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#1 2011-01-08 17:14:31

Registered: 2011-01-08
Posts: 5

Troubles with aif

Hi EveryBody,

I have some troubles with the aif configuration file and I hope that the community will give me some help.

I will explain first what is the environment... I want to build a custom installation CD for my several PC so I have thinked about aif and its automatic procedure and ArchIso to build the installation media.

Moreover, I want to install packages which are present in a custom repository that I built.

On the CD construction, the Core Repository is download with the script included in the default ArchLinux Installation CD archiso's sources.

I have build an aif config that I give you now :

# this config explains the (all) available options.
# the variables are optional and we define their defaults here (so you could omit the
# definitions), unless otherwise specified.

SOURCE=cd #change to 'net' to do a network install
SYNC_URL= # optional, if you do netinstall use a repository string like$repo/os/$arch (the same format as what you find in /etc/pacman.conf)
HARDWARECLOCK=UTC # UTC is the better option, but some OS'es don't support it (i.e. Windows)
# Do you want to have additional pacman repositories or packages available at runtime (during installation)?
# RUNTIME_REPOSITORIES = array like this ('name1' 'location of repo 1' ['name2' 'location of repo2',..])
RUNTIME_REPOSITORIES=('podrepo' '/src/podrepo/pkg')
# space separated list

# packages to install
TARGET_GROUPS='base gnome'       # all packages in this group will be installed (defaults to base if no group and no packages are specified)
TARGET_PACKAGES_EXCLUDE= # Exclude these packages if they are member of one of the groups in TARGET_GROUPS.  example: 'nano reiserfsprogs' (they are in base)
TARGET_PACKAGES='gdm' # you can also specify separate packages to install (this is empty by default)

# you can optionally also override some functions...
worker_intro () {
    inform "Automatic procedure running the podwodny config.  THIS WILL ERASE AND OVERWRITE YOUR /DEV/SDA.  IF YOU DO NOT WANT THIS PRESS CTRL+C WITHIN 10 SECONDS"
    sleep 10

worker_configure_system () {
    #chroot /mnt "usermod -p \$1\$WvTMITIN\$xVBVJj9uXvt0KkZRuKjP6. root"
    #chroot /mnt "useradd -u 1000 -g users -G storage,floppy,optical,audio,video,network,games,wheel,disk -m -d /home/poduser poduser -p \$1\$podwodny\$i.zquk0p5G3bvChLZsHhR0"
    # Custom rc.conf file
    #cp -v /arch/config-files/etc/rc.conf $var_TARGET_DIR/etc/
    # Custom inittab file (runlevel 5 + gdm start)
    #cp -v /arch/config-files/etc/inittab $var_TARGET_DIR/etc/ 
    # Custom skel directory
    #cp -Rv /arch/config-files/etc/skel $var_TARGET_DIR/etc/

# These variables are mandatory

PARTITIONS='/dev/sda 100:ext2:+ 1024:swap *:ext4'
BLOCKDATA='/dev/sda1 raw no_label ext2;yes;/boot;target;no_opts;no_label;no_params
/dev/sda2 raw no_label swap;yes;no_mountpoint;target;no_opts;no_label;no_params
/dev/sda3 raw no_label ext4;yes;/;target;no_opts;no_label;no_params'

However, when I'm calling the aif -p automatic -c podwodny.profile the installation stop when installing packages say that the gdm package cannot be found...

Can someone give me any clue of what append ?

Thanks a lot.


#2 2011-01-09 06:39:11

Registered: 2010-01-23
Posts: 77

Re: Troubles with aif

(Edited because I misunderstood)

How are you including the custom repo on the archiso image? gdm is in [extra], so I expect that you edited to build the custom repo from the packages you need? Or did you include the custom repo in some other way from the Makefile?

Last edited by austin.rbn (2011-01-09 11:15:35)

"Computer Science is embarrassed by the computer." -- Alan J. Perlis


#3 2011-01-09 11:30:53

Registered: 2011-01-08
Posts: 5

Re: Troubles with aif

I build the repo on my system that build the CD and I'm copying it next to where the Core packages are downloaded :

So in my built CD I have :

Last edited by floffredo (2011-01-09 11:32:10)


#4 2011-01-09 11:48:34

Forum Fellow
From: Belgium
Registered: 2006-11-05
Posts: 2,001

Re: Troubles with aif

RUNTIME_REPOSITORIES=('podrepo' '/src/podrepo/pkg')

try this:

RUNTIME_REPOSITORIES=('podrepo' 'file:///src/podrepo/pkg')

you can also look in /etc/pacman.conf and /mnt/etc/pacman.conf (after aif has run) to see if those are correct (former is the live system, latter is the target system)

< Daenyth> and he works prolifically
4 8 15 16 23 42


#5 2011-01-09 12:40:55

Registered: 2011-01-08
Posts: 5

Re: Troubles with aif

It doesn't work sad ...

error:  'gdm' could not find or read package

One more detail : if I suppress the package gdm from this list the group base is installed but not the gnome one... sad

Last edited by floffredo (2011-01-09 12:44:29)


#6 2011-01-11 17:29:26

Registered: 2011-01-08
Posts: 5

Re: Troubles with aif

Do somebody use aif ?!? big_smile


#7 2011-01-11 17:34:50

Forum Fellow
From: Chicago
Registered: 2008-06-09
Posts: 9,183

Re: Troubles with aif

floffredo, I will point you to Rule # 14 and Rule # 16 of our forum rules. Please read the entire rules and follow them.

If someone knows something, they will answer you. Be patient.

Forum Rules

There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !


#8 2011-01-12 11:15:07

Registered: 2011-01-08
Posts: 5

Re: Troubles with aif

Sorry sad ... It was a desesperate post !!

I have take a look on those file :  /etc/pacman.conf, /mnt/etc/pacman.conf and /tmp/pacman.conf
But nothing change at all sad. Not a single apparition of my repo that I have built :'(

To complete that, the value of my TARGET_GROUPS variable is 'base gnome' but during the installation only base has been installing.

The variables TARGET_GROUPS and RUNTIME_REPOSITORIES have an utility or not.

EDIT : I will not mark this post as solved. I have passed my media into net "mode". So I haven't problems anymore. If someone have an answer... you're welcome wink

Last edited by floffredo (2011-01-16 14:02:18)


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