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#51 2010-10-24 13:29:16

From: Sweden
Registered: 2009-01-27
Posts: 277

Re: What's running on your eee? (or other netbook)

Netbook type: Asus EeePC 1005HA
Main OS: 32 bit Arch (Meego and Windows xp also installed for fun)
Kernel: stock and kernel-netbook
Window Manager: Awesome
Network Manager: Network manager (and Wicd as backup if/when it breaks)
File Manager: Pcmanfm
Terminal: Urxvt
Editor: vim
Email: gmail, (but mostly my N900)
Browser: Conkeror, Chromium
Office: Open office, Lyx
Graphics: mirage and feh
Music: Moc
Videos: smplayer
IM: skype and pidgin (but I mostly chat on my N900)


#52 2010-10-26 07:20:26

Registered: 2009-12-01
Posts: 26

Re: What's running on your eee? (or other netbook)

Netbook type: Asus EeePC 900A with 1GB of RAM and the stock SSD

Currently I run Debian EeePC on it, as I plan to turn it into a home server. The disk access times are horrible, so the OS doesn't feel really snappy.

What works really well on these little boxes is Puppy Linux I think. There's a Puppeee fork that ran flawlessly on my little Eee - no tinkering; everything worked out of the box. With a frugal install it all loaded into RAM upon boot and made the whole system very snappy and usable for browsing and office work (OpenOffice document writing, presentations, and spreadsheets).

Don't get me wrong, I love Arch, but on these asthmatic machines I like Puppy since it is small enough to reside in RAM completely.

Last edited by itburnz (2010-10-26 07:21:26)


#53 2010-10-29 22:49:07

From: Finland
Registered: 2008-10-25
Posts: 13

Re: What's running on your eee? (or other netbook)

I'm currently  very happy with the performance of my quite slowish mini-laptop with it's very slow ssd, with light enough software there is not too much waiting and also the frequent updates are quick enough

Netbook type: Acer Aspire 1 (soon 2 years old one)
OS: Arch, but not so many customizations as I'm too lazy
Kernel: stock Arch kernel26
Window Manager: IceWM ( using same simple favourite ~/.icewm settings 10 years already smile )
Network Manager: dhcpcd
File Manager: bash @ xterm
Terminal: xterm, urxvt
Browser: firefox/namoroka
Editor: vim, gvim, leafpad
Irc: would install Firefox extension ChatZilla if I would need one
Presentations: intranet wiki, google docs
Music: mpg123
Videos: mplayer
Photos: gqview
Battery monitor: these batteries are dead, so I just use the mains now
Miscellaneous: abiword, gnumeric, evince (+ seldom acroread), r, menumaker, htop, git, cisco-vpnclient

Instead of xdm/wdm/gdm/kdm I log in at virtual console 1 and have

tt=$(tty); if [ ${tt:5} == tty1 ]; then startx; sudo halt; fi

in my ~/.profile so if I don't want X (and automatic shut down) I just change to another virtual console before the login.

Other family members can have simultaneously their personal logins and X sessions behind alt-ctrl-F7, F8, F9, ... with

startx -- :1
startx -- :2

Last edited by grep (2010-10-29 23:07:40)


#54 2010-10-30 00:42:27

Registered: 2009-03-27
Posts: 326

Re: What's running on your eee? (or other netbook)

I think that this model could probably handle a more demanding environment, but I really don't know why I would need one.

Netbook type: Asus eee 1201N
OS: Arch, of course
Kernel: Stock: If I wanted to compile a kernel every few weeks, I'd be running gentoo
Window Manager: i3
Network Manager: netcfg
File Manager: Bash
Terminal: urxvt
Browser: surf
Editor: Vim
Irc: irssi
Presentations: OO Impress
Music: moc
Videos: mplayer
Photos: feh
Battery monitor: dzen
Miscellaneous: mutt, eclipse-adt for work, powerpill, and slurpy.

Last edited by alexandrite (2010-10-30 00:44:31)


#55 2010-10-30 04:02:54

From: Wirral, UK
Registered: 2009-06-21
Posts: 550

Re: What's running on your eee? (or other netbook)

[edit 13/01/11] Major purge recently, since I have a browser open 100% of the time I'm using it to view images, pdf, office docs and do my torrents.  moc has easy one handed keybinds and I don't need a graphical file manager any more.  I've dropped from 580 packages down to 448.

