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na12 wrote:
bmpanel2 theme please?
Arch64/DWM || My Dropbox referral link
Been a while:
wall (gallery perharps) please?
Could I have a copy of the configs for this? I checked your github, but it seems it was last updated in Jan (maybe out of date)?
Also, is that pcmanfm in the bottom right, or what?
Yes it is pcmanfm-mod from AUR. Also I will update my github as soon as I have time. Next day or two. Thanks glad you liked it!
tomd123 wrote:Been a while:
clean (gallery perharps) please?
I have a bunch of unorganized photos, but I don't have a gallery unfortunately.
here you go: have a bunch of unorganized photos, but I don't have a gallery unfortunately.
Wow!! Did you make that? Or do you remember where you downloaded it or who made it? It's amazing!
Thanks sharing, but I even directly copied it to see if I'm messing up, and had no luck. Time to retire back to dwm for tiling.
And another one:
My configuration, since I forgot to add it the first time around:
# General options
set $m Mod4
set $c Control
set $s Shift
set $a Mod1
#font -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--10------iso10646-1
font -*-gohufont-medium-r-*-*-11-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1
floating_modifier $m
new_container tabbed
focus_follows_mouse yes
workspace_bar no
#new_window bp
# Colors
# Item Border Backgnd Foregnd
# ---------------------------------------------
client.focused_inactive #660000 #660000 #AAAAAA
client.focused #990000 #990000 #FFFFFF
client.unfocused #110000 #110000 #666666
client.urgent #FFFF00 #FFFF00 #FF0000
bar.focused #990000 #990000 #FFFFFF
bar.unfocused #330000 #000000 #AAAAAA
bar.urgent #FF0000 #FFFF00 #000000
# Workspace names
workspace 1 Alpha
workspace 2 Beta
workspace 3 Gamma
workspace 4 Delta
workspace 5 Epsilon
workspace 6 Zeta
workspace 7 Eta
workspace 8 Theta
workspace 9 Iota
workspace 10 Kappa
# Fullscreen [m]
bind $m+58 f
# Titlebar stack [s]
bind $m+40 s
# Default (window stack) [d]
bind $m+42 d
# Tabbed [t]
bind $m+41 T
# Float [space]
bind $m+65 t
# F/T layer focus [f]
bind $m+$s+26 focus ft
# Focus window [neui]
bind $m+44 h
bind $m+45 j
bind $m+31 k
bind $m+46 l
# Focus container [neui]
bind $m+$c+44 wch
bind $m+$c+45 wcj
bind $m+$c+31 wck
bind $m+$c+46 wcl
# Snap cantainer [neui]
bind $m+$a+44 sh
bind $m+$a+45 sj
bind $m+$a+31 sk
bind $m+$a+46 sl
# Move window [neui]
bind $m+$s+44 mh
bind $m+$s+45 mj
bind $m+$s+31 mk
bind $m+$s+46 ml
# Move container [neui]
bind $m+$c+$s+44 wcmh
bind $m+$c+$s+45 wcmj
bind $m+$c+$s+31 wcmk
bind $m+$c+$s+46 wcml
# Resize container [r]{[neui],[neui],[Return|Escape]}
mode "resize" {
bind $m+44 resize left -10
bind $m+45 resize bottom +10
bind $m+31 resize top -10
bind $m+46 resize right +10
bind $m+$s+44 resize left +10
bind $m+$s+45 resize bottom -10
bind $m+$s+31 resize top +10
bind $m+$s+46 resize right -10
bind 31 mode default
bind 36 mode default
bind $m+39 mode resize
# Switch workspace [0-9]
bind $m+10 1
bind $m+11 2
bind $m+12 3
bind $m+13 4
bind $m+14 5
bind $m+15 6
bind $m+16 7
bind $m+17 8
bind $m+18 9
bind $m+19 10
# Move window to workspace [0-9]
bind $m+$s+10 m1
bind $m+$s+11 m2
bind $m+$s+12 m3
bind $m+$s+13 m4
bind $m+$s+14 m5
bind $m+$s+15 m6
bind $m+$s+16 m7
bind $m+$s+17 m8
bind $m+$s+18 m9
bind $m+$s+19 m10
# Close window [c]
bind $m+54 kill
# Quit [q]
bind $m+$s+24 exit
# Reload configuration [q]
bind $m+24 reload
# Restart [q]
bind $m+$c+24 restart
# Named focus [j], [k], [g]
bind $m+29 exec i3-input -p 'jump ' -P 'Jump to: '
bind $m+57 exec i3-input -p 'mark ' -P 'Mark: '
bind $m+28 exec i3-input -p 'goto ' -P 'Goto: '
# Socket
ipc-socket ~/.config/i3/ipc.sock
# Assignments
assign "gimp" ~
assign "xsane" ~
assign "wine" ~9
assign "Xephyr" ~
assign "dosbox" ~
#assign "Firefox" 2
#assign "Mirage" 2
# Launch apps
# Autostart
exec barstatus-i3bar
exec reset-trayer
exec feh --bg-fill $HOME/.background
New bash script to grab album art for the currently playing MPD song (top-right conky).
