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#1 2010-12-28 14:47:51

From: Czech Republic
Registered: 2010-11-16
Posts: 47

[SOLVED] Openbox: application on desktop 1

I just googled how can i run application on only desktop 1 or 2. I want run conky on desktop 2 and feh with my wallpaper on desktop 1. I tried add application to rc.xml and change own_window_type and own_window_hints but didn't work.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Do not edit this file, it will be overwritten on install.
        Copy the file to $HOME/.config/openbox/ instead. -->
<openbox_config xmlns="">
    <!-- always try to focus new windows when they appear. other rules do
       apply -->
    <!-- move focus to a window when you move the mouse into it -->
    <!-- focus the last used window when changing desktops, instead of the one
       under the mouse pointer. when followMouse is enabled -->
    <!-- move focus under the mouse, even when the mouse is not moving -->
    <!-- when followMouse is enabled, the mouse must be inside the window for
       this many milliseconds (1000 = 1 sec) before moving focus to it -->
    <!-- when followMouse is enabled, and a window is given focus by moving the
       mouse into it, also raise the window -->
    <!-- 'Smart' or 'UnderMouse' -->
    <!-- whether to place windows in the center of the free area found or
       the top left corner -->
    <!-- with Smart placement on a multi-monitor system, try to place new windows
       on: 'Any' - any monitor, 'Mouse' - where the mouse is, 'Active' - where
       the active window is -->
      available characters are NDSLIMC, each can occur at most once.
      N: window icon
      L: window label (AKA title).
      I: iconify
      M: maximize
      C: close
      S: shade (roll up/down)
      D: omnipresent (on all desktops).
    <font place="ActiveWindow">
      <!-- font size in points -->
      <!-- 'bold' or 'normal' -->
      <!-- 'italic' or 'normal' -->
    <font place="InactiveWindow">
      <!-- font size in points -->
      <!-- 'bold' or 'normal' -->
      <!-- 'italic' or 'normal' -->
    <font place="MenuHeader">
      <!-- font size in points -->
      <!-- 'bold' or 'normal' -->
      <!-- 'italic' or 'normal' -->
    <font place="MenuItem">
      <!-- font size in points -->
      <!-- 'bold' or 'normal' -->
      <!-- 'italic' or 'normal' -->
    <font place="OnScreenDisplay">
      <!-- font size in points -->
      <!-- 'bold' or 'normal' -->
      <!-- 'italic' or 'normal' -->
    <!-- this stuff is only used at startup, pagers allow you to change them
       during a session

       these are default values to use when other ones are not already set
       by other applications, or saved in your session

