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Win + [some other key] = window manager key binding
Win + Shift + [some other key] = launch some application via xbindkeys
This way all functions are neatly organized imo
I use the super (win) key for almost everything:
<s> + ...
y = dmenu (German keyboard so y is where z is on an English keyboard)
x = urxvtc (can't start a terminal faster
c = claws-mail
b = toggle window decoration
n = new email
m = toggle maximize and window decoration
a = add desktop
s = skype
d = show desktop
f = firefox
q = ends openbox
w = wicd-curses
r = rox filer
t = thunar
u = vpn client for university
o = opera
space = show openbox desktop menu (alt & space is for showing root menu)
arrows = choose window
Last edited by null (2011-01-11 17:53:53)
Super + Space: call KRunner (open folders, open/kill programs, run commands...probably use this every 90 seconds or so)
Super + F: Float a tiled window
Super + M: Hide toolbar
as mod key for starting apps via xbindkeys.
There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !
win+f1 = dmenu google search - in turn opens firefox with result
win+f2 = dmenu run - in turn opens program, I start nearly everything this way - also mapped to alt+r, win+r and alt+f2, because I can and because I forget
win+f3 = dmenu feeling lucky - in turn opens firefox with result
win+# = dmenu mpd
win+v = dmenu videopac emulator roms (need to make more of these)
win+enter = urxvt terminal
win+shift+q = close (quit) current window - also mapped to alt+f4 same as that other OS
win+shift+w = switch window manager (i3/fluxbox)
win+shift+x = finish x session
win+shift+r = reload i3 config file
win+, = give windows title bar and borders
win+. = 1 pixel border only
win+/ = borderless
win+f = make focused window fullscreen
win+F = make focused window fullscreen across both monitors
win+s = make window group stacked
win+t = make window group tabed
win+g = make window group form a grid (tiled)
win+space = toggle floating on focused window
win+i = dmenu - in turns executes i3 window manager command on focused window
win+1-0 = go to corresponding workspace
win+shift_1-0 = send focused window to corresponding workspace
plus some more used with hjkl for moving windows round containers etc
Last edited by gazj (2011-01-11 21:22:34)
as mod key for starting apps via xbindkeys.
Ha Ha very good
EDIT: Totally misread this, I thought you mean't you used win for starting xbindkeys, duh!
Last edited by gazj (2011-01-11 21:41:33)
In awesome you use it for essentially...everything.
Windows+R to run an panel integrated run box
Windows+left to go one virtual desktop to the left
and so forth...
“There are two ways of constructing a software design. One way is to make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies. And the other way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies.”-- C.A.R. Hoare
Win + [some other key] = window manager key binding
Win + Shift + [some other key] = launch some application via xbindkeysThis way all functions are neatly organized imo
tzervo's approach was recommended in a posting that I read about a decade ago -- I've followed it ever since in each OS / DE / WM. I first used his approach in the prototypical tiling wm, larswm It seems to always work well for me without creating conflicts.
Usually I use the rox-filer panel (on the right side of my screen) as a shelf on which I keep "favorites" that I launch frequently and also use it as a shelf for temporarily holding docs or apps while I'm working with them. The rox-panel is like "Favorites", "Places", and a shelf for my workflow items, in one ledge alongside the screen. So changing favorites (apps or dirs or docs) and assigning shortcuts to them is quick and easy without editing a file:
* drag the app icon from /usr/share/applications (or rox's folder of user-created "appdirs") to the panel
* right click the icon on the panel for the "edit item" command
* click on the "click to set keyboard shortcut" button
* hit the desired key combo
I have mine bound to a bash script which loads a jpeg of a Windows BSOD for when I miss seeing it.
Hotkeys for volume up/down and media player controls. All set to win+arrows and win+space for pause/play.
I am using it only for Awesome WM.
I swapped it with Alt to make it easier to Alt-Tab
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