you a scrollable backlog of all catched messages with the format:
[date/time] [channel] [msg contents]
The cool thing about this is that you can format (colours, look, etc.) the messages exactly the way you like (e.g. different colours for different channels/keywords) and that is does require a small amount of screen space while it can be expanded to a full backlog covering everything interesting that happened while you were away.
Btw, it also works when irssi is running on a remote machine and you want to be notified locally.
HTH, Rob.
EDIT: The dark grey window on upper the right is the expanded view of the notifier.
The unexapanded view would be just the small dark grey window in the top right screen corner (saying "date/time lambdabot on #xmonad").
Last edited by gotmor (2010-08-25 21:59:29)
@gotmor, thanks for the explanation! This is some really advanced stuff. Very handy.
BTW, you should put this^ description to the dzen:irssi-notify page.
I was wondering if there was a way to open an app in floating mode and also on a particular workspace.
I want deadbeef to be in floating mode, because if its managed, the Find window opens at a weird position and I cannot see anything I type in the Find window. I find that when deadbeef is in floating mode, everything works great. But is there a way I can also always have it open on workspace 5?
I did this, but it didn't work
assign deadbeef → ~
assign deadbeef → 5
EDIT : Never mind, I should learn reading the documentation with more patience.
assign deadbeef → ~5
does what I need it to do.
Yet another EDIT: On reload of i3, workspace 5 gets created whenever I start deadbeef, but I cannot see the deadbeef window on the workspace numbered 5. However, I have global shortcuts assigned in deadbeef and so the application works correctly, just that I don't see the window for it. Then if i move away fromm workspace 5, it gets dropped as if there were no windows on it
How do I fix this?
Last edited by Inxsible (2010-08-28 04:12:59)
There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !
Yet another EDIT: On reload of i3, workspace 5 gets created whenever I start deadbeef, but I cannot see the deadbeef window on the workspace numbered 5. However, I have global shortcuts assigned in deadbeef and so the application works correctly, just that I don't see the window for it. Then if i move away fromm workspace 5, it gets dropped as if there were no windows on it
How do I fix this?
This sounds like a possible bug, i think you should report it:
ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ
Opened up a bug report:
There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !
How do you guys use i3?
To me, it's basically opening all the usual apps I use at startup. Means, Chromium at workspace 2, Ranger at 3, URxvt and irssi at 4, all multimedia stuff like SMPlayer and GPicView at 5, and a tailing script for surveilance at 6. The first workspace is left for Conky to display my reminder script, mpd bar and song name, date, skype (floating), etc...
This is my config (autostart and workspace part):
How do you guys use i3?
I only start a tmux session by default, but i do have fixed workspaces for the other programs:
[1] Firefox
[2] Tmux@urxvtc
[3] Pcmanfm/Geany
[4] Virtualbox
So i'm using everything fullscreen except for [3] which i use tabbed.
ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ
I have some sort of categories, first workspace irc/tmux-session, second webbrowser, third terms, fourth roottermm the rest of the workspaces ad-hoc. Often i do something on 10, since that is 'left' of 1 (with the previous/next workspace commands).
Since i rarely reboot i don't let i3 exec autostart my programs. It's not much to do anyway.
"People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both." - Benjamin Franklin
"Enlightenment is man's leaving his self-caused immaturity." - Immanuel Kant
I'm based on workspaces.
[1] Development
[2] Browser
[3] Chat
[4] Shells
But I only fix a few apps to workspaces. It's currently the case of only weechat and chromium. I often like to open new shells on [2] and [3], for instance and I also require my pdf reader (Zathura) to open on all workspaces.
As for floats, currently only NCMPCPP, which I only want to open to quickly set new playlists or rearrange existing ones and is then closed.
Last edited by marfig (2010-08-28 13:45:27)
I probably made this post longer than it should only because I lack the time to make it shorter.
- Paraphrased from Blaise Pascal
All terminal apps are on [1] (irssi, mutt, newsbeuter, ranger, ncmpcpp, root terminal and one normal terminal for the stuff I do on the terminal) in the tabbed layout, jumanji is on [2] and all other GUI stuff I do are placed at [3] and above, e.g. easytag, gimp, ...
I start a screen session by default, which starts 2 bash, htop, rtorrent and tail of everything.log
I also have assigned workspaces to
skype ->2,
mplayer -> ~
deadbeef -> ~5 (which currently doesn't work as expected)
I also have workspaces as
1) main (where screen lands up automatically even though I haven't assigned it specifically)
2) chat (for skype on my 2nd monitor)
3) web
4) code
5) music
There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !
There's currently a side effect to tools like logrotate that make i3 stop logging during a session.
$HOME/.i3/i3log {
rotate 2
The above will stop i3 from logging when a rotation happens during an opened session, since $HOME/.i3/i3log opened buffer in i3 is no longer valid. The solution is to restart i3. An in-place restart should also do, I believe. But I never tested this possibility.
I filled this in i3 bugtracker a couple of days ago, not as a bug, but as a feature request that the log buffer is either reopened automatically, or we can reopen the log buffer manually through IPC or the more convenient i3-msg. I didn't want to file it as a bug because I personally think it's not one. Just an annoying side effect of a much more desirable feature (i.e. having i3 automatically check for the validity of the open log buffer will only slow it down).
In the meantime, in case I'm missing something and you folks can think of a way to reopen the buffer without a restart or in-place restart, or to keep it valid during a log rotation, let me know. Through my readings of the IPC interface I couldn't grasp a way of doing this.
I probably made this post longer than it should only because I lack the time to make it shorter.
- Paraphrased from Blaise Pascal
How do you guys use i3?
Sand drifting to the bottom of the ocean.
Whichever tasks or applications comes to realization first get dibs on the next available workspaces, then, slowly, they sink down toward the first until they have been completed or no longer have use, and are dragged away by the current of the [Super]-[C]. The most common of tasks such as IRC, music, and web browsing tend to dance between the first and second workspaces; file management -- Thunar, in particular -- glides along around the third and fourth. Applications whose windows require flotation devices -- those of GIMP, Wine, machine virtualization and emulation software, and so fourth -- swim around the end of the workspace stack and tend to end up moving in the opposite direction, like a diver surfacing for air.
Last edited by Wintervenom (2010-08-28 15:41:05)