       use obconf if you want to change these without having to log out
       and back in -->
      <!-- set names up here if you want to, like this:
    <name>desktop 1</name>
    <name>desktop 2</name>
    <!-- The number of milliseconds to show the popup for when switching
       desktops.  Set this to 0 to disable the popup. -->
    <!-- 'Always', 'Never', or 'Nonpixel' (xterms and such) -->
    <!-- 'Center', 'Top', or 'Fixed' -->
      <!-- these are used if popupPosition is set to 'Fixed' -->
      <!-- positive number for distance from left edge, negative number for
         distance from right edge, or 'Center' -->
      <!-- positive number for distance from top edge, negative number for
         distance from bottom edge, or 'Center' -->
  <!-- You can reserve a portion of your screen where windows will not cover when
     they are maximized, or when they are initially placed.
     Many programs reserve space automatically, but you can use this in other
     cases. -->
    <!-- (Top|Bottom)(Left|Right|)|Top|Bottom|Left|Right|Floating -->
    <!-- 'Above', 'Normal', or 'Below' -->
    <!-- 'Vertical' or 'Horizontal' -->
    <!-- in milliseconds (1000 = 1 second) -->
    <!-- in milliseconds (1000 = 1 second) -->
    <!-- 'Left', 'Middle', 'Right' -->
    <!-- Keybindings for desktop switching -->
    <keybind key="F1">
      <action name="DesktopLeft">
    <keybind key="Print">
    <action name="Execute">
    <keybind key="F2">
      <action name="DesktopRight">
    <keybind key="C-A-Up">
      <action name="DesktopUp">
    <keybind key="C-A-Down">
      <action name="DesktopDown">
    <keybind key="S-A-Left">
      <action name="SendToDesktopLeft">
    <keybind key="S-A-Right">
      <action name="SendToDesktopRight">
    <keybind key="S-A-Up">
      <action name="SendToDesktopUp">
    <keybind key="S-A-Down">
      <action name="SendToDesktopDown">
    <keybind key="W-F1">
      <action name="Desktop">
    <keybind key="W-F2">
      <action name="Desktop">
    <keybind key="W-F3">
      <action name="Desktop">
    <keybind key="W-F4">
      <action name="Desktop">
    <keybind key="W-d">
      <action name="ToggleShowDesktop"/>
    <!-- Keybindings for windows -->
    <keybind key="A-F4">
      <action name="Close"/>
    <keybind key="A-Escape">
      <action name="Lower"/>
      <action name="FocusToBottom"/>
      <action name="Unfocus"/>
    <keybind key="A-space">
      <action name="ShowMenu">
    <!-- Keybindings for window switching -->
    <keybind key="A-Tab">
      <action name="NextWindow"/>
    <keybind key="A-S-Tab">
      <action name="PreviousWindow"/>
    <keybind key="C-A-Tab">
      <action name="NextWindow">
    <!-- Keybindings for running applications -->
    <keybind key="W-e">
      <action name="Execute">
        <command>kfmclient openProfile filemanagement</command>
    <!-- number of pixels the mouse must move before a drag begins -->
    <!-- in milliseconds (1000 = 1 second) -->
    <!-- Time before changing desktops when the pointer touches the edge of the
       screen while moving a window, in milliseconds (1000 = 1 second).
       Set this to 0 to disable warping -->
    <context name="Frame">
      <mousebind button="A-Left" action="Press">
        <action name="Focus"/>
        <action name="Raise"/>
      <mousebind button="A-Left" action="Click">
        <action name="Unshade"/>
      <mousebind button="A-Left" action="Drag">
        <action name="Move"/>
      <mousebind button="A-Right" action="Press">
        <action name="Focus"/>
        <action name="Raise"/>
        <action name="Unshade"/>
      <mousebind button="A-Right" action="Drag">
        <action name="Resize"/>
      <mousebind button="A-Middle" action="Press">
        <action name="Lower"/>
        <action name="FocusToBottom"/>
        <action name="Unfocus"/>
    <context name="Titlebar">
      <mousebind button="Left" action="Press">
        <action name="Focus"/>
        <action name="Raise"/>
      <mousebind button="Left" action="Drag">
        <action name="Move"/>
      <mousebind button="Left" action="DoubleClick">
        <action name="ToggleMaximizeFull"/>
      <mousebind button="Middle" action="Press">
        <action name="Lower"/>
        <action name="FocusToBottom"/>
        <action name="Unfocus"/>
      <mousebind button="Right" action="Press">
        <action name="Focus"/>
        <action name="Raise"/>
        <action name="ShowMenu">
    <context name="Top">
      <mousebind button="Left" action="Press">
        <action name="Focus"/>
        <action name="Raise"/>
        <action name="Unshade"/>
      <mousebind button="Left" action="Drag">
        <action name="Resize">
    <context name="Left">
      <mousebind button="Left" action="Press">
        <action name="Focus"/>
        <action name="Raise"/>
      <mousebind button="Left" action="Drag">
        <action name="Resize">
    <context name="Right">
      <mousebind button="Left" action="Press">
        <action name="Focus"/>
        <action name="Raise"/>
      <mousebind button="Left" action="Drag">
        <action name="Resize">
    <context name="Bottom">
