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By the way, you mentioned setting Emacs to use two different fonts depending on the language. Could you share that part of your config?
(when (or (eq system-type 'gnu/linux) (eq system-type 'linux))
(dolist (target '(japanese-jisx0208
(set-fontset-font "fontset-default" target '("VL PGothic" . "unicode-bmp")))
(setq face-font-rescale-alist '(("-jisx02[^-]*-[^-]*\\'" . 1.4)))
(setq face-font-rescale-alist '((".*VL PGothic.*" . 1.4)))
(set-default-font "DejaVu Sans Mono 10")
(add-to-list 'default-frame-alist '(font . "DejaVu Sans Mono 10"))
This is what I use for the font part. It not only allows you to set different fonts, but to scale them differently. This is obviously intended to change the font only for japanese encoded characters, but you can just add your preferred encoding (since it gets compiled into a list, you just add as many encodings as you want to that list).
It's definitely not the best piece of LISP you'll see on the matter, but it works just fine for me.
Last edited by Lich (2011-06-15 12:06:05)
Archlinux | ratpoison + evilwm | urxvtc | tmux
Could you please share your Xdefaults and rc.lua? )
Could you please share your Xdefaults and rc.lua? )
here's the rc.lua: … 04#p948404
here's the Xdefaults:
! terminal colours
!molokai inspired colors
*color0: #1b1d1e
*color8: #505354
*color1: #f92672
*color9: #ff5995
*color2: #82b414
*color10: #b6e354
*color3: #fd971f
*color11: #feed6c
*color4: #56c2d6
*color12: #8cedff
*color5: #8c54fe
*color13: #9e6ffe
*color6: #465457
*color14: #899ca1
*color7: #ccccc6
*color15: #f8f8f2
What vim colorscheme is that?
Wow! I love those drop shadows!
What WM is that?
What status widgets (conky?) are those on the top right?
And could you please share your .Xresources file?
Amazing! The wallpaper complements your terminal color scheme very well.
Please share your Xresources file! And the URL of your wallpaper too. Thanks.
Amazing! The wallpaper complements your terminal color scheme very well.
Please share your Xresources file! And the URL of your wallpaper too. Thanks.
Just see the above posts to find the colors and the wallpaper
(follow the links i posted for the rc.lua, there's the wallpaper too)
What WM is that?
Looks like FVWM. That is very nice!
Last edited by stlarch (2011-06-15 17:42:51)
I see more and more Wuala icons on the sceenies
zʇıɹɟʇıɹʞsuɐs AUR || Cycling in Budapest with a helmet camera || Revised log levels proposal: "FYI" "WTF" and "OMG" (John Barnette)
Switched back to Compiz instead of subtle. Found out I'm not that much of a keyboard guy. I do have subtle's tiling however, thanks to Compiz' grid plugin.
If you can't sit by a cozy fire with your code in hand enjoying its simplicity and clarity, it needs more work. --Carlos Torres
k3ttc4r wrote:What vim colorscheme is that?
That's a custom one, based on the port of the Railscasts.tmtheme.
Just pushed it to my "dots" repo on Github.
k3ttc4r wrote:Wow! I love those drop shadows!
What WM is that?
What status widgets (conky?) are those on the top right?
And could you please share your .Xresources file?
According to Archey, that is indeed FVWM The "status widgets" are Dzen2.
Xresources are on Github
very nice setup.
:Go Away & Give My Pillow Back!!:
aur pkgbuilds - mostly fortune-mod's & fonts
BTW what's the icon set do you use? )
BTW what's the icon set do you use? )
the menu icon on top-left, is from the Faenza icons. (it is the icon of Chakra, an Arch derivate which i use)
the cyan icons on the panels are just colored .png which i took from
dzen-xbm-pack (it's on the archwiki)
Wow, not sure how I missed this one before. It seems to me that you used to get a lot of praise for your screenshots, but -- and I hope you don't take this the wrong way! -- this warcrime of a screenshot is awful. My eyes...
