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For those (like me) who are still runing into the issue, you might find some info on that thread:
In particular, I learnt that if you create a directory at ~/.Skype/Logs, you might be able to get some debugging info (though the logs I'm getting seems to be in binary).
After I created the Logs directory, skype stopped crashing but I'm guessing it won't survive a reboot (the same happens when you delete /usr/share/skype/sounds).
Finally, I doubt it's a dependency problem because I tried reinstalling skype and the problem was still there.
It crashes the first launch, but usually works on the second.
For me Skype started crashing after either the skype 2.2 or the latest nvidia update with the symptoms mentioned above. Since I don't use it regularly i never bothered to investigate.
Yesterday I switched from the nvidia-blob to the ati radeon driver and since than skype runs flawlessly again.
This might be a random coincidence but I thought I mention it anyway.
edit: this is on KDE4 btw...
Last edited by Namarrgon (2011-04-16 19:43:59)
you need to install:
Robino7: it doesn't help. still craches
I have Skype installed in a 32-bit chroot, and it's working perfectly (voice and video as well). Am also all up to date (have installed), and am not using pulse (just ALSA). I'm also using Intel graphics. I hope the information helps.
Last edited by Sara (2011-04-21 11:02:48)
Registed Linux User 483618
Can someone please post a link or upload Skype 2.1 beta 2 ? I have the same problem with 2.2 and never had it with 2.1. Thanks!
My website - - reviews all the linux distros out there
Here's the Arch Linux review:
Can someone please post a link or upload Skype 2.1 beta 2 ? I have the same problem with 2.2 and never had it with 2.1. Thanks!
Have you heard about ARM ?? You might find it there.
There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !
I have not heard about ARM, what is it?
My website - - reviews all the linux distros out there
Here's the Arch Linux review:
Arch Rollback Machine
There's no such thing as a stupid question, but there sure are a lot of inquisitive idiots !
Fantastic! Thank you, kind sir.
My website - - reviews all the linux distros out there
Here's the Arch Linux review:
As soon as you start the program, you have ~3s to quickly go to options->sound devices to change the settings from default to their respective settings and click apply.
As soon as you start the program, you have ~3s to quickly go to options->sound devices to change the settings from default to their respective settings and click apply.
This kind of reminds me of my old M$ times... where the solution consists in becoming a zen master of the mouse!
For me, creating ~/.Skype/Logs worked.
I think a lot of skypes problems are related to video drivers - my skype was fine on the vesa drivers, but I installed the SIS drivers for my card, which gave me the correct res for my system, and bam! skype starts crashing. Perhaps its connected to dri on video start? My skype only crashes on a video call (audio only is fine), and it resets X when it does it! I know the SIS drivers only have software rendering, and that might be whats causes it.
I think this might be connected to the video drivers - I had skype installed with the vesa drivers, where it ran fine, and when I upgraded the drivers to the sis ones, skype started crashing, badly. I specifically believe its down to dri, as its connected strictly to video calls for me. I can start skype, and run an audio only call, but when I start a video call, it crashes X completely.
Now, it seems to work fine: using 64 bit and pulseaudio.
Probably it's regarding switching from catalyst to the radeon driver?!
Last edited by dejavu (2011-05-05 11:04:27)
Using it alsa it works just fine, video+voice chat also
On my laptop I have the same problem. On my desktop computer everything works fine. (both 64 bit)
What helped for me is kind of banal. When I start skype using Krunner (I'm running KDE) or the K-Menu it doesn't work. But when I open skype using the terminal and the command "skype" there's no problem and it starts everytime.
Creating $HOME/.Skype/Logs also solved the problem for me. (32bit skype on 64bit, alsa only).
In my Debian Sid installation, Skype also crashes instantly, or after trying to press some icon in the main window. After creating ~/.Skype/Logs it apparently works well. Let's see if it stays.
I wonder why on earth do they distribute a buggy software without, at least, leaving the previous version available. So, if someone can please upload Skype 2.1 or give a hint as to where can it be downloaded from (not the ARM), that would be great. I hate to deal with crappy updates. I've been googling the previous version for download but haven't found any.
Same problem here since today. All the time skype ran fine, today it immerdiately crashs after starating with just the message "aborted" in console. Creating the folder "Logs" in "~/.Skype/" did not help either. I use pulse-audio with KDE 4 and an up to date system. Any other suggestions besides downgrading?
Same problem, it just stopped working today...
Same here. I typed a message and pressed enter, skype crashed and now it crashes again after 4 seconds nomatter what!!!
I even don't find an old skype package in the ARM (and I don't have a locally cached version of an old package). Can anybody upload an old version of skype (x64) so that I can test whether an old version works?
Last edited by matse (2011-05-26 12:17:55)
Is this because the skype "linux" server is not replying? Anyone else having trouble?