      <mousebind button="Left" action="Press">
        <action name="Focus"/>
        <action name="Raise"/>
      <mousebind button="Left" action="Drag">
        <action name="Resize">
      <mousebind button="Middle" action="Press">
        <action name="Lower"/>
        <action name="FocusToBottom"/>
        <action name="Unfocus"/>
      <mousebind button="Right" action="Press">
        <action name="Focus"/>
        <action name="Raise"/>
        <action name="ShowMenu">
    <context name="BLCorner">
      <mousebind button="Left" action="Press">
        <action name="Focus"/>
        <action name="Raise"/>
      <mousebind button="Left" action="Drag">
        <action name="Resize"/>
    <context name="BRCorner">
      <mousebind button="Left" action="Press">
        <action name="Focus"/>
        <action name="Raise"/>
      <mousebind button="Left" action="Drag">
        <action name="Resize"/>
    <context name="TLCorner">
      <mousebind button="Left" action="Press">
        <action name="Focus"/>
        <action name="Raise"/>
        <action name="Unshade"/>
      <mousebind button="Left" action="Drag">
        <action name="Resize"/>
    <context name="TRCorner">
      <mousebind button="Left" action="Press">
        <action name="Focus"/>
        <action name="Raise"/>
        <action name="Unshade"/>
      <mousebind button="Left" action="Drag">
        <action name="Resize"/>
    <context name="Client">
      <mousebind button="Left" action="Press">
        <action name="Focus"/>
        <action name="Raise"/>
      <mousebind button="Middle" action="Press">
        <action name="Focus"/>
        <action name="Raise"/>
      <mousebind button="Right" action="Press">
        <action name="Focus"/>
        <action name="Raise"/>
    <context name="Icon">
      <mousebind button="Left" action="Press">
        <action name="Focus"/>
        <action name="Raise"/>
        <action name="Unshade"/>
        <action name="ShowMenu">
      <mousebind button="Right" action="Press">
        <action name="Focus"/>
        <action name="Raise"/>
        <action name="ShowMenu">
    <context name="AllDesktops">
      <mousebind button="Left" action="Press">
        <action name="Focus"/>
        <action name="Raise"/>
        <action name="Unshade"/>
      <mousebind button="Left" action="Click">
        <action name="ToggleOmnipresent"/>
    <context name="Shade">
      <mousebind button="Left" action="Press">
        <action name="Focus"/>
        <action name="Raise"/>
      <mousebind button="Left" action="Click">
        <action name="ToggleShade"/>
    <context name="Iconify">
      <mousebind button="Left" action="Press">
        <action name="Focus"/>
        <action name="Raise"/>
      <mousebind button="Left" action="Click">
        <action name="Iconify"/>
    <context name="Maximize">
      <mousebind button="Left" action="Press">
        <action name="Focus"/>
        <action name="Raise"/>
        <action name="Unshade"/>
      <mousebind button="Middle" action="Press">
        <action name="Focus"/>
        <action name="Raise"/>
        <action name="Unshade"/>
      <mousebind button="Right" action="Press">
        <action name="Focus"/>
        <action name="Raise"/>
        <action name="Unshade"/>
      <mousebind button="Left" action="Click">
        <action name="ToggleMaximizeFull"/>
      <mousebind button="Middle" action="Click">
        <action name="ToggleMaximizeVert"/>
      <mousebind button="Right" action="Click">
        <action name="ToggleMaximizeHorz"/>
    <context name="Close">
      <mousebind button="Left" action="Press">
        <action name="Focus"/>
        <action name="Raise"/>
        <action name="Unshade"/>
      <mousebind button="Left" action="Click">
        <action name="Close"/>
    <context name="Desktop">
      <mousebind button="Left" action="Press">
        <action name="Focus"/>
        <action name="Raise"/>
      <mousebind button="Right" action="Press">
        <action name="Focus"/>
        <action name="Raise"/>
    <context name="Root">
      <!-- Menus -->
      <mousebind button="Middle" action="Press">
        <action name="ShowMenu">
      <mousebind button="Right" action="Press">
        <action name="ShowMenu">
    <context name="MoveResize">
    <!-- You can specify more than one menu file in here and they are all loaded,
       just don't make menu ids clash or, well, it'll be kind of pointless -->
    <!-- default menu file (or custom one in $HOME/.config/openbox/) -->
    <!-- if a press-release lasts longer than this setting (in milliseconds), the
       menu is hidden again -->
    <!-- center submenus vertically about the parent entry -->
    <!-- this one is easy, time to delay before showing a submenu after hovering
       over the parent entry -->
    <!-- controls if icons appear in the client-list-(combined-)menu -->
    <!-- show the manage desktops section in the client-list-(combined-)menu -->
    <application name="conky" WM_CLASS="conky">
  # this is an example with comments through out. use these to make your
  # own rules, but without the comments of course.

