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#76 2011-03-28 01:49:43

From: Washington
Registered: 2007-10-29
Posts: 17

Re: RIP perl-xyne-arch, powerpill, bauerbill, etc


By looking at the number of posts that I put on this boards, you might think of me as a troll.  In all honesty, I am truly sorry to hear that bauerbill has died.  He/she/it was such a wonderful friend.  I am going to miss the exotic -Syu'ing especially from AUR.  You saved more than just my time with Bauerbill's automation, but you saved my marriage too.  To say that you are a lifesaver is a large understatement.

You did a wonderful job and I look forward to other projects you are working on. 

Thank you from the bottom of my shell


#77 2011-03-28 05:38:35

Hermano Arco
Registered: 2009-08-19
Posts: 10

Re: RIP perl-xyne-arch, powerpill, bauerbill, etc

Another big thanks for bauerbill. Sad to see it go.


#78 2011-03-28 14:52:19

From: Denmark
Registered: 2010-06-19
Posts: 681

Re: RIP perl-xyne-arch, powerpill, bauerbill, etc


You stated your feature project wasen't written in perl, and you've now released a python rewritten reflector, so I wanted to know if you are going to change to python for the new feature project also? And if yes, then if you could please explain your reasoning?

Just currious about such things smile


#79 2011-03-28 15:05:14

Registered: 2007-05-16
Posts: 132

Re: RIP perl-xyne-arch, powerpill, bauerbill, etc

I can't seem to adjust to life without pkgd sad
My only hope is that it is only suffering a minor illness, rather than death!


#80 2011-03-28 15:33:34

Registered: 2009-04-19
Posts: 18

Re: RIP perl-xyne-arch, powerpill, bauerbill, etc

If you only need to share your pacman caches between a couple computers (let's says three) that won't move often, you could also use any http server or ftp server to share their cache folders and put them as a mirror in your mirrorlist.

I served them by simlinking /var/cache/pacman to /srv/http/default_site/pacman ... I have my httpd configured so that the default site is /srv/http/default_site/ instead of /srv/http/ ... you could also make a virtualhost and make yourself some domain name architectures if your router can (like cache1.pacman).

Here's an exctract of my mirrorlist on localmachine3...

Server = http://localmachine1/pacman/pkg
Server = http://localmachine2/pacman/pkg

# Any
Server =$repo/os/i686
Server =$repo/os/i686

When the database or a new package is requested, you will get two 404s from your local caches, then they will download from your first mirrors, as usual.

The biggest drawback is getting more 404s, but it is manageable without any special tool.


#81 2011-03-28 20:44:31

Package Maintainer (PM)
From: Birmingham, UK
Registered: 2008-08-14
Posts: 128

Re: RIP perl-xyne-arch, powerpill, bauerbill, etc

falconindy wrote:

Xyne, you inspired me.

No, this is not my usual sarcasm.


Thanks, and I look forward to your new stuff when it comes!

"Cared thou not, thou would have abstained." - Xyne


#82 2011-03-28 21:36:24

Package Maintainer (PM)
From: Tallinn, Estonia
Registered: 2010-01-23
Posts: 1,867

Re: RIP perl-xyne-arch, powerpill, bauerbill, etc

falconindy wrote:

Xyne, you inspired me.

No, this is not my usual sarcasm.

Once again, +1.

Had it not been for Xyne, I probably would not have ever taken a serious interest in programming. So thank you [Xyne] for everything: all of the contributions you have made to the community, and an indirect contribution to my interests. smile


#83 2011-03-28 22:00:07

From: 1992
Registered: 2006-08-08
Posts: 1,581

Re: RIP perl-xyne-arch, powerpill, bauerbill, etc

R.I.P. Xyne

errm i mean powerpill.


There shouldn't be any reason to learn more editor types than emacs or vi -- mg (1)
[You learn that sarcasm does not often work well in international forums.  That is why we avoid it. -- ewaller (arch linux forum moderator)


#84 2011-03-29 05:04:19

From: Across the Universe
Registered: 2006-08-18
Posts: 323

Re: RIP perl-xyne-arch, powerpill, bauerbill, etc

Just dropped in to say "thank you".


