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this evening a strange occurrence befell my pc. I was surfing the net and heard a "beep" from my computer which was odd but I shrugged it off. Several hours later I started the shutdown process and things went odd... Firstly my computer usually makes a beep when it starts to shutdown, tonight there was none. Secondly, the output - that is to say, when it shuts down and it does the various tasks like halting daemons - was scrambled, unreadable in most cases, though the computer DID power off seemingly ok. Has anyone else experienced this? I'm not worried or anything since I'm a careful user as far as security goes etc... Just curious as to what was going on...
Just a longshot, but maybe check your hard drive for errors. That beep you heard could have been a read error. Also check SMART logs.
I checked the SMART logs and ran some self-tests and the results came back normal. I've cycled the computer a few times now and the errors yet to re-appear so I'm starting to think it may have just been a one time, random occurrence.
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