  <application name="first element of window's WM_CLASS property (see xprop)"
              class="second element of window's WM_CLASS property (see xprop)"
               role="the window's WM_WINDOW_ROLE property (see xprop)"
               type="the window's _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE (if unspecified, then
                       it is dialog for child windows)">
  # the name or the class can be set, or both. this is used to match
  # windows when they appear. role can optionally be set as well, to
  # further restrict your matches.

  # the name, class, and role use simple wildcard matching such as those
  # used by a shell. you can use * to match any characters and ? to match
  # any single character.

  # the type is one of: normal, dialog, splash, utility, menu, toolbar, dock,
  #    or desktop

  # when multiple rules match a window, they will all be applied, in the
  # order that they appear in this list

    # each element can be left out or set to 'default' to specify to not 
    # change that attribute of the window

    # enable or disable window decorations

    # make the window shaded when it appears, or not

    <position force="no">
      # the position is only used if both an x and y coordinate are provided
      # (and not set to 'default')
      # when force is "yes", then the window will be placed here even if it
      # says you want it placed elsewhere.  this is to override buggy
      # applications who refuse to behave
      # a number like 50, or 'center' to center on screen. use a negative number
      # to start from the right (or bottom for <y>), ie -50 is 50 pixels from the
      # right edge (or bottom).
      # specifies the monitor in a xinerama setup.
      # 1 is the first head, or 'mouse' for wherever the mouse is

    # if the window should try be given focus when it appears. if this is set
    # to yes it doesn't guarantee the window will be given focus. some
    # restrictions may apply, but Openbox will try to

    # 1 is the first desktop, 'all' for all desktops

    # 'above', 'normal', or 'below'

    # make the window iconified when it appears, or not

    # asks to not be shown in pagers

    # asks to not be shown in taskbars. window cycling actions will also
    # skip past such windows

    # make the window in fullscreen mode when it appears

    # 'Horizontal', 'Vertical' or boolean (yes/no)

  # end of the example


# CONFIG wo upload download

# do not fork to background
background yes
border_width 1

# font settings
use_xft yes
font terminal-10
uppercase no

# update every x secs
update_interval 2

# stay running forever
total_run_times 0

# draw to root window
own_window yes
own_window_transparent no
own_window_class conky
own_window_type override

# avoid flickering
double_buffer yes

# size
maximum_width 320
short_units yes

# position
alignment top_left
gap_x 0
gap_y 0

# colors
default_color white
default_shade_color black
default_outline_color white
color0 000000
color1 2B5C6D
color2 46bdea

