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#1 2009-10-01 15:44:24

From: Waterloo, ON
Registered: 2007-10-05
Posts: 120

xrandr-aware tray application

I'm using Xmonad on my laptop and frequently switch to a dual external monitor setup. When switching resolutions I have to restart Xmobar + trayer in order to reposition the applications at the correct locations in the new resolution. Xmobar works fine, and tends to remain on my primary monitor (on the left). Trayer on the other hand, doesn't and shifts to the far-left of the second monitor (the far-left corner of the virtual area). Does anyone know of a tray application that is xrandr-aware (xinerama as it used to be called)? If anyone has some pointers to some simple applications that implement this functionality, I might be able to hack support for this for trayer.

Arch on a Thinkpad T400s


#2 2011-01-15 16:48:57

Registered: 2011-01-15
Posts: 1

Re: xrandr-aware tray application

A long time since your post, but I just found it today as I looked for a solution to a similar problem --trayer disappearing when using two monitors.

I think the problem is the interaction between where you place trayer and the virtual screen size and layout.

For instance, I got problems with the following:

xrandr --output LVDS1 --auto --primary --rotate normal --pos 0x0 --output VGA1 --rotate normal --left-of LVSD1

trayer --edge bottom --align right --SetDockType true --SetPartialStrut true --expand true --widthtype request --transparent true --tint 0x191970 --height 12 --distance 20 --distancefrom right

(LVSD1 is my laptop)

The problem is that the left monitor is 1280x1024 whereas the laptop is 1600x900. That means that the trayer (--edge bottom) is located below the lower part of the laptop's screen. An easy fix is to align the bottom of the two screens, for instance doing (with my setup)

xrandr --output LVDS1 --auto --primary --rotate normal --pos 1280x124 --output VGA1 --rotate normal --auto --pos 0x0

Maybe in your case its just a matter of specifying the position of your primary monitor AND the trayer edge option so that they play nicely with each other.


#3 2011-01-16 03:52:15

Forum Fellow
From: Chicago
Registered: 2008-06-09
Posts: 9,183

Re: xrandr-aware tray application

rdiaz02, please do not resurrect old threads. Start a new one and link to the old one if you think its relevant to your problem.

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