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I found a bug, reporting...
"kort op de bal" as they say in Flanders...(dunnow how to translate that)
(it's gonna be a long day...)
Must have taken some effort. I only checked the homepage to see what the 4/1 joke was. I don't think I ever did figure out last year's, unless it was that there was no joke, but a prize was offered to whomever figured out the joke.
: () { : | :& } ;:
Yup, last year was "find the unexisting 4/1 joke" many people looking to nothing.
I especially liked the year before where they mentionned that 32bits support would be completely dropped so arch would become full 64bits only. Big reactions at that time... It was so fun.
I really like the fact that all these distros have the same mainpage for canterbury project, it seems so... real haha XD
So glad it's a joke. Coludn't be less interested in a "distro to bind them in the darkness and rule them all".
Arch is just fine as it is.
Yup, last year was "find the unexisting 4/1 joke" many people looking to nothing.
I especially liked the year before where they mentionned that 32bits support would be completely dropped so arch would become full 64bits only. Big reactions at that time... It was so fun.
Such an awesome idea,
: () { : | :& } ;:
Well, got to give them credit. I was actually able to install packages with this......
[dustin@myhost ~]$ cant
The Canterbury Distribution Package Manager
usage: cant [option] <packages>
install install packages
remove remove packages
stand remove the Canterbury Distribution Package Manager
help this text
Last edited by DustinCasler (2011-04-01 12:37:29)
You guys just keep making them better and better... ^^
To rest or to not do anything, that is the question.
i almost believe but not the arch way
I really hope this is not an April Fool's joke.
Canterbury could really be THE next big thing happening to the Linux world, IMHO. The Linux ecosystem is already awesome, the only thing that is missing -- in order to be acknowledged by both developers and users that are not accustomed to it -- is some kind of standardization among distros, and that's exactly the goal of Canterbury. As a current Arch user and former Debian/Ubuntu user, I see this joint endeavour as extremely promising.
When others think you can, prove them right. When others think you can't, prove them wrong.
I just released a preview of our new package manager:
where is the update option?
Canterbury will have an auto-update feature.
Awesome idea, I was really surprised for a moment until my brain kicked in!
deviantART | GitHub |
Canterbury will have an auto-update feature.
You mean like the auto-update feature of Windows....mmmmmmmm. And then an auto-(re)configuration feature also, so cool!
Last edited by dobedo (2011-04-01 13:22:26)
Pierre, that will totally earn you a dozen or so of those tiny beer glasses at FrOSCon 2011 :-)
Btw, I've made an interesting discovery by looking at the latest release numbers:
2010.05 (Arch), 11.4 (Suse), 11 (Gentoo (Live)), 6.0.1 (Debian), 2010.12 (Grml)
-> 201005 + 114 + 11 + 601 + 201012
---> 4 * 0 + 2 * 7 + 4 * 3
-----> 26
And when you divide 26 by 2 you get 13, which is the current week of the year!
Incredible, isn't it?
(where's my medicine...)
Lol, quite the synchronized joke (aside from Gentoo's compile induced downtime), and a great Canterbury reference. On a more serious note, if this ever did happen, I'd only be able to say one thing... "Forked" and I would start hosting the mirrors for the distro myself, if I had to. Arch would be too watered down with all the other crap from those distros... Er, I mean "features" from those distros
ArchLinux ---- Because I don't mind reaching under my penguin's skirt and twiddling about to make her behave.
this announce hit me hard in my heart. sadly i'm against this project and i refuse to be a part of it.
i officially resign
Last edited by wonder (2011-04-01 13:39:14)
Give what you have. To someone, it may be better than you dare to think.
this announce hit me hard it my heart. sadly i'm against this project and i refuse to be a part of it.
i officially resign
just fork Canterbury into another distro or better multiple, each one having a different "goal":
- one to be Simple
- another to be Stable
- a third one to be Malleable
- then a Live cd
- and finally an Openminded
fooled the crap out of me. Few April Fools jokes out there left that still pack a punch. Made me forget what I was looking for in the first place!
Good job
Arch 64bit | OpenBox | Registered Linux User #526935
Wow, I was expecting some April joke, but not this.
The fact that the distributions involved changed their homepage makes it look quite real and although it's clear that it's just joke (or maybe just for the moment), it shows that the people responsible for these distros aren't isolating themselves and are able to pull of such a coordinated joke.
So even though this joke may look like a sarcastic criticism of the somewhat incoherent world of Linux distributions, I think the fact that many people across several distros cooperated on something like this shows that it's not that bad after all.
BTW, the vertical color paths on the homepage seem to have different lengths and aren't ordered by the respective distros' names, is that supposed to reflect something?
KISS my Arch, Willy Gates!
This is why I use Linux and Arch. It's never boring. Who else would do something like this? Very cool.
BTW, the vertical color paths on the homepage seem to have different lengths and aren't ordered by the respective distros' names, is that supposed to reflect something?
If you click on the headings on those color paths, it will take you to the actual web pages of those distros.
There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !
I'm running the Canterbury pre-alpha now. It's already very stable! There's just one problem I found so far. Where do I report bugs?
Last edited by flan_suse (2011-04-01 14:44:54)
this announce hit me hard in my heart. sadly i'm against this project and i refuse to be a part of it.
i officially resign
me too, i resign from the user base.