#85 2011-03-29 05:58:45

Registered: 2010-03-01
Posts: 1

Re: RIP perl-xyne-arch, powerpill, bauerbill, etc

Thanks Xyne for your contributions.  I was able to cut down the time it took to install a perl-based library management system project (i.e. koha) with an automated script using bauerbill, saving me many hours, since many dependencies could be retrieved, compiled and installed.  No small feat.


#86 2011-03-29 10:55:37

Registered: 2010-10-19
Posts: 34

Re: RIP perl-xyne-arch, powerpill, bauerbill, etc

Hey Xyne,

Your projects was almost vital for us (Arch users living in Iran) due to limited speed of our internet connection, I'm really sad to see them gone, specially bauerbill and powerpill...

Hope to see you back with replacements soon...

And thank you very much for all your hard work and dedication, we were lucky to experience Arch using those fantasic tools you provided us with.

Good luck my dear friend smile

Last edited by Pyruzan (2011-03-29 10:58:42)


#87 2011-03-29 22:22:24

From: San Francisco
Registered: 2011-03-29
Posts: 5

Re: RIP perl-xyne-arch, powerpill, bauerbill, etc

Thank you for powerpill!

(PS: I finally registered so that I could thank you)


#88 2011-03-30 03:13:10

From: Medford MA USA
Registered: 2009-12-15
Posts: 485

Re: RIP perl-xyne-arch, powerpill, bauerbill, etc

I'll let go of bauerbill when they pry it from my cold dead hands smile

IgnorePkg   = pacman

for a little bit longer anyway.

Thanks again Xyne for the great package manager that is bauerbill...


#89 2011-03-30 03:21:07

Registered: 2009-05-06
Posts: 25,440

Re: RIP perl-xyne-arch, powerpill, bauerbill, etc

jdarnold wrote:
IgnorePkg   = pacman

for a little bit longer anyway.

What about the different db formats(? Will the old pacman work with the new ones?

pacman NEWS file wrote:

              - sync database extension is .db (without compression suffix)


#90 2011-03-30 04:34:01

Package Maintainer (PM)
From: Tallinn, Estonia
Registered: 2010-01-23
Posts: 1,867

Re: RIP perl-xyne-arch, powerpill, bauerbill, etc

karol wrote:
jdarnold wrote:
IgnorePkg   = pacman

for a little bit longer anyway.

What about the different db formats(? Will the old pacman work with the new ones?

pacman NEWS file wrote:

              - sync database extension is .db (without compression suffix)

Was that a pacman change or a libalpm change? I was always in favor of separating the two. hmm


#91 2011-03-30 05:35:06

Registered: 2011-01-25
Posts: 39

Re: RIP perl-xyne-arch, powerpill, bauerbill, etc

I couldn't bear it any longer, I had to update. I'll miss my powerpill smile.


#92 2011-03-30 13:35:51

From: eating fish in /dev/null
Registered: 2008-08-30
Posts: 229

Re: RIP perl-xyne-arch, powerpill, bauerbill, etc

I was just about to upgrade my htpcbox (been months since i used linux) and I learned the hardway about the dropped support for perl-xyne-arch.

Thankfully this thread turned up on a google search.

Just wanted to drop by and my thanks for your wonderful application powerpill. I've been using it since you first released an early client, and it never failed me on any ocassion.


ARCH64 archSKYNET server AMD  Phenom(tm) II X2 550 HDD 6TB Ram 8GB
Hobbies: Running, Pistol Marksmanship, Classic Music


#93 2011-03-30 14:13:43

Registered: 2010-01-08
Posts: 10

Re: RIP perl-xyne-arch, powerpill, bauerbill, etc

Loved many many many of your packages, and am finding life increasingly difficult without the use of powerpill. Come back to us soon, Xyne. You're an inspiration to us all.


