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I did some googling and found that this is a more widespread problem (See and ). As Ionut Biru posts on both pages, the Settings category does not exist in GNOME 3. Sure enough, line 56 of appears to be related to the loading of the settings section. I have no idea how important the settings section is to the rest of the program; it might be a simple problem or a more ingrained one. Is Alacarte still being maintained? If so, I think this would be something to take up with the developers. Otherwise, it may be time to learn to manually edit the menu files. (see example and element list at … 3.html.en)
but strangely this only happens after I install alacarte in a fresh-install Arch... before, I try to update on another computer and all its functions can be used, only on this computer I experiencing this error
I think that alacarte has been discontinued for GNOME 3. You can enable/disable menu entries using
For making any other changes to menu items you need to edit the .desktop files in /usr/share/applications/
They are not kidding about "simple-editor". Only thing you can do is toggle things shown/hidden. Can't add, can't edit, can't nothing. Pretty effing useless.
Last edited by Jhael (2011-05-07 19:48:58)
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How to Ask Questions the Smart Way
thanks for your concern ewaller, I'm sorry because I forgot to read the forum etiquette policy
it is possibile to add subfolder in the menu?
fabioamd87, please do not necrobump threads. Read the forum rules. Closing...
There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !
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