Netbook type: Samsung N220 - Atom N450 @ 1.66GHz, 2GB RAM, Intel GMA 3150, Broadcom Crystal HD, Realtek rtl8192e wireless.
OS: Arch x86_64 x86.
Kernel: Stock - recompiled for Atom.
Window Manager: dwm.
Network Manager: wicd.
File Manager: Thunar Bash.
Terminal: Sakura urxvt.
Browser: Chromium.
Editor: Nano/Leafpad.
Irc/IM: Weechat/Bitlbee.
Office: Openoffice Google Docs.
Network: Filezilla/Transmission GTK/ ncftp, transmission-daemon with web interface, Dropbox.
Music: Exaile moc.
Videos: mplayer.
Photos: Mirage/Gimp Chromium to view, Gimp to edit.
Games: World Of Goo, ScummVM, Snes9x, G-VBAM.
Battery monitor: acpi -b on xsetroot.

Last edited by Meyithi (2011-01-13 20:23:42)

The mind roams more freely in empty rooms.
dwm - colours - ncmpcpp - system


#56 2010-10-30 10:50:36

From: Australia
Registered: 2008-02-01
Posts: 788

Re: What's running on your eee? (or other netbook)

Hardware: Dell Mini 9
OS: Arch i686
Kernel: Stock
Root fs: btrfs
Bootloader: extlinux
WM: Was i3 though I installed stumpwm today.
Browser: Chromium
Term: URxvt
Editor: ViM

Last edited by mikesd (2010-10-30 10:51:19)


#57 2010-10-31 08:15:07

Registered: 2009-06-28
Posts: 29

Re: What's running on your eee? (or other netbook)

Netbook type: Asus T101MT
OS: Arch 32 bit
Kernel: Stock
Window Manager: dwm
Network Manager: netcfg
File Manager: vifm/coreutils
Terminal: urxvtd/c
Browser: firefox with pentadactyl (looking for a true lightweight alternative for X-less desktop which is secure enough for online-banking)
Editor: vim
Irc: irssi
Office: txt2tags for production, will maybe install abiword for file conversion only
Music: mplayer
Videos: mplayer
Pics: feh/fbi
PDF: muhpdf/fbgs
Battery monitor: acpi
Miscellaneous: arch is running from sdhc (class 10, 8GB). hdd is occupied by a fat  ubuntu installation, which is optimized for touchscreen and userfriendliness (my wife uses that netbook, too, sometimes)


#58 2010-10-31 09:13:35

From: CA, USA
Registered: 2010-09-03
Posts: 5

Re: What's running on your eee? (or other netbook)

Netbook type: Asus eee pc 1005PE
OS: Arch x86_64
Kernal: Stock
Window Manager: xmonad
Term: urxvt
editor: vim
irc: irssi
other chat: centerim
music: cmus, pianobar
browser: firefox
video: vlc


#59 2010-11-18 15:03:15

Registered: 2010-05-25
Posts: 33

Re: What's running on your eee? (or other netbook)

Netbook type: Asus eee PC 701SD
OS: Arch GNU/Linux
Kernel: Arch stock, but I'm recompiling toofishes' kernel-eee to get the driver module for the SD's wifi card as I write this! Hope it works.
RAM: 2GB upgraded from 512MB
Package Manager: clyde
Window Manager: awesome
Network Manager: dhcpcd
File Manager: thunar
Terminal: roxterm
Browser: swiftfox (gonna switch to firefox-pgo)
Editor: geany; nano
Music: grooveshark within my browser until I figure out how to stream my mpd library from my desktop
Photos: gloobus-preview
Battery monitor: acpi/lua script in awesome statusbar
IM: skype
Miscellaneous: xcompmgr; nitrogen


#60 2010-11-18 15:20:38

Registered: 2010-05-06
Posts: 6,510

Re: What's running on your eee? (or other netbook)

Model: Asus EeePC 1015PEM
OS: Arch
Kernel: kernel26-, the stock one, I update regularly
Desktop Environment: Gnome+Compiz with pseudo-tiling plugins
Network Manager: wicd
Battery monitor: gnome panel applet
Energy management: laptop-mode, acpid, eeepc-laptop, manual scripts for governors (experimental)
File Manager: Nautilus, bash
Terminal: Gnome-Terminal, Tilda
Browser: Opera 11 Alpha
E-Mail: Thunderbird
Editor: geany, nano, vim
Irc: Pidgin
Music: SMPlayer, VLC (didn't have time for something like Exaile)
Videos: SMPlayer, VLC
IM: Pidgin, Skype
Photos: Feh
Office: LibreOffice, Lightning plugin for Thunderbird
Games: none yet.

