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Pages: 1
Hello I'm trying to get Skype working but I dont get the microphone to work, I've tried to change the values in alsamixer I've tried to change mic on the input settings and im getting crazy I've even broke one mic cus i got so frustrated.
Last edited by Arichiludo (2011-02-04 19:00:10)
UPDATE: I'm acually crying right now... almost
Does your mic work in other programs like audacity?
If it does, then look at the wiki page about getting it to work with Skype.
Gonna try now, brb with answer
Have you enabled the mic by hitting "space bar" on the alsamixer channels so that it shows the word "CAPTURE" in red ?
"L R"
There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !
No doesn't seem to work all tho when i chose "microphone 2" in the input-settings i hear a strong buzzing noice kinda thing but don't think there is anything wrong with the mic since i've tried two.
Yes Inxsible
ok, is this a laptop? are you talking about an internal microphone? when you say you have tried two, did you plug in an additional microphone?
There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !
Nope not a laptop had 2 diffrent microphones I plugged in.
And btw thanks alot for trying to help me.
which desktop environment are you using? I'm using KDE and had the same problem yesterday.
If you have pulseaudio installed you can try 'pavucontrol' to enable you microphone.
If you don't have pulseaudio installed you can try 'alsamixer' on the console.
Pages: 1