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I sort of expected this after the Oracle takeover...
Yes, not a surprise... which one next, Mysql or Virtualbox?
ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ
Wonder if they'll finally get around to merging all the patches the go-oo folk have amassed.
Edit: And it seems they will
Last edited by ngoonee (2010-09-28 09:50:59)
Allan-Volunteer on the (topic being discussed) mailn lists. You never get the people who matters attention on the forums.
jasonwryan-Installing Arch is a measure of your literacy. Maintaining Arch is a measure of your diligence. Contributing to Arch is a measure of your competence.
Griemak-Bleeding edge, not bleeding flat. Edge denotes falls will occur from time to time. Bring your own parachute.
This is good news I guess. got forked. Libreoffice is backed by Red Hat, Canonical, Google, Novell etc., companies that are much more open-source friendly than Oracle.
Here's the article: … =statusnet
Here's the website:
It is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt. (Mark Twain)
This is good news.
@litemotiv : Mysql already got forked (by its dev) when Oracle acquired Sun, It is MariaDb if I remember correctly.
This is good news I guess. got forked. Libreoffice is backed by Red Hat, Canonical, Google, Novell etc., companies that are much more open-source friendly than Oracle.
+1 on good news
how can you be LESS open-source friendly than Oracle ? Oracle and Apple make even Microsoft look like the good guys, these days
"A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any invention in human history - with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila."
(Mitch Ratcliffe)
Yes finally ,
I hope LibreOffice will hit testing repos soon.,.
Drizzle and MariaDB is a fork of MySQL
"Am I not good enough for you?"
Really great news, I hope the Sun-Deal gets really expensive for oracle, as nearly every sun-project got already forked, and so they lose many developers
For now, it's Go-oo rebranded, so I think it won't be a problem for it to be replaced
I installed it on Windows 7 (i was too lazy to make an archlinux package), and it is Openoffce with different brandings, just this
so will go-oo still be around or are they merging into LibreOffice?
since they are going to implement all the go-oo features as mentioned in the FAQ, I am not sure why there need to be 2 same software doing the same thing with different names.
There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !
Great to see this happen, I always feel uncomfortable when I see that Oracle branding on the OOo splash screen .
Got Leenucks? :: Arch: Power in simplicity :: Get Counted! Registered Linux User #392717 :: Blog thingy
go-oo and LibreOffice should join together, that would be nice. Something like GoOffice, a free (as in free speech) office suite much better than OpenOffice .
Unfortunately LibreOffice will cause lot of confusion between noob computer users, who won't change to LibreOffice because they are comfortable with OOo, because they don't like the name or even because they don't know that it exists.
Will be soon LibreOffice in Arch Linux repositories? It should replace OpenOffice.
go-oo and LibreOffice should join together, that would be nice.
Good to see you have look into this before commenting...
Yeah people probably won't like the name. Change it to serfdomoffice and they flock to it.
Go-OO is deprecated and it has been merged into LibreOffice. LibreOffice is upstream now for all future developement. This was expected since Novell is supporting document foundation.
My only concern is possible patent lawsuits, MSFT already had a pick on OpenOffice but Sun and now Oracle hold many patents of their own so there would be counter law suits etc. Document foundation however doesn't hold any patents (but companies that backes them up does) so they could be picked on by MSFT in the future.
If we disregard fear of patents (wich unfourtunately exist in every piece of code these days, even if you write it from scratch) I think that this will be a promising project.
Go-OO is deprecated and it has been merged into LibreOffice. LibreOffice is upstream now for all future developement. This was expected since Novell is supporting document foundation.
My only concern is possible patent lawsuits, MSFT already had a pick on OpenOffice but Sun and now Oracle hold many patents of their own so there would be counter law suits etc. Document foundation however doesn't hold any patents (but companies that backes them up does) so they could be picked on by MSFT in the future.
If we disregard fear of patents (wich unfourtunately exist in every piece of code these days, even if you write it from scratch) I think that this will be a promising project.
Are any software patents enforceable in Europe? … _Microsoft
Lobbying for legislative change
Movements have formed to lobby against the existence and enforceability of software patents. The earliest was the League for Programming Freedom in the USA. Probably the most successful was the anti-software-patent campaign in Europe that resulted in the rejection by the European Parliament of the Proposed directive on the patentability of computer-implemented inventions which, the free software community argues, would have made software patents enforceable in the European Union. A fledgling movement also exists in South Africa.[16]Microsoft has claimed that free software such as and the Linux kernel violate 235 Microsoft patents and said that it will seek license fees[23], but has so far failed to disclose which patents they violate. However, the 2009 lawsuit against TomTom involved the use of Microsoft's patents for long filenames on FAT filesystems, the code for which is in the Linux kernel, not in any TomTom-developed software.[24] … ng_patents
They have an agreement with Novell but I don't think that would prevent them from picking on document foundation. I'm no expert in patent law but I read/hear all the time about patent lawsuits about meaningless things like using a word book (facebook got a tm on a word book it seems ) or apple or similar bs...
so when libreoffice package hits the official repos, go-openoffice package will be replaced with it?
Can we get this in the repos as separated elements [one package for presenter mainly, without the rest] I only rely on OOo for presentations and prefer lighter like abiword for the rest
I have been told OOo does not split well. It is like 95% base and then 1% for each of the apps.
No worries Allan, thanks
good to know it is getting forked. the main use of Ooo to me is the presentation.
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