I've seen young people waste their time reading books about sensitive vampires. It's kinda sad. But you say it's not the end of the world... Well, maybe it is!
mason.larobina wrote:k3ttc4r wrote:What vim colorscheme is that?
That's a custom one, based on the port of the Railscasts.tmtheme.
Just pushed it to my "dots" repo on Github.
Thanks and I really like your terminal colour scheme. However I couldn't get your dotshare.vim working correctly on my machine (either that or it doesn't look very nice in C).
Maybe I'm doing something wrong.
Wow, not sure how I missed this one before. It seems to me that you used to get a lot of praise for your screenshots, but -- and I hope you don't take this the wrong way! -- this warcrime of a screenshot is awful. My eyes...
Warcrime? You're probably older like me, and he's probably younger I'm guessing. Us old guys can't see too well. Programmers seem to like their fonts as small as possible to fit as much on the screen as they can. I personally think it's awesome, I just wish I had the eyes for it. edit: and the knowledge to do it!
Last edited by stlarch (2011-06-16 14:33:57)
Pretty sure it has nothing to do with age, just vision. Some people tend to not like bright colors on dark backgrounds (me included, I suffer from chronic migraines and they get triggered by really bright things). I had the same reaction when I first opened it, too much info onscreen and the colors are a tad too bright for such a dark background. But I like low saturated colors in general, so I guess it's just a matter of preference in the end. dmz's setup seems to be something that took him quoite a while. Nice job, but (IMHO) a little less crowding would do it good.
Last edited by Lich (2011-06-16 15:52:23)
Archlinux | ratpoison + evilwm | urxvtc | tmux
upsidaisium wrote:Wow, not sure how I missed this one before. It seems to me that you used to get a lot of praise for your screenshots, but -- and I hope you don't take this the wrong way! -- this warcrime of a screenshot is awful. My eyes...
Warcrime? You're probably older like me, and he's probably younger I'm guessing. Us old guys can't see too well. Programmers seem to like their fonts as small as possible to fit as much on the screen as they can. I personally think it's awesome, I just wish I had the eyes for it. edit: and the knowledge to do it!
Yeah, it's got nothing to do with age, I am 23 with perfect vision and I too like a bit bigger programming fonts (Consolas 12pt for example). I'm usually sitting like a meter away from my monitor thinking about code I'm writing and I really don't need to exert my eyes in addition to coding.
I'm pretty sure I would go insane coding in k3ttc4r's setup, as much as awesome this shot looks, the fonts there are way too small for my taste.
I admit, I have a habit of being too close to my screen. Actually, I'm not sure what came first - Being to close, and therefore using smaller fonts, or using smaller fonts and therefore being too close to the screen...
Also - the font in that shot is insanely tiny.
I was also using montecarlo,and fell in love with it,but now I use terminus which is far more readable,even though i still love montecarlo.
Share your FVWM config please
upsidaisium wrote:Wow, not sure how I missed this one before. It seems to me that you used to get a lot of praise for your screenshots, but -- and I hope you don't take this the wrong way! -- this warcrime of a screenshot is awful. My eyes...
Warcrime? You're probably older like me, and he's probably younger I'm guessing. Us old guys can't see too well. Programmers seem to like their fonts as small as possible to fit as much on the screen as they can. I personally think it's awesome, I just wish I had the eyes for it. edit: and the knowledge to do it!
Well, 'warcrime' was intended to be an amusing exaggeration. Guess I could have thrown a smilie in there to make it more obvious
For me the real killer in dmz's screen shot is the dark background. And, of course, the extra-bright colours on top don't help much either. The font is small too, but I could probably manage reading it with a plain black-on-white setup. A larger font would be much easier to read though (I'd be able to read with much less effort).
On the topic of colours: a few days ago I decided to try the solarized colours, and I'm surprised how much I like them. I figured I'd hate it and delete the Xresources file right away, but I might keep them.
Last edited by upsidaisium (2011-06-17 01:03:27)
I've seen young people waste their time reading books about sensitive vampires. It's kinda sad. But you say it's not the end of the world... Well, maybe it is!