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#51 2011-04-21 21:38:49

From: Denmark
Registered: 2010-06-19
Posts: 681

Re: jumanji - a web browser

As allready pointed out, then webkit 1.3 needs the plugin-blocker to be disabled for flash to work, so add 'set plugin_blocker false' into your jumanjirc...

I cannot respond to your other issue, as I do not use any other webkit apps, besides jumanji, and where jumanji for me dosen't have that problem(segmentation fault)...


#52 2011-04-22 14:34:03

Registered: 2011-04-18
Posts: 16

Re: jumanji - a web browser

Ok, so i presume that nobody has the download issue at 4shared, rapidshare and similars?


#53 2011-04-22 15:55:07

From: Denmark
Registered: 2010-06-19
Posts: 681

Re: jumanji - a web browser

I just tried to download something from 4shared and that worked...

If you're using the download_command from arch wiki's jumanji page's jumanjirc example, then the last %s needs to be surrounded with single-quotes to be able to download files with spaces in their names...

Other than that, i'm affraid I cannot help you any further...


#54 2011-04-22 17:43:28

Registered: 2011-04-18
Posts: 16

Re: jumanji - a web browser

I use the commands with the single-quotes. I did a fresh install of my linux yesterday because of some partition issues, i'll try again.
But just for the record: why not use the webkit download system? wget consumes less resources?


#55 2011-04-22 18:08:39

Registered: 2011-04-18
Posts: 16

Re: jumanji - a web browser

Tried again to download this: … lpine_.htm
Didn't work. Maybe it's an issue only here on gentoo. I'll just stick to luakit, i don't like many things in it, but i need those downloads.


#56 2011-04-22 18:10:28

Registered: 2011-03-13
Posts: 130

Re: jumanji - a web browser

A little OT, but... can you use that name for your program? It sounds kinda copyrighted, you know (

Last edited by metre (2011-04-22 18:11:20)


#57 2011-04-22 18:27:19

Registered: 2011-04-18
Posts: 16

Re: jumanji - a web browser

Well, when i put the download command directly in the terminal it works. After a couple of changes i can download in Jumanji with this command:

set download_command urxvt -e wget --load-cookies ~/.config/jumanji/cookies '%s'

without double quotes and -c sh
I guess i've found true happiness now. Cheers for me.

Last edited by Cristhyano (2011-04-22 18:28:04)


#58 2011-04-22 20:32:57

From: Denmark
Registered: 2010-06-19
Posts: 681

Re: jumanji - a web browser

I just tested your link and it works fine for me also, and I just use the download command from the arch wiki, and just add a missing single-quote right before the last double-quote + change urxvt to urxvtc...

set download_command urxvtc -e sh -c "wget --load-cookies ~/.config/jumanji/cookies '%s' -O '%s'"

I have no idea about why the devs dosen't use the webkit native download, instead of wget?


#59 2011-04-23 04:27:20

Registered: 2011-04-18
Posts: 16

Re: jumanji - a web browser

I gave up. Returning to luakit.
It worked, but the file came with messed up name and the -O '%s' didn't work,
When this is fixed, i'll come back.


#60 2011-04-23 12:25:07

From: Denmark
Registered: 2010-06-19
Posts: 681

Re: jumanji - a web browser

Well, since it works without issue here, then there's nothing to be fixed, and there's something wrong on your end... Sorry...


#61 2011-04-23 13:15:36

Registered: 2011-04-18
Posts: 16

Re: jumanji - a web browser

i'll try again


#62 2011-04-23 13:23:34

Registered: 2011-04-18
Posts: 16

Re: jumanji - a web browser

lol it worked with set download_command urxvt -e wget --load-cookies ~/.config/jumanji/cookies '%s' -O '%s';


#63 2011-04-29 01:31:25

From: USA
Registered: 2011-04-20
Posts: 10

Re: jumanji - a web browser

Hey guys, I love jumanji, its interface and all. I use it mostly as my primary browser. However I do have a problem with some web pages that are slow, very slow, I mean once it loads its unscrollable ex:
Is it something wrong with my install? script? I don't get it. I hope to have this issue fixed cuz I love this browser. Thanks for the help in advance smile


#64 2011-04-29 01:40:54

From: Denmark
Registered: 2010-06-19
Posts: 681

Re: jumanji - a web browser

Hi tips!

I've just tried that page you linked, and everything is fine here, including being able to scroll the page all way down at full speed...

However, i'm using testing which features libwebkit 1.4 instead of the extra repo's libwebkit 1.2.7, so that's probably the culprit here, unless you're also using testing, that is...