Can you share the Bash script? The script I use is still running on python2 - a bash equivalent would be nice!
Lswest <- the first letter of my username is a lowercase "L".
"...the Linux philosophy is "laugh in the face of danger". Oops. Wrong one. "Do it yourself". That's it." - Linus Torvalds
Been a long time since i posted a shot, so here's my new XFCE home
Last edited by Mountainjew (2011-05-11 13:04:23)
Been a long time since i posted a shot, so here's my new XFCE home
Is that AWN or something else?
Mountainjew wrote:Been a long time since i posted a shot, so here's my new XFCE home
Is that AWN or something else?
'Tis Docky.
Mountainjew wrote:Been a long time since i posted a shot, so here's my new XFCE home
Is that AWN or something else?
Yeah it's docky...Couldn't get awn-bzr to build, so i'm stuck with that...
Can you share the Bash script? The script I use is still running on python2 - a bash equivalent would be nice!
Yeah, sure. I sought out the bash implementation for that exact reason - I kept getting !@#$ syntax errors with all the python scripts I'd tried. Here it is.
#!/bin/bash +x
artist="`mpc -f [%artist%] | sed -n '1 p'`"
album="`mpc -f [%album%] | sed -n '1 p'`"
lastfetch=`cat ~/.covercheck | grep "$artist $album"`
if [[ $lastfetch == "$artist $album" ]]; then
exit 1
rm -f ~/.album
str="`echo $artist $album | sed -e s/\\ /+/g`"
# optional logging
# echo "$artist, $album.$str&itempage=1&newsearch=1&searchindex=Music" > ~/scripts/getcover.log
wget `wget "$str&itempage=1&newsearch=1&searchindex=Music" -q -O - |
grep "" -m 1 |
sed -e 's/" border="0" class="image_border.*//' |
sed -e 's/.*img src="//'` -q -O ~/.album
echo "$artist $album" > ~/.covercheck
It'll give you the cover as .album in your ~ folder, or delete it if it a) can't find one at or b) MPD is stopped. It makes use of mpc package to get artist/album info.
*edit: strange, doesn't seem to be pulling -anything- up right now (tried several titles that worked last night). Go figure. >.>
Last edited by jackalwere89 (2011-05-11 15:58:01)
my first shot since i joined the forum
Looks awesome
What do you need hal for?
MrMars wrote:
my first shot since i joined the forum
Looks awesome
What do you need hal for?
that is awesome-wm, but I have a gnome3 session, and withouth hal I can't seem to mount my hdds in natilus 3.0.
Or maybe I am only too dumb, but I looked for everywhere (google, the wiki, the forums, irc)
It'll give you the cover as .album in your ~ folder, or delete it if it a) can't find one at or b) MPD is stopped. It makes use of mpc package to get artist/album info.
*edit: strange, doesn't seem to be pulling -anything- up right now (tried several titles that worked last night). Go figure. >.>
Lswest <- the first letter of my username is a lowercase "L".
"...the Linux philosophy is "laugh in the face of danger". Oops. Wrong one. "Do it yourself". That's it." - Linus Torvalds
Been a long time since i posted a shot, so here's my new XFCE home
Very nice. This is indeed a good looking replacement for Gnome. Please share some information about your setup: WM theme? Gtk theme? Font?
pretty basic. there's nothing on my desktop which could disctract me
Wallpaper, please?
broken pipe wrote:pretty basic. there's nothing on my desktop which could disctract me
Wallpaper, please?
here you go:
it's a package of wallpapers (~45mb)