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smplayer? I thought qt was kinda counter to the arch way, no?
Here we go again... Could you elaborate why do you think QT is counter to the arch way, in comparison to GTK+? It seems that many people fail to grasp that QT is not KDE.
Last edited by karabaja4 (2011-04-14 11:46:23)
even if qt was still isn't counter to the Arch Way. Arch gives the user the control of the machine, so its the users choice to install what he/she wants. If the user chooses KDE, so be it !
There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !
Arch Way principle #1, simplicity?
Simplicity is the means, not the end. You can have a system as simple or as complex as you wish.
Well I agree with that in general, but if simplicity is totally subjective then it ceases to be a meaningful principle. Why have it in the Arch Way? It's like making a diet that says "don't eat unhealthy things. It's up to you to decide what's healthy or not."
Black forest cake rarely makes it into a diet plan. I'm sure Smplayer is great, just not sure it deserves a LnF Award.
Just arguing for the fun of it at this point.
Well I agree with that in general, but if simplicity is totally subjective then it ceases to be a meaningful principle. Why have it in the Arch Way? It's like making a diet that says "don't eat unhealthy things. It's up to you to decide what's healthy or not."
Black forest cake rarely makes it into a diet plan. I'm sure Smplayer is great, just not sure it deserves a LnF Award.
Just arguing for the fun of it at this point.
Give me the choice to eat Black Forest Cake, and a plate, and a fork, and every so often I'm gonna eat me some goddamn cake whether someone else likes it or not. This is a popularity contest, anyway. Most people use fairly objective criteria to determine what makes an app "lightweight;" if the awards go only to those apps using the least RAM/cpu power/lines of code/magic unicorn kisses/whatever, then there's no point in voting (and thus no fun in it). Those things need to be contrasted with feature implementation, which counteracts the whole "lightweight" aspect.
Magic unicorn kisses. I like it :-)
Arch makes it simple to manage the packages you like, whether it's KDE / Qt / Java / Flash or some other thin and light magic unicorn.
Of course you're going to use it if you want, this list would all be command line/ncurses otherwise. I just think people's personal preferences are wrong and they're going to hell.
I guess the point of the Awards is largely to titillate experienced users, but lets say I'm a brand new user to whom circumstance has bequeathed a computer from the 1990's. I'm one of the kids in a dollar a day infomercial. I'm looking through this list for light and fast programs. Having a basic faith in humankind I download a program which is not light and fast, but is in fact a well-loved good all-rounder. Running it my CPU melts, I can't update my CV, I remain jobless and starve to death. Meanwhile, a bunch of western software developers in tuxedos smoking cigars, clinking their champagne glasses to their webcams while they watch a video of a duck being unspeakable towards a dog and mentally having a ménage à un with their own egos over how light and fast Skype Premium runs on their octocore processors and byte preceded by a prefix for a number so large a term hasn't yet been needed harddrives. Would that make you happy?
Btw, why isn't there more fltk ?
Last edited by stozi (2011-04-20 05:25:03)
Just because a program uses Qt doesn't automatically mean its a bloated piece of crap. I can't check right now but smplayer is not very big in itself and starts up almost instantly on even my crappiest pc. Your gripe is Qt mainly I guess. But why? You need a gui framework to run gui apps. In that sense Qt is no different from GTK2, and its not THAT much bigger to install. It's not like gtk is 30mb and Qt is 3.2gb is it.
So do you have gtk installed? Why?
Of course if you say 'no I don't have gtk installed either, I do everything in a bare xterm window under tcl' then touché, you are correct in your scorn, carry on
Recently I have switched from KDE to OpenBox (idea of "smart" integration and semantic desktop lays beyond my feeling and needings). I have thoroughly tried to replace mostly used KDE apps with "light" equivalents, but there is still a list of apps I can not replace. And the reason isn't my broken taste only , I think. The reason is that apps' functionality just save my lifetime. I have decided my time is more important for me rather idea of light
"I exist" is the best myth I know..