Edit: I've just tested it out for you by downgrading to libwebkit 1.2.7 and sure enough. that page linked of yours was excrudingly slow and unscrollable, so it is defenetelly a libwebkit issue which is fixed in the newest stable version from the testing repo...

Note, with libwebkit 1.4, then flash content will only work if you disable the plugin-blocker by putting 'set plugin_blocker false' into your '~/.config/jumanji/jumanjirc' file...

Last edited by mhertz (2011-04-29 01:58:29)


#65 2011-04-29 02:34:48

From: USA
Registered: 2011-04-20
Posts: 10

Re: jumanji - a web browser

mhertz wrote:

Hi tips!

I've just tried that page you linked, and everything is fine here, including being able to scroll the page all way down at full speed...

However, i'm using testing which features libwebkit 1.4 instead of the extra repo's libwebkit 1.2.7, so that's probably the culprit here, unless you're also using testing, that is...

Edit: I've just tested it out for you by downgrading to libwebkit 1.2.7 and sure enough. that page linked of yours was excrudingly slow and unscrollable, so it is defenetelly a libwebkit issue which is fixed in the newest stable version from the testing repo...

Note, with libwebkit 1.4, then flash content will only work if you disable the plugin-blocker by putting 'set plugin_blocker false' into your '~/.config/jumanji/jumanjirc' file...

Thanks for the quick reply, however the new libwebkit from testing seems to not work with webkit-based browsers, such as jumnaji and epiphany. So i am forced to use libwebkit 1.2.7-1 unfortunatly. Any advice? I don't have a choice but to use 1.2.7. Unless there's a way to get jumanji working with 1.4.


#66 2011-04-29 02:55:16

From: Denmark
Registered: 2010-06-19
Posts: 681

Re: jumanji - a web browser

I told you that I myself use it, so of course it works...

Jumanji needs to be recompiled after the webkit upgrade so as to link to the new lib, so reinstall jumanji from the AUR and you're all set...


#67 2011-04-29 03:06:27

From: USA
Registered: 2011-04-20
Posts: 10

Re: jumanji - a web browser

mhertz wrote:

I told you that I myself use it, so of course it works...

Jumanji needs to be recompiled after the webkit upgrade so as to link to the new lib, so reinstall jumanji from the AUR and you're all set...

K I just tried upgrading to 1.4 and tried installing it using yaourt -S, that didn't work. Then I removed it cleaned cache and downloaded the PKGBUILD from AUR and build it using makepkg -i and in both cases jumanji would crash with segmentation fault. sad haha sorry to bug u with this, but I'm lost for action... Thanks alot for your help.

Last edited by tips (2011-04-29 03:22:51)


#68 2011-04-29 14:26:11

Registered: 2011-01-14
Posts: 1

Re: jumanji - a web browser

@tips: Could you explain in more detail what you did? Did you reinstall jumanji after the upgrade?

I'm using libwebkit-1.4 here, too, without problems, but jumanji wouldn't build without upgrading libsoup from [testing], too. In general it's not a good idea to cherry-pick single packages from [testing] but the best is to completely go with it, so it's probable you are missing something. In the case of jumanji, this should at least result in build errors...


#69 2011-04-30 16:01:12

From: Australia
Registered: 2009-07-02
Posts: 200

Re: jumanji - a web browser

Cristhyano wrote:

Just some thoughts. Jumanji should use the webkit-gtk native download like the luakit browser instead of wget. Wget seems to handle badly some websites like 4shared, megaupload. It ends the download right in the beginning.
And i have another question. Why browsers like Midori and Luakit that is based on webkit-gtk handles some websites badly. Here in Brazil we use a lot of orkut instead of facebook. In Jumanji i get the new orkut interface, in midori and luakit the interface is the old one because it says that the browser doesn't support it.

Sounds like something to do with the default luakit useragent. Try a firefox4 useragent or a recent chrome useragent.

(To change the useragent do `globals.useragent = "Something 4.0/..."` in your rc.lua).


#70 2011-04-30 22:14:55

From: USA
Registered: 2011-04-20
Posts: 10

Re: jumanji - a web browser

pmrt wrote:

@tips: Could you explain in more detail what you did? Did you reinstall jumanji after the upgrade?

I'm using libwebkit-1.4 here, too, without problems, but jumanji wouldn't build without upgrading libsoup from [testing], too. In general it's not a good idea to cherry-pick single packages from [testing] but the best is to completely go with it, so it's probable you are missing something. In the case of jumanji, this should at least result in build errors...