# borders
draw_borders no
stippled_borders 8
border_width 1

# shades
draw_shades yes

# outline
draw_outline no

# spacer
use_spacer no

# buffers
double_buffer yes

# sampling
cpu_avg_samples 2
net_avg_samples 2
max_text_width 3

# configurace
${voffset 10}${offset 10}${color2}System
${offset 10}$color1 Kernel:  $nodename $kernel $machine
${offset 10}$color1 Uptime:  $color2$uptime $color1
${voffset 0}${offset 10}${color2}Power ${offset 10}$color1 State: $color2 ${battery BAT1} ${battery_time BAT1}
${voffset 0}${offset 10}${color2}Processes $color1 $processes ($color2${running_processes} ${color1}running)
${voffset 0}${offset 10}${color2}CPU
${offset 10}$color1 Frequency: $color2${freq}MHz ${color1}Temperature: $color2${exec ~/.conky/conky}${exec cat ~/.conky/cpu.txt}°C 
${offset 10}$color1 Load: $color2$cpu% ${cpubar cpu0 6,220}
${offset 10}$color1 ${cpugraph cpu0 20,145 000000 33b0dc} ${cpugraph cpu1 20,145 000000 33b0dc}
${voffset 0}${offset 10}${color2}Memory
${offset 10}$color1 RAM: $color2$mem ($memperc%) ${membar 6,170}
${voffset 0}${offset 10}${color2}Highest CPU           Used       PID
${offset 10}$color1 ${top name 1} ${top cpu 1} %     ${top pid 1}
${offset 10}$color1 ${top name 2} ${top cpu 2} %     ${top pid 2}
${offset 10}$color1 ${top name 3} ${top cpu 3} %     ${top pid 3}
${voffset 0}${offset 10}${color2}Highest MEM           Used       PID
${offset 10}$color1 ${top_mem name 1} ${top_mem mem 1} %     ${top_mem pid 1}
${offset 10}$color1 ${top_mem name 2} ${top_mem mem 2} %     ${top_mem pid 2}
${offset 10}$color1 ${top_mem name 3} ${top_mem mem 3} %     ${top_mem pid 3}
${voffset 0}${offset 10}${color2}HDD
${offset 10}$color2 ${exec cat cut ~/.conky/hdd.txt}
${offset 10}$color1 ${diskiograph 20,300 000000 33b0dc}
${voffset 0}${offset 10}${color2}Filesystem
${offset 10}${color1} Root:  $color2 ${fs_free /}B / ${fs_size /}B $color1${fs_bar 6 /}
${offset 10}${color1} Zaloha:$color2 ${fs_free /media/zaloha}B / ${fs_size /media/zaloha}B $color1${fs_bar 6 /media/zaloha}
${offset 10}${color1} Filmy: $color2 ${fs_free /media/filmy}B / ${fs_size /media/filmy}B $color1${fs_bar 6 /media/filmy}
${voffset 0}${offset 10}${color2}Network (wlan0)
${offset 10}$color1 IP: $color2${addr wlan0} ${color #144556} ${color1}Bitrate:$color2${wireless_bitrate wlan0}
${offset 10}$color1 Strength: $color2${wireless_link_qual_perc wlan0}%     $color1 Essid: $color2${wireless_essid wlan0}
${offset 10}${hr}     
#${font :size=16}$alignc$color2$time$font
#${voffset 0}${offset 5}${font :size=11}${color2} VOL:${exec cat ~/.conky/volume}%$font
${execpi 10800 conkyForecast -t ~/.conky/conkyforecast/conkyForecast.template}

Last edited by STANKAR (2010-12-28 17:43:25)


#2 2010-12-28 16:05:53

Mr Green
Forum Fellow
From: U.K.
Registered: 2003-12-21
Posts: 5,899

Re: [SOLVED] Openbox: application on desktop 1

Mr Green


#3 2010-12-28 16:26:09

From: Czech Republic
Registered: 2010-11-16
Posts: 47

Re: [SOLVED] Openbox: application on desktop 1

I tried this, but it works for chromium, for conky didn't work.

    <application name="conky" class="conky">

I think something must be in .conkyrc sad

Last edited by STANKAR (2010-12-28 16:26:46)


#4 2010-12-28 16:27:50

Forum Fellow
From: Chicago
Registered: 2008-06-09
Posts: 9,183

Re: [SOLVED] Openbox: application on desktop 1

probably because your class name is wrong. Find out the exact WM_CLASS for conky using xorg-utils. Keep in mind that the WM_NAME and WM_CLASS are case sensitive. So make sure you use the exact string.

Forum Rules

There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !


#5 2010-12-28 16:33:19

From: Czech Republic
Registered: 2010-11-16
Posts: 47

Re: [SOLVED] Openbox: application on desktop 1

Inxsible wrote:

probably because your class name is wrong. Find out the exact WM_CLASS for conky using xorg-utils. Keep in mind that the WM_NAME and WM_CLASS are case sensitive. So make sure you use the exact string.

Yes, i'm using exact string, i know why conky don't show on one desktop, own_window_type override, but i want conky without window sad

Now it works fine, i set own_window_type desktop smile

Thanks for help guys but i still need feh background image set to one desktop too.

Last edited by STANKAR (2010-12-28 16:42:46)


#6 2010-12-28 17:03:53

Mr Green
Forum Fellow
From: U.K.
Registered: 2003-12-21
Posts: 5,899

Re: [SOLVED] Openbox: application on desktop 1

Please make thread as Solved

Mr Green


#7 2010-12-28 17:42:52

From: Czech Republic
Registered: 2010-11-16
Posts: 47

Re: [SOLVED] Openbox: application on desktop 1

Mr Green wrote:

Please make thread as Solved


<keybind key="F1">
      <action name="DesktopLeft">
<keybind key="F2">
      <action name="DesktopRight">
<keybind key="F1">
        <action name="Execute">
            <command>feh --bg-scale /root/img.png</command>
    <keybind key="F2">
        <action name="Execute">
            <command>feh --bg-scale /root/img.jpg</command>

This lines in rc.xml make set different wallpapers on 2 desktops


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