Would that make you happy?
You starving to death? No. But I would be interested in that duck video ;-)
Have you tried stuff from ?
I'd like to nominate the QtWeb browser.
Portable (just one executable!), cross-platform, open-source, fast and often using almost half the memory that Firefox 4 uses.
Maybe not with all bells and whistles, but enough to keep most people happy browsing most of the time.
WebKit-based, by the way.
Notetaking application, xournal -> beats all the java written alternatives I have tried.
Video editing? cinelerra?
Last edited by natostanco (2011-04-29 15:34:49)
Following are my applications of choice:
* opera
* jumanji (a very promising browser, but still a bit immature)
Video player:
* mplayer
* ogle (for DVD)
Image viewer:
* gqview
* feh
PDF viewer:
* mupdf
* llpp (a mupdf fork)
* irssi
* centerim
* mutt
Audio player:
* mpd/mpc/ncmpcpp (server/client/client)
* moc (music on console)
* rtorrent (i use rtorrent-vi-color, found in AUR)
* vim
Window manager
* ratpoison
Last edited by thinkpadx61 (2011-05-17 23:41:37)
Haven't really posted before, but just have to say that this is really useful last years awards helped me choose some better apps, then the ones i had
Last edited by Fire-Hazard (2011-06-03 23:24:01)
deluge for torrent client, I like to use the thin client on a windows machine
Last edited by twl (2011-06-05 21:26:52)
stozi wrote:smplayer? I thought qt was kinda counter to the arch way, no?
Here we go again... Could you elaborate why do you think QT is counter to the arch way, in comparison to GTK+? It seems that many people fail to grasp that QT is not KDE.
Yeah its totally senseless. There are plenty of qt apps that don't pull any, or pull very few kde deps too. Such as Clementine and vlc. QT fits in very well with gnome visually now as well, I have no problem using a qt app if its the best for the job.
There are plenty of qt apps that don't pull any, or pull very few kde deps too.
I'd say, such apps are not Qt-apps (which "pull very few kde deps") - they are KDE apps. As for Qt - of course it's just an excellent lib/kit with plenty of indeed clean (and some of them - multiplatform) Qt applications: fast, eyes friendly, programmers friendly, tools, docs, and so on - I know as far as I have a tiny ("light and fast") Qt project
Last edited by student975 (2011-06-05 22:58:25)
"I exist" is the best myth I know..
Is "none/startx/xinit" a login manager? It manages nothing with login
Some candidate apps are really not light. Such as Emacs, Libreoffice, ZSH, gimp.
Last edited by cuihao (2011-06-06 08:01:55)
Forgive my poor English. I am a senior student from China.
cuihao: please refrain from political comment on these boards … ial_Topics
cuihao: please refrain from political comment on these boards … ial_Topics
Sorry, I learn it.
Forgive my poor English. I am a senior student from China.
I am surprised to not see wpa_supplicant more in the Network Manager list... would it not be classed as such?
Kupfer is an excellent, very light gnome-do alternative.
bwat47 wrote:There are plenty of qt apps that don't pull any, or pull very few kde deps too.
I'd say, such apps are not Qt-apps (which "pull very few kde deps") - they are KDE apps. As for Qt - of course it's just an excellent lib/kit with plenty of indeed clean (and some of them - multiplatform) Qt applications: fast, eyes friendly, programmers friendly, tools, docs, and so on - I know as far as I have a tiny ("light and fast") Qt project
It works great on windows as well. On my win7 gaming desktop I use 2 qt apps (clementine and vlc).
Last edited by bwat47 (2011-06-06 20:54:44)
Video editing? cinelerra?
I would say that's the opposite of lightweight.
6EA3 F3F3 B908 2632 A9CB E931 D53A 0445 B47A 0DAB
Great things come in tar.xz packages.
well the results seem to be the definitive motivation to move over to vim... do most of you use gvim or vim through a terminal/screen?