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btw, yakuake works as usual. I can maximize, change it's size... Yakuake bypasses kwin, so maybe bug is not in nvidia driver, but in kwin?
Moreover, I hadn't experienced that bug when used kde 4.6.1.
That's a possibility, anyway, an user above reported the problem with urxvt + compositing, let's wait until next Nvidia release(i hope it arrive soon).
Last edited by diegoviola (2023-04-17 22:44:19)
I think the resize bug is caused by this:
nvidia 270+ supports xorg-server 1.10, so it's not related to that.
Arch64/DWM || My Dropbox referral link
Last edited by diegoviola (2023-04-17 22:44:07)
Here it happens even when konsole has un-transparent background.
There are two types of people in this world - those who can count to 10 by using their fingers, and those who can count to 1023.
hmmm... for me that happens with kde 4.6.2 and kernel 2.6.37 and appropriate nvidia driver.
But after to 2.6.38 and the appropriate nvidia version resizing konsole just makes screen to flicker intensively, but system won't freeze.
and here is error.log, generated after resizing
Apr 18 01:24:00 localhost kernel: NVRM: Xid (0000:01:00): 13, 0001 00000000 00005097 000015e0 00000000 00000100
Apr 18 01:24:03 localhost kernel: NVRM: Xid (0000:01:00): 13, 0001 00000000 00005097 000015e0 00000000 00000100
Apr 18 01:24:03 localhost kernel: NVRM: Xid (0000:01:00): 13, 0001 00000000 00005097 000015e0 00000000 00000100
Last edited by eDio (2011-04-17 22:32:07)
Same problem here on Arch Linux (x86-64).
nvidia 270.41.03-1
xorg-server 1.10.1-1GeForce 9500 GT
The problem happens when I resize konsole on KDE 4.6.2.
Exact same setup here. Same problem too.
Occasionally I also get those funny coloured dots all over the screen. Kind of reminds me when I used to try overclocking my old Riva TNT2 Model 64
Anyway, my computer has not crashed this often since the last time I ran Windows. (j/k, OS bashing is not funny...well maybe just a little)
My temporary solution: make Konsole unresizable. I know it's not optimal, but at least it saves me when I sometimes absentmindedly try to resize its window.
Right click on Konsole titlebar -> Configure Window Behaviour -> scroll down to -> Window Rules
Create a new rule for Konsole, make sure to select "Use window class" to affect all Konsole windows. Then in the rules:
Geometry tab -> check "Size" and change to "Force"
Workarounds tab -> check "Minimum size", "Maximum size" and "Strictly obey geometry" and change their drop-downs to "Force".
There are two types of people in this world - those who can count to 10 by using their fingers, and those who can count to 1023.
Occasionally I also get those funny coloured dots all over the screen. Kind of reminds me when I used to try overclocking my old Riva TNT2 Model 64
Anyway, my computer has not crashed this often since the last time I ran Windows. (j/k, OS bashing is not funny...well maybe just a little)
In my experience Windows 7 is just as stable as Linux these days. At the moment W7 > Arch if you have an Nvidia card.
But let's not forget Win9x and the horrible WinME
Tactfully ignoring Wilco, I have noticed my computer locking up in the same way after leaving it idle for a while. Could be when the screensaver tries to activate. In this case even ssh doesn't work. For the meantime I have downgraded to the previous version of the nvidia driver but things still feel a bit flakey.
Overall I'm a bit disappointed in the stability of my system right now
I've had this problem as well, although it doesn't happen when I resize Konsole. I'm able to reproduce it if I'm in Firefox and I attempt to save an image. If I select "Save as..." and then attempt to browse for a folder to save the file, my computer will completely freeze every time. Once it also happened while I was in KMail, although I can't reproduce that. The error is as follows:
Apr 17 23:14:42 localhost kernel: NVRM: Xid (0000:02:00): 13, 0001 00000000 00005097 000015e0 00000000 00000100
I'm using the following:
KDE 4.6.2
nvidia 270.41.03-1
xorg-server 1.10.1-1
* I experienced the error originally prior to upgrading my xorg-server. Once this began happening, I tried using the LTS kernel, and the error was still present.
Occasionally I also get those funny coloured dots all over the screen. Kind of reminds me when I used to try overclocking my old Riva TNT2 Model 64
Anyway, my computer has not crashed this often since the last time I ran Windows. (j/k, OS bashing is not funny...well maybe just a little)
I get the funny colored dots as well. But they are so much the system is unusable. They also appear on two other instances:
Watching something with mplayer, press volume key to adjust sound volume -> the volume popup messes up with mplayer and video is screwed. Doesn't happen with VLC.
Playing NFS Hot Pursuit 2010 under Windows -> occasionally messes up as well, video screws up, dots appear and restart is required.
There are two types of people in this world - those who can count to 10 by using their fingers, and those who can count to 1023.
Anyone know where the problem lies in? xorg, nvidia, kde, kernel?
It didnt happen before recent nvidia, xorg or kernel upgrade iirc
I'm looking to workaround it by downgrading packages but i need to know which one cause the issue
(I almost broke my file system while trying to track it...)
At the moment i could only block konsole from resizing
Last edited by icarus-c (2011-04-19 10:37:30)
There's a good workaround on the Bug (
Downgrade to:
xf86-input-evdev 2.6.0-2
This will remove a couple of conflicting packages, which is fine.
Nothing else is downgraded on my machine. This works perfectly for me and at least two other people so far.
Last edited by giddie (2011-04-19 11:24:52)
Anyone know where the problem lies in? xorg, nvidia, kde, kernel?
It didnt happen before recent nvidia, xorg or kernel upgrade iirc
I'm looking to workaround it by downgrading packages but i need to know which one cause the issue
(I almost broke my file system while trying to track it...)
At the moment i could only block konsole from resizing
confirmed it is fixed by:
downgraded to xorg-server and xf86-input-evdev 2.6.0-2.
appears to be ok with this combination.
I also needed xf86-input-synaptics 1.4.0-1 to have a working touchpad.
Last edited by diegoviola (2023-04-17 22:43:22)
Yes, according to the bug report the nVidia driver is freaking out and creating too many events, which causes an event buffer in Xorg to overflow. It works OK with the older Xorg, though.
Is there an upstream bug report about this? I mean at nvidia.
zʇıɹɟʇıɹʞsuɐs AUR || Cycling in Budapest with a helmet camera || Revised log levels proposal: "FYI" "WTF" and "OMG" (John Barnette)
I've mentioned the issue on … ?p=2420546, but I'm not sure if that's the official place for bug reporting. Is there a better place?
Hello everyone, i had the same problem and is done by changeing the decorations from the default oxygen to anything else.
Last edited by Warez (2011-04-20 04:34:28)
Nvidia just released 270.4109 driver, hopefully it gets pushed to repos soon
New driver that just came out today for Arch still crashes Come on Nvidia fix it
Last edited by dabbill (2011-04-20 19:52:48)
There's a good workaround on the Bug (
Downgrade to:
xf86-input-evdev 2.6.0-2
This will remove a couple of conflicting packages, which is fine.
Nothing else is downgraded on my machine. This works perfectly for me and at least two other people so far.
It's help me too.
Nvidia just released 270.4109 driver, hopefully it gets pushed to repos soon
New driver that just came out today for Arch still crashesCome on Nvidia fix it
Yep still broken, messed up shit
Disabling desktop effects works for me though on an x64 system. All the other packages are up to date