#94 2011-03-30 14:28:58

Registered: 2010-12-15
Posts: 192

Re: RIP perl-xyne-arch, powerpill, bauerbill, etc

Xyne wrote:

Thanks all for the warm replies. It was a nice surprise to see so many smile

Just to be clear, I'm still supporting all of my other projects and I'm not going anywhere. I'm just binning perl-xyne-arch.

I've rewritten reflector in Python 3 for those of you that are already missing it:

As for pkgd, take a look at quickserve for a possible alternative. If I find some more time, I might write a custom subclass for sharing packages the way that PkgD did (central "one-stop" master server that can silently query slaves).

I might also write a simple "back-to-basics powerpill-light" script for rudimentary aria2c support (which is how powerpill started)... the slow downloads are driving me crazy. tongue

that is bad news for me . you project powerpill portable was good and nice for me and I do many thing with that script and I use it in my work place because I do not have internet connection at home and I download all packages I need in home at work place ,
please continue powerpill project , for user like me dose not internet connection you big project is big and very good . or give use other way to solve this problem

Last edited by mfaridi (2011-03-30 14:34:26)


#95 2011-03-30 19:51:22

Package Maintainer (PM)
From: Tallinn, Estonia
Registered: 2010-01-23
Posts: 1,867

Re: RIP perl-xyne-arch, powerpill, bauerbill, etc

mfaridi wrote:
Xyne wrote:

Thanks all for the warm replies. It was a nice surprise to see so many smile

Just to be clear, I'm still supporting all of my other projects and I'm not going anywhere. I'm just binning perl-xyne-arch.

I've rewritten reflector in Python 3 for those of you that are already missing it:

As for pkgd, take a look at quickserve for a possible alternative. If I find some more time, I might write a custom subclass for sharing packages the way that PkgD did (central "one-stop" master server that can silently query slaves).

I might also write a simple "back-to-basics powerpill-light" script for rudimentary aria2c support (which is how powerpill started)... the slow downloads are driving me crazy. tongue

that is bad news for me . you project powerpill portable was good and nice for me and I do many thing with that script and I use it in my work place because I do not have internet connection at home and I download all packages I need in home at work place ,
please continue powerpill project , for user like me dose not internet connection you big project is big and very good . or give use other way to solve this problem

You could install pacman on your work computer and copy the needed packages from /var/cache/pacman/pacman/.

Or even just download the package directly from


#96 2011-03-30 19:54:13

Registered: 2009-05-06
Posts: 25,440

Re: RIP perl-xyne-arch, powerpill, bauerbill, etc

Using pacman gives you dependency resolution so "just download" may not always work :-)


#97 2011-03-31 07:01:56

Registered: 2010-12-15
Posts: 192

Re: RIP perl-xyne-arch, powerpill, bauerbill, etc

can I find another package like powerpill and it work for me good and solve my problem ?


#98 2011-03-31 10:43:39

Registered: 2010-10-19
Posts: 34

Re: RIP perl-xyne-arch, powerpill, bauerbill, etc

itsbrad212 wrote:

You could install pacman on your work computer and copy the needed packages from /var/cache/pacman/pacman/.

Or even just download the package directly from

karol wrote:

Using pacman gives you dependency resolution so "just download" may not always work :-)

mfaridi wrote:

can I find another package like powerpill and it work for me good and solve my problem ?

For all those with slow internet connection:

sudo pacman -Syp package-name > urllist

sudo pacman -Syup > urllist

Then download those urls using a download accelerator of your choice smile


#99 2011-03-31 14:57:57

Registered: 2010-03-18
Posts: 4

Re: RIP perl-xyne-arch, powerpill, bauerbill, etc

Im gonna miss powerpill.


#100 2011-03-31 16:27:15

Registered: 2009-05-06
Posts: 25,440

Re: RIP perl-xyne-arch, powerpill, bauerbill, etc

mfaridi has no internet connection at home ...


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