It's my 2nd week with it. Didn't have much outdoor time yet.


#61 2010-11-18 15:33:58

Registered: 2009-06-10
Posts: 1,332

Re: What's running on your eee? (or other netbook)

Netbook type: Asus eee PC 1005HAB
OS: Arch GNU/Linux i686
Kernel: 2.6.35-ARCH
Processor: Intel Atom N270
HD: 120GB Encrypted (with randomly generated swap key)
Package Manager: pacman
Window Manager: XMonad
Network Manager: wicd-curses
File Manager: bash tools
Terminal: urxvt
Browser: vimperator
Editor: vim
Music: ogg123, mpeg123 (mostly for streaming stations and my streaming mpd server)
Video: mplayer
Photos: gimp
Battery monitor: ibam (console), conky
IRC: irssi
Miscellaneous: xcompmgr; nitrogen; dzen2; conky

#binarii @
Matrix Server:
Allan -> ArchBang is not supported because it is stupid.


#62 2010-11-19 02:08:01

Registered: 2010-11-06
Posts: 157

Re: What's running on your eee? (or other netbook)

just a basic install so far, nothing special

Netbook type: Asus eee 900
OS: Arch
Kernel: Stock
Window Manager: i3
Network Manager: wicd
File Manager: Bash/ranger
Terminal: urxvt
Browser: chromium
Editor: nano
Irc: irssi
Music: havent decided yet
Videos: mplayer
Photos: feh
Battery monitor: dzen


#63 2010-11-20 12:52:59

Registered: 2010-08-18
Posts: 59

Re: What's running on your eee? (or other netbook)

Netbook type: Packard Bell Vr46 (acer 1410 clone)
OS: Arch GNU/Linux i686
Kernel: 2.6.35-ARCH
Processor: Intel Celeron U2300 (dual core 1200)
HD: 320GB
Package Manager: pacman
Window Manager: OpenBox with fbpanel
Network Manager: networkmanager
File Manager: Thunar
Terminal: urxvt
Browser: Chromium
Editor: nano/mousepad
Music: quodlibet
Video: smplayer/vlc
Photos: mirage
Battery monitor: xfce4-power-manager, conky
IRC: xchat
Miscellaneous: xbindkeys; nitrogen;dropbox;volumeicon, conky


Last edited by buzzqw (2010-11-20 12:53:30)

HDConvertToX, AutoMen, AutoMKV author


#64 2010-11-20 15:07:02

Registered: 2009-11-09
Posts: 243

Re: What's running on your eee? (or other netbook)

Netbook type: Asus eee PC 1005 HA-H
OS: Arch
Kernel: regular Arch Kernel26
Window Manager: Gnome
Network Manager: wicd
File Manager: Nautilus
Terminal: Gnome-terminal
Browser: Opera/Firefox
Editor: Gedit
Irc: none
Presentations: Impress
Music: Goggles/Gnome-Mplayer
Videos: Gnome-Mplayer
Miscellaneous: is there such a thing for Archers?

It's got a 160 Gb drive, so I also use it as a backup-box...

Works well, though I might try openbox one day.


#65 2010-12-14 06:05:15

Registered: 2008-12-24
Posts: 474

Re: What's running on your eee? (or other netbook)

Netbook type: Asus eee PC 1005 HA-P
OS: Arch
Kernel: eee kernel from the AUR with any extras gone. Getting tired of the constant compiling; might go stock or just blacklist kernel updates for awhile)
Window Manager: openbox/lxde
Network Manager: wicd
File Manager: pcmanfm
Terminal: lxterminal
Browser: Firefox (hide caption titlebar plus, fission, tab utilities, tab group manager, compact menu, compact classic theme- uses less screen space than google chrome)
Editor: leafpad
Irc: xchat
Presentations: Office 07 Powerpoint (Wine)
Music: MPD/Sonata
Videos: VLC Media Player
Miscellaneous: Word 07 (wine), drug lord 2, diablo 2 LOD, qalculate-gtk, yaourt, gpicview (image viewer), Xarchiver, pidgin, skype, epdfviewer, IDLE, lxtask, laptop-mode-tools, powertop (down to 5.1 watts idle screen on- will run 14 hours at idle screen off). I hate MS Office, but unfortunately I have to use it for school because all the professors send out in .docx, which inevitably gets messed up in Ooo, etc; at least it runs perfect under wine (for what I use of it)

