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Hrmm, so it is... it's always been my understanding that these packages shouldn't be in the repos...
it's strange. pacman-color functional long should be integrated into pacman. IMHO
deadbeef (is exelent lightweight music player with tabbed playlist, they support alot music formats) - 424 votes
Calibre (Is book manager i think it is need to be in repository because it is handle with him to arange books for e-raders...) - 432 votes
clementine (It is music player based on amarok 1.5, writen in QT4 it ie everyting what most of user expect from today amarok) - 341 votes
qtfm (It is QT4 lightweight file manager very handy) - 45 votes
bleachbit ( exelent application for cleaning system ) - 360 votes
simple-scan (Simple-Scan is application for scaning document, and i think there is nothing on linux similar to simple-scan it is very easy to use, and they have alot of options) -107 votes
eiskaltdcpp ( It is dc++ application and i will just say it is far more better then linuxdcpp ) - 112 votes
Last edited by Kosava (2010-12-12 18:21:54)
kaitocracy wrote:I think pacman-color may be valid. It's not a patch; it's a wrapper.
Check again...
Hmm I wonder why I thought it was a wrapper. Was it a wrapper at some point in time?
Allan wrote:kaitocracy wrote:I think pacman-color may be valid. It's not a patch; it's a wrapper.
Check again...
Hmm I wonder why I thought it was a wrapper. Was it a wrapper at some point in time?
A common wrapping scheme was (is?) to use yaourt wrapped around powerpill wrapped around pacman-color. Maybe that's what you're thinking of. Also, I move that such wrapping be called "onioning".
My Arch Linux Stuff • Forum Etiquette • Community Ethos - Arch is not for everyone
bleachbit to go along with my other votes earlier.
There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !
pangzero - It is a very fun game and the only AUR package I use
Unetbootin - makes life simplier
Synergy + QuickSynergy - it's great if you have couple of systems runing simultainously
Last edited by masteryod (2010-12-12 16:16:35)
I would like to see calibre in [community], it's very popular and has a lot of votes. However, it's suffered from some issues (many of its dependencies are a bit iffy, most of them are in the AUR, which would mean elevating all of those into [community] if you wanted calibre to work for people who don't use the AUR, and it took a bit of a hit during the python rebuild), so that might make it a bit less attractive of an option.
Blog .:. AUR .:. Wiki Contributions
Registered Linux User #506070.
ffcast - it's a bash script that takes screencast of given window/screen area using ffmpeg/xwininfo/xrectsel.
sgi-fonts - "Bitmapped X11 screen fonts from Silicon Graphics, Inc."
Arch64/DWM || My Dropbox referral link
gtkpacman (625 votes on AUR). SometimesIt makes things easier, and is a great tool for non tecvhnically-advanced Arch users (such as my wife :-D )
firebrand (170 votes on AUR) Is just a small script to get the correct branding on the mozilla firefox builds (get rid of that "namoroka" thing), not such a big deal, but it makes a difference.
media-player-info (9 votes in AUR) - This packages is essential for the iPod support in most music players, it is under BSD license son i don't know if there is a license issue with this one.
Also, must of the pulse audio related packages that still are in the AUR (sdl-pulse, pulseaudio-equalizer-bzr, pavumeter)
Dropbox and pytyle,two great piece of software.
dvdbackup - short of a few votes but it has only just been moved to AUR from extra. The best software I have found for backing up DVDs. Other software such as vobcopy (community) fail to backup a lot of my DVDs; dvdbackup has never let me down.
dvdbackup, this one has my vote. Just the easiest way to backup my DVDs. Use it at least weekly when I get a new dvd.
Synergy + QuickSynergy - it's great if you have couple of systems runing simultainously
synergy, just an awesome tool for testing software on multiple platforms!
pacman-color should be officialy patched on pacman, it would be awesome!
galculator, very nice and simple calculator, it looks better than xorg-calc, no dependencies to dconf or qt.
and well ... Opera, it was in the repos before but moved because the license didn't allow it. A change in the license should allow Opera to be packaged again! Maybe use tar packages instead of rpm. See below:
2. LICENSE. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Opera hereby grants Customer a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable license: (i) to use the Services and to install and Use the Software supplied to Customer hereunder, as installed on your personal computer, including your laptop, desktop or on computers within Customer's organization; and (ii) to reproduce and distribute the Software without modification, provided that any such reproduction or distribution of the Software by You: (i) must be in an application repository for a desktop Open Source OS distribution (expressly excluding distribution for embedded Open Source OS); (ii) must be made available free of charge for end-users; and (iii) must be subject to and distributed with a copy of this Agreement.
Would be nice to see
pyvolwheel-git a simple try icon to adjust the audio volume
in community!
I will keep the list short... - volume icon (small and light volume tray app) - stjerm (small and simple dropdown terminal) - Dropbox!
Last edited by ammon (2010-12-12 22:16:18)
gtkpacman (625 votes on AUR). SometimesIt makes things easier, and is a great tool for non tecvhnically-advanced Arch users (such as my wife :-D )
Doesn't that technically install and remove software using "pacman -d" and thus not do dependency checks...
sgi-fonts, the classic SGI X11 fonts.
mozplugger, embed any X11 app as Mozilla plugin
transset, a tool to set window transparency
radvd, IPv6 router advertisment daemon
pax, POSIX archiver
I was amazed to see the latter 3 packages in AUR, I'd have expected them in extra or community already... they are pretty standard.
This is going to be my last notice to people posting without brief explanations, packages without reasons wont be considered.
Last edited by tomd123 (2010-12-12 23:54:06)
Archey, because it's just a really nice toy. Great for system stats.
archisthebest, because archisthebest.
bash-docs, because it's a really great documentation on bash script.
broadcom-wl, because it's getting very annoying not having this package when I need it.
dmenfm, because it's a wonderful file manger. :-)
mawk, because mawk > gawk.
ttf-lklug, as Sinhala is practically the only extant writing system not supported by any (non-bitmap) font in the repos, and this is apparently the only font supporting it.
chromium-stable-libpdf, as it works fine in chromium from [extra], and according to the PKGBUILD, is BSD-licensed.
lucain wrote:gtkpacman (625 votes on AUR). SometimesIt makes things easier, and is a great tool for non tecvhnically-advanced Arch users (such as my wife :-D )
Doesn't that technically install and remove software using "pacman -d" and thus not do dependency checks...
The original does, but there is a mod. gtkpacman-mod.
I propose some packages for printed circuit boards/cards. I do not use that kind of software myself, but there is a request on german forum. We do not have many alternatives in the repos here. There IMHO is only xcircuit.
pkgdesc="gEDA/gaf suite - Contains gschem, gnetlist, gsymcheck, gattrib, utilities and documentation from the gEDA project"
i.e. many programs + Docus for creation of a schematic. For the layout addtionally needed:
And a viewer for Gerber files: gerbvw
For simulations in this context: gtkwave
Last edited by Stefan Husmann (2010-12-13 10:49:34)
i would love to see MakeMKV it is a great app for ripping blurays/dvd's directly to an mkv file. It is a paid app, if you want to rip blurays it does dvd's for free, but for what it provides i think a one time payment is worth it. have been using it for a while and it always works great the dev is great and active on his forums responding to issues and fixing then pretty fast. Thank you for the consideration.
Last edited by grondinm (2010-12-13 10:58:27)
Allan wrote:lucain wrote:gtkpacman (625 votes on AUR). SometimesIt makes things easier, and is a great tool for non tecvhnically-advanced Arch users (such as my wife :-D )
Doesn't that technically install and remove software using "pacman -d" and thus not do dependency checks...
The original does, but there is a mod. gtkpacman-mod.
That makes me think that gtkpacman should be removed from AUR entirely. I orphaned it, feel free to adopt it and upload your version under that name.
Are you in contact with the gtkpacman developers? Did you propose your changes to them?
powernowd - powermanager. Why - simple light and it works
mpdscribble - track info to audioscrobbler with mpd. Why - popular, 280 votes
gmpc-git - git version of a great mpd client. Why? (Can I even vote for git versions?) This version I always end up installing as it much better plugin support (gmpc-plugins-git)
cdm - console display manager. Why? Lightweight, popular, works without fuss, fast
gpick - colour picker. Why? a really great app for theming websites and working with colour matching
packer - aur helper. Why? it's decent