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I'm using idesk to display icons on fluxbox-devel. Only trouble is that when I do "startx", the background to the icons is grainy and grey, almost like the default x background. This effect is much worse when the icons are set to be transparent. Plus the icons don't execute any commands when I left click on them.
I'm using idesktool as well, so when I right click on any of the icons, the gui configuration tool for idesktool opens up. If I click on the option to edit .ideskrc, then click ok without actually editing anything, the icons go back to looking how they should, and they execute the associated programs correctly.
I've tried adding "idesk &" to .xinitrc and .fluxbox/apps, but nothing I've tried so far works.
Anyway, I'm a bit stuck here so gimme any help you can, it's much appreciated. Hopefully someone else has had the same problem and solved it.
put this line in your .xinitrc to start idesk
(sleep 2; idesk &) &
that keeps it from starting before your wallpaper is displayed.
Thanks a million!
This has been bugging me for a while.
that didn't work for me - it depends on the speed of your system you see.
I added fbsetbg -l then the idesk command to my fluxbox startup file - i have no sleeps at all now
dibblethewrecker, how fast is your system? I have a pretty decent system and it works great for me. although I have it in my .xinitrc file(not sure if it matters.) Also, which version of iDesk are you using. I am using 0.7.2
also not sure if that makes a difference.
could you elaborate a bit on where you put those commands? the init file, apps or .xinitrc? - exact comands would also be appreciated. I know I'm demanding and I take more than I give, sorry
while the sleep command works for me most of time, I've recently discovered it doesn't work always. It seems I have most problems when I first boot into X. If I exit then reboot X, everything's fine. Kinda confusing.
tropical_disease, have you tried changing the sleep time from 2 to a higher number? maybe you need more time before you have idesk started.
tropical_disease - same prob for me
put em in your ~/.fluxbox/apps file, sorry!
[startup] {fbsetbg -l}
[startup] {idesk &}
Hey, Dibblethewrecker - I'm afraid your remedy didn't work for me, don't know why, it must be something to do with how my backgrounds are already set I suppose :?
wickedlester - Eventually after messing about with the sleep time, I've found that 5 seconds is enough to make sure my icons look and work normally when I do startx. It's not ideal, but it's much better than what I had originally.
Cheers for your help guys, I'm pretty happy already, but feel free to offer any more alternative solutions which may work more optimally.
i lied....
[startup] {fbsetbg -l}
[startup] {sleep 5 && idesk &}