Last edited by GSF1200S (2010-12-14 06:17:26)


#66 2010-12-18 13:00:03

From: Czech Republic
Registered: 2010-11-16
Posts: 47

Re: What's running on your eee? (or other netbook)

Netbook type: Acer Aspire One ZG5 160GB
OS: Arch
Kernel: arch-one
Window Manager: none (startx to openbox-session)
Network Manager: wicd
File Manager: pcmanfm
Terminal: guake(gnome-terminal)
Browser: chromium
Editor: nano
Irc: none
Music: audacious
Videos: smplayer
Photos: xnview, feh
Battery monitor: only my script wink


#67 2010-12-18 14:32:50

From: Denmark
Registered: 2007-06-13
Posts: 1,229

Re: What's running on your eee? (or other netbook)

Netbook type: Asus Eeepc 901
OS: Arch
Kernel: arch-i686
Window Manager: none
Network Manager: arch default
File Manager: bash
Terminal: tty/screen
Browser: Firefox for remote configuring router through ssh X-forwarding.
Editor: vi
Irc: ngircd - irssi
Music: none
Videos: none
Photos: none
Battery monitor: none - battery has been removed
DB: mysql
Wiki software: dokuwiki
Mail server software: Postfix+courier-imap
Blogging software: Wordpress

As you might have guessed I use my eeepc as a low power consuming server.

Turned off wireless, lcd screen (set brightness to 0), mouse, camera and cursor blink.

It's running my wiki and blog linked below.

Last edited by Ashren (2010-12-18 17:00:29)


#68 2011-01-09 05:55:15

From: Alaska, USA
Registered: 2011-01-07
Posts: 87

Re: What's running on your eee? (or other netbook)

Netbook type: Dell Mini 110-3135DX
OS: Arch
Kernel: kernel-netbook  #14 second boot and still getting faster!
Window Manager: Openbox/LXDE
Network Manager: NetworkManager applet
File Manager: pcmanfm
Terminal: lxpanel
Browser: Chrome
Editor: Leafpad, though more often nano
Irc: none, Xirc when I'm done
Office Suite: LibreOffice
Music: Goggles Music Manager
Videos: vlc
Photos: Image Viewer (LXDE)
Battery monitor: Gnome-power-manager
Miscellaneous: Unetbootin, Firefox 4 (testing repo), GIMP, Qt and toolkits, qbittorrent, Skype

EDITED: for update

Last edited by admiralspark (2011-04-04 19:54:51)

Team Ignition Kernel Developer
linux-ideapad developer/maintainer
Flame Kernel developer for Galaxy Nexus and Galaxy S3
Want a cheap, reliable VPS with AWESOME customer service?


#69 2011-01-09 08:25:29

Registered: 2011-01-09
Posts: 3

Re: What's running on your eee? (or other netbook)

Netbook type: Asus 1005HA
OS: Arch
Kernel: stock
Window Manager: fvwm
Network Manager: netcfg
File Manager: bash, vifm
Terminal: mrxvt
Browser: uzbl, opera
Editor: vim
Music: qmmp, mplayer
Videos: mplayer
Photos: feh
Battery monitor: conky
Miscellaneous: apvlv, claws-mail


#70 2011-01-20 01:32:15

From: UK
Registered: 2010-04-18
Posts: 65

Re: What's running on your eee? (or other netbook)

Netbook type: Eee 701
OS: Arch
Network Manager: netcfg
File Manager: coreutils, zsh
Terminal: ttys, tmux
Editor: vim
IRC: irssi
Music: mpd
Misc: Dropbox, transmission-cli, SABnzbd, plowshare, privoxy, polipo

Like Ashren, I'm not using it in a very netbooky way - it's a backup server/music player/downloader/proxy, happily running at 563 MHz with everything non-essential turned off.


#71 2011-01-22 01:28:03

From: Alaska
Registered: 2010-10-08
Posts: 25

Re: What's running on your eee? (or other netbook)

Netbook type: Acer Aspire One A110L (16Gb SSD)
OS: Arch big_smile
Kernel: 2.6.36-ARCH
Window Manager: wmii
Network Manager: wicd
File Manager: pcmanfm
Terminal: lxterminal
Browser: chromium, elinks
Editor: leafpad
Irc: xchat
Presentations: Impress
Music: rhythmbox
Videos: vlc
Photos: Gpicview
Battery monitor: acpi + awk + wmii status bar smile
Miscellaneous: naev, pidgin, skype, tilda (for when i use LXDE), deluge

This netbook has treated me well for the past couple of years.  My only complaint with it is the slow SSD, otherwise it's fantastic and does everything I need it to.

Last edited by invictus51 (2011-01-22 01:28:23)

Samsung Series 3 NP305V5A.  AMD Quad Core A6-3410, 8 Gb Ram, 750GB HD, Radeon 6520G

Don't get in an argument with an idiot, they'll drag you down to their level, and beat you with experience...


#72 2011-01-25 05:32:24

From: Germany
Registered: 2006-12-28
Posts: 10

Re: What's running on your eee? (or other netbook)

Netbook type: Asus eeepc 901
OS: Arch Linux
Kernel: stock (2.6.36-ARCH)
Window Manager: openbox
Network Manager: Arch
File Manager: zsh (sometimes mc)
Terminal: urxvt
Browser: w3m, vimperator
Editor: vim
Mail: mutt (gmail imap)
Office: Libre-Office
Music: cmus
Videos: mplayer
Photos: display (ImageMagick)
Battery monitor: conky


#73 2011-01-25 15:38:00

Registered: 2010-02-02
Posts: 99

Re: What's running on your eee? (or other netbook)

Netbook type: Toshiba NB100
OS: Arch
Kernel: Stock
Desktop Environment: Xfce fluxbox dwm
Network Manager: rc.conf netcfg wicd (completely new to this, and so far I love the wicd-curses interface)
File Manager: Thunar bash zsh
Terminal: urxvt
Shell: bash zsh
Browser: Opera uzbl and Chromium when uzbl isn't in the mood!
Editor: nano while learning vim
Mail: mutt

Irc: irssi
MSN: emeseme bitlbee

ssh -t me@server screen -rd irssi

Music: moc mpd + ncmpcpp running at home

ssh -t me@server screen -rd ncmpcpp

I know I could edit the configuration of ncmpcpp to connect to my home, but that way the ncmpcpp interface gets restarted everytime I launch, and sometimes I'm browsing through long playlist and don't want to start over doing that.

Videos: mplayer
Photos: feh

I also use sshfs a lot! I got tired of writing the source / dest all the time, so I wrote a little wrapper in bash, so I only have to type: user@dest:folder

And the wrapper automatically creates a folder in /tmp named "dest" in the parameter above and uses it as the mount point!

edit: Added what I've previously used, which spans across 5 years or so since I first tried arch until now.

Last edited by Isola (2011-01-25 15:45:57)


#74 2011-01-25 16:07:40

Registered: 2008-11-14
Posts: 2,420

Re: What's running on your eee? (or other netbook)

Netbook type: Asus EeePC 1005HA
Arch default kernel with kde4.
Browser: firefox4b10
Hibernation with uswsusp let this thing fly, even with kde4 due to the permanency of cache/buffers between sessions.

Help me to improve ssh-rdp !
Retroarch User? Try my koko-aio shader !


#75 2011-01-27 22:06:36

From: Manchester, UK
Registered: 2008-01-26
Posts: 485

Re: What's running on your eee? (or other netbook)

asus 1001PX / R101
running archbang. why?? because its arch, but 90% already set up as my desktop is on arch, and somehow, it managed to get everything bar video drivers & sound working straight out of the box.
something fedora & kubuntu failed at!!
installed to my harddrive, syu'ed then -s'ed vlc on, fixed the sound (this wiki) and it was fine, beautiful, bar video drivers which am still strugglin wit! only bin on a day tho smile

Last edited by ninjaprawn (2011-03-08 16:39:24)

2007 - Started using Arch Linux as my only/main OS
- Samsung Series 3, Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3210M CPU @ 2.50GHz - 8Gb DDR3 ram - 700Gb HDD
On board intel Graphics & Sound


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