This is what I did: I installed arch about 2 weeks ago totally fine, upgrading fully with testing enabled, but since the beginning epiphany (webkit-based) wouldn't start, always segfaults. So I was using firefox. Then I decided to look for something more lightweight, so I tried conkeror, it worked fine, but I liked jumanji better from screenshots and such. So I installed jumanji from AUR. At this point I had a full system upgrade with testing repo enabled, so libwebkit was at version 1.4. Jumnaji would crash with segfault just as epiphany, so after searching it seemed that webkit was the culprit, so sure enough I downgrade it to 1.2.7, and boom, epiphany, jumanji and all webkit browsers work now, without even having to rebuild them.
    However I was unsatisfied by the old webkit performance on some pages, so came here to search for a solution. I tried upgrading again to 1.4 and removing and installing jumanji, using the yaourt command, and downloading the PKGBUILD and building it using makepkg -i. libsoup version I have is 2.34.1 from testing, so the latest.
    Also noteworthy is that I am not only upgrading certian packages from testing, I am doing full system upgrades, so I should have the latest on everything. Thank you for your help. smile


#71 2011-05-04 21:44:09

From: Baton Rouge, LA, USA
Registered: 2010-03-04
Posts: 46

Re: jumanji - a web browser

Hey, I'm just curious: I change .Xdefaults colorschemes a lot and I was wondering if it would be possible to change config.h to make those variables read .Xdefaults and use those colors? I don't know any C so I thought who knows? maybe it's easy smile

Clever Linux quote.


#72 2011-05-05 17:32:15

From: Berlin
Registered: 2005-10-27
Posts: 428

Re: jumanji - a web browser


since luakit freezed regularly on my system the last days, I had a peek at jumanji and so far liked it very much. Luckily, I’m already zathura user, so I was able to transfer configuration options, but I still have some questions coming up regarding jumanjirc and jumanji usage.

First: How may I keep a custom config.h w/o changing the PKGBUILD too much? If I copy my customized config.h into <BUILD-DIR>/src/jumanji OR jumanji-build, it always pulls the original one from git so my changes never get compiled into jumanji. I tried to disable pulling from git, but that is too much of an effort uncommenting so many lines each time… there certainly has to be a more easy solution?

First: I’d like to have a 1024x1024 window by default. Tried

set default_height 1024
set default_width 1024

but it doesn’t work.

Setting it via config.h did the job, of course, but as to the aforementioned problem, and me wanting to store configurations of programmes in ~/.xyz it would be nice to be able to set it via jumanjirc

Secondly, I’d like to have Ctrl + <Button 1 mouse click on a link> to have it loaded in a background tab.
I did something like

{GDK_CONTROL_MASK,                  1,        NULL,       NORMAL,    { NEW_TAB,          NULL } },

in the mouse section, IIRC. It even worked, but always put the new tab in the foreground. Additionally, I’d much prefer to set this via jumanjirc.

jumanji really is a nice alternative especially due to its variable hinting_letter system and bookmark copmletion. Thanks alot for this easy to understand programme!




#73 2011-05-06 11:26:03

From: Berlin
Registered: 2010-06-15
Posts: 72

Re: jumanji - a web browser

jakob wrote:

First: How may I keep a custom config.h w/o changing the PKGBUILD too much?


cd "$srcdir/$_gitname-build"
cp <PATH_TO_YOUR_CONFI.H> config.h #add this line


I don't know if this is the correct way, but it always worked for me... (And I think it's not too much;)

jakob wrote:

I’d like to have a 1024x1024 window by default

I think you have to edit your config.h for this. At least it's not in the completion when I hit :set [TAB] in jumanji...


#74 2011-05-06 13:55:02

Registered: 2010-10-22
Posts: 2,141

Re: jumanji - a web browser

mahatman2 wrote:

Hey, I'm just curious: I change .Xdefaults colorschemes a lot and I was wondering if it would be possible to change config.h to make those variables read .Xdefaults and use those colors? I don't know any C so I thought who knows? maybe it's easy smile

The only colors that can really be customized seem to be the backgrounds of the status, input and tab bars, and the fonts in them.  So it's quick and easy enough to change them manually. smile


#75 2011-05-10 16:26:51

Registered: 2010-08-18
Posts: 749

Re: jumanji - a web browser


I would like to be able to associates key bindings to JS functions like so:

map <C-,> script previous_page()
map <C-.> script next_page()

Jumanji throws me errors on those lines (at least I think so because the line numbers associated with the errors are not printed).
Is it related to the key binding syntax (where's that syntax documented ?) or to something else ?


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