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I installed archlinux on my game pc. But there is a problem with the graphics. I got hd4770, so i installed catalyst-hook driver. Well fglrx is in lsmod, so drivers are loaded already.
When i try to run enemy-territory, well in menus there is no problem at all. But in the match there is a biig lag independent of the server i am playing on. this is the same with americas-army armyops game.
I do not know what logs you need, so please let me know whatever you want. Waiting for your help.
Have a nice day,
By the way, i had no problem in my Ubuntu system, although i think it has a different kernel but the same gfx driver.
Have you tried disabling vsync in amdcccle?
฿ 18PRsqbZCrwPUrVnJe1BZvza7bwSDbpxZz
When i try to run it :
erdem ~ $ amdcccle
Parse error on line 2 of section ServerLayout in file /etc/X11/xorg.conf
"Identifier" is not a valid keyword in this section.
Parse error on line 2 of section ServerLayout in file /etc/X11/xorg.conf
"Identifier" is not a valid keyword in this section.
Segfault error
Somehow got amdcccle working, took the vsync option to "quality" which is 0 vsync. but there is still no difference.
Hm... your xorg.conf seems to be strange.
I personally would exit X, delete the complete /etc/ati (delete it in X and the current config gets rewritten when exiting X), reinstall catalyst, delete the xorg.conf and create a new one with aticonfig --initial.
New versions of catalyst often have problems with old configs...
฿ 18PRsqbZCrwPUrVnJe1BZvza7bwSDbpxZz
tried what you told me, but it is still the same. i also think something is wrong with xorg.conf but it really is what aticonfig --initial creates.
here is my xorg.conf:
vsync is also disabled in the games.
I also have issues with catalyst 11.1 with 2.6.37 kernel, x86_64
I have an AGP 3850
When I move a window, xorg uses 100% cpu, it runs better with compiz...
OpenGL apps like games still works with just a little loss of performance.
So, before there is a solution, I reverted to catalyst 10.12 & kernel 2.6.36, and it runs like before, everything is fluid
edit : in fact no, watching a movie in vlc is horrible, it takes a minute before ctrl-q respond...
Last edited by popux (2011-02-11 18:51:52)
And this is where my problem was. I was switching from KWin to compiz, enabling/disabling every check box, and here's the solution.
Went to a 2.6.36, and 10.12, and CPU is finally normal!
So... If I'm following this correctly, the people thus far who have noticed a performance problem with fglrx have resolved it by moving away from the new .37 kernel?
Does anyone have any idea what specific patch in .37 might be causing this behaviour?
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