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thanks for akonadi solution.. I used a radical solution, rename /.local/share/akonadi and /.configure/akonadi folders and all my akonadiserver configs and kmail in my .kde4, all works fine, only the time to reconfigure my imaps accounts and kontacts, but was no so hard
thx for your job with this repo
KF5 & Plasma5 (git versions) - Awesome WM
ASUS Sabertooth 990FX - AMD FX8350 - ATI Radeon HD 7970
[testing] repo
I have this issue, trying to install over stable KDE:
:: kde-meta-kdeaccessibility: requires kdeaccessibility-kaccessiblity
kaccessibility is not to be found anywhere (including the forums).
Any idea?
I have this issue, trying to install over stable KDE:
:: kde-meta-kdeaccessibility: requires kdeaccessibility-kaccessiblitykaccessibility is not to be found anywhere (including the forums).
Any idea?
It's now called kaccessible. I fixed the meta package. Thanks for noticing me.
Last edited by ProgDan (2010-12-21 14:10:13)
Thank you
I can't believe this is still alive. ProgDan, thank you very much for this.
Merry Christmas folks! Santa ProgDan brought you some packages from the KDE folks! We have KDE 4.6 RC 1 snapshot here.
KDE 4.6.40 was released too, but I will start packaging 4.7 snapshots after the New Year.
Enjoy Christmas, happy new year and thanks for your support guys!
Finally some new artwork for kde
Thanks for your work ProgDan and merry Xmas!!
Anyone having this issue with kickoff in the RC1?
I have nVidia NVS 3100M using latest proprietary drivers.
Same problem. Nvidia too
Also compositing in kwin became very slow after update.
And dolphin crashes every time after closing. <-- fixed by killing .kde4
Last edited by easymodo (2010-12-25 11:10:50)
same problem here, using nvidia proprietary drivers too
The bug was resolved. I rebuilt kdebase-workspace with the fix (not that I'd be doing this with every bug, but this was an extremely annoying one ).
It seems the x86_64 doesn't include the package : kdepim-wizards : is it normal??
cool thank you
Hey ProgDan, really wonderful work you are doing One request tho, would it be possible to add pulseaudio-support for kmix et.c, as I understand it kde should be possible to build with pulseaudio-support and still not be forced to install pulseaudio when installing kde.
Hey ProgDan, really wonderful work you are doing One request tho, would it be possible to add pulseaudio-support for kmix et.c, as I understand it kde should be possible to build with pulseaudio-support and still not be forced to install pulseaudio when installing kde.
Yeah, you only need libpulse as a dependency IIRC.
I fixed the PKGBUILD, but I won't rebuild it now, if you don't mind
Nah, no worry, just happy to get it for the next build thanks a bunch!
ProgDan: I just wanted to add my thanks as well. As a new KDE developer working primarily on a laptop, having recent binary trunk snapshots is a lifesaver for me. Keep up the good work!
Also, to clarify, does the previously-mentioned PIM problem still require a clearing of the config/profile, or did your fix make that unnecessary?
ProgDan: I just wanted to add my thanks as well. As a new KDE developer working primarily on a laptop, having recent binary trunk snapshots is a lifesaver for me. Keep up the good work!
Thanks, I'll try to
Also, to clarify, does the previously-mentioned PIM problem still require a clearing of the config/profile, or did your fix make that unnecessary?
Well I made no fix for it, the aforementioned bug is related to kickoff. I cleared all the akonadi-related configs and it was working pretty well.
However I realized now that for some reason Akonadi sources were not updated in this snapshot and kdepim complains about Akonadi protocol mismatch (one would say that in RC the protocol will already be frozen, but apparently it is not ). I quickly rebuilt the Akonadi server so it's OK now and it seems that no config cleanup is necessary anymore.
Last edited by ProgDan (2010-12-28 16:33:37)
What's the current version in your repo? i've had an issue with system tray & segfault from strigi. Using [kde-unstable] repo right now...
Current version is KDE 4.5.90svn1208713 (a.k.a. RC1). I will probably leave 4.6 in next snapshot (we have [kde-unstable] for 4.6) and switch to KDE 4.7 snapshots.
I didn't notice any problems in system tray, although Strigi (nepomukservicestub to be exact) sometimes crashes for me too, but indexing seems to work well.
@hellnest: 4.6.40 was release 5 days ago, but I preferred to build the RC. Next snapshot is expected within the end of year
Ad k3b - unfortunately it's not working without HAL. To be exact, it's working but you can't burn anything because